This repo holds all the code behind XT play, a web tool for exploring the XTDB database.
It is deployed on an AWS Lambda but can be run locally as a normal web server for ease of development.
This repo is setup to deploy on push to main
, so just merge your PR and go!
For the front end you'll need to install deps:
corepack enable && yarn install
After that for development you'll need two processes:
This can be started with:
npx shadow-cljs watch app
Now shadow-cljs will be watching for changes recompiling. See the shadow-cljs docs for more.
Just start your repl in the ordinary way (or be sneaky like me and use the repl from shadow-cljs (not recommended)).
Then you can start the server by running (go)
in the user
You should than be able to browse a dev build at http://localhost:8000.
M-x cider-jack-in-clj&cljs
Which command should be used (default clojure-cli): shadow-cljs
From the repl:
M-x cider-repl-set-ns user
Switch to namespace: user
user> (watch-deps!) (go!) (browse!)
Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: xtdb/api/Xtdb has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 65.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 55.0
You're likely using the wrong java version for the project to run. Hint: the major version in the project is in the error, make sure you're running the correct java version before running.
-A:cljs:dev (No such file or directory)
Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at (
-A:cljs:dev (No such file or directory)
Check Clojure is installed and up to date
clojure -Sdescribe
{:version ""
:config-files ["/usr/local/lib/clojure/deps.edn" "/home/juxt/.clojure/deps.edn" "deps.edn" ]
:config-user "/home/juxt/.clojure/deps.edn"
:config-project "deps.edn"
:install-dir "/usr/local/lib/clojure"
:config-dir "/home/juxt/.clojure"
:cache-dir ".cpcache"
:force false
:repro false
:main-aliases ""
:repl-aliases ""}
shadow-cljs - Stale Output! Your loaded JS was not produced by the running shadow-cljs instance. Is the watch for this build running?
If the watch did not start properly, you can manually start it by navigating to http://localhost:9630/builds and selecting "Watch". Return to the running XTDB Play and refresh the page. Hot reloads should now be working.
If this doesn't work, try a hard refresh or clearing site data.
Infrastructure is spread across five(!) files, all in the cloudformation
File | Description |
00-github-keys.yml |
Contains the user used by github to deploy |
01-certificate.yml |
Creates the certificate used by CloudFront (must be deployed in us-east-1 ) |
02-lambda-deps.yml |
Contains the things the lambda needs to deploy (an s3 bucket and role |
03-lambda.yml |
The lambda itself, in a separate file so github can deploy just that |
04-domain.yml |
The stuff needed to address the lambda via a static url |
These are glued together by liberal use of ssm parameters and dynamic references.
On initial deployment they must be deployed in the below order.
Initial creation
[!NOTE] Wait for each step to finish deploying before deploying the next stage
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--stack-name xt-play--github \
--template-body "file://$(pwd)/cloudformation/00-github-keys.yml"
Make sure to add the access_key_id and secret_access_key to the github actions secrets.
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--region us-east-1 \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--stack-name xt-play--certificate \
--template-body "file://$(pwd)/cloudformation/01-certificate.yml" \
--parameters ParameterKey=HostedZoneId,ParameterValue=<hostedZoneId> \
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--stack-name xt-play--lambda-deps \
--template-body "file://$(pwd)/cloudformation/02-lambda-deps.yml"
Before running this next step, upload the code to the freshly created s3 bucket.
Look in 03-lambda.yml
for the location.
(Updates to this will mainly be done by github)
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name xt-play--lambda \
--template-body "file://$(pwd)/cloudformation/03-lambda.yml" \
--parameters ParameterKey=PlayCodeVersion,ParameterValue=<versionId>
The certificateArn
here is from 01-certificate.yml, it can't be an ssm parameter due to being in a different region :/
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--stack-name xt-play--domain \
--template-body "file://$(pwd)/cloudformation/04-domain.yml" \
--parameters ParameterKey=HostedZoneId,ParameterValue=<hostedZoneId> \
ParameterKey=HostedZoneName,ParameterValue=<hostedZoneName> \
[!NOTE] To run an update just swap out
To delete a stack either use the AWS Console or run:
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name <stack-name>