Actively updated repo for EECS 1720 is now live at our organization page:
commits made while instructing EECS 1720 (winter 2022) (course @York University, Canada)
- live content will be cleaned, edited, and described in logfile and code comments each week on Thursday
- don't worry about the GitHub CLI (command line interface) files.. we will look at git and/or gh during Week 2
- it's there if you're interested though
browser extension demo is in .. extension-demo/
Be sure to check additional info in
recall the different ways to -> chrome://extensions or about:addons
more in-depth version will be in .. more-extension-demo/python mode for processing is in PYTHON/
you should have already installed processing from 1710 - if not instructions are in the folder for now we will run and edit python sketches from within the Processing Development Environment (PDE)
p5js for processing is in P5JS/
this is a bit more work to set up as we will run our own http-servers for now you can copy the sketch code into the p5.js editor on the website and start playing around if you really want to get into the self-serve .. there are some instructions included in the folder
This README file formatted with Markdown :)