Tools for analysing usher results.
is lineage designations and is
downloaded from .
It is used to tune some of the ill-defined branches on usher tree(usually caused by deletions) to their correct form.
is SARS-Cov-2 reference seq.
To analyse, run
python --usher usher.json --important-threshold 2
is the json file downloaded from usher (upload fasta to to get it)
Update on 2024-11-19: Usher now uses the .gz form for those files, please add a .gz to their filename and unzip them before processing.
is the threshold of uploaded seqs for important branches to display.
The program will automatically filter out all seqs of the 2 forms: 1:singlet seqs with >5 reversions compared with a designated lineage 2:undesignated lineages with (spike/Orf9b/new stop codon/start codon removed).
Packages required:
Add highlighted lineage features to highlight samples with too many reversions, branches with additional undesignated Spike or Orf9b mutation, or branches with early stop signal/start codon destroyed.
Link to view important seqs on the most recent uploads (date replaced to the most recent date and num refers to number of seqs (1:0-1000, 2:1000-2000 etc)): Currently updating every 3 days. (2024-7-1)
Update on 2024-11-19: Change analysing period to 4 days due to reduced global sequencing.
Update on 2025-1-20: Add Orf3a as one of the default highlight proteins.
Example for seqs 0-1000 at 7-10(referring to 7-6~7-9 seqs on GISAID):
Tech Report: Lineage Detector: Efficient Tool for Detecting New SARS-Cov-2 Lineages
@article{zou2024lineage, title={Lineage Detector: Efficient Tool for Detecting New SARS-Cov-2 Lineages}, author={Zou, Xu}, journal={bioRxiv}, pages={2024--11}, year={2024}, publisher={Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory} }