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Yogesh Khatri (@swiftforensics) edited this page Oct 10, 2019 · 4 revisions

The NETWORKING plugin gets network interface and DHCP related information. The output of this plugin and is split into three parts. Each is explained below along with the corresponding file that is parsed. There are many places where artifacts are pulled from. See below for details.

Artifact File Path
Interface /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist
Connected Interfaces /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/NetworkInterfaces.plist
IPAddress /private/var/db/dhcpclient/DUID_IA.plist
DHCP Leases /private/var/db/dhcpclient/leases/en1-1,xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

This plugin does not support standalone mode.

Sample Usage

$ python -x -o ~/Case_Output E01 ~/Acquisition.E01 NETWORKING



Field Name Notes
Interface Name of Interface
MAC_Address Interface's MAC address
IPAddress Interface's IPv4 address
LeaseLength Length of lease-time (in seconds)
LeaseStartDate Start date/time of lease
PacketData Data stored as "Packet Data" (in hexadecimal)
RouterHardwareAddress MAC address of router
RouterIPAddress IP address of router
SSID SSID of wireless network connected to this interface
Source Source file from which DHCP information was retrieved


Field Name Notes
Category Category of device; should be "INTERFACE"
Active (Boolean) Whether or not that device is currently active
BSD Name BSD/interface name
IOBuiltin (Boolean) If the interface is currently active, whether or not the IO interface is built-in
IOInterfaceNamePrefix Prefix to the IO interface
IOInterfaceType Type of network interface that this interface represents (common 6 is Ethernet, reference bsd/net/if_types.h for full list of other IO Interface Types)
IOInterfaceUnit The unit number assigned to the interface object
IOMACAddress MAC address of the interface
IOPathMatch Path of the interface
SCNetworkInterfaceInfo User-defined name of interface
SCNetworkInterfaceType Type associated with the interface
Source Source file from which interface information was retrieved


Field Name Notes
UUID Universally Unique Identifier of the associated interface
IPv4.ConfigMethod Method used to configure IPv4 address. Can be configured with DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) or PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)
IPv6.ConfigMethod Method used to configure IPv6 address. Can be configured with DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) or PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)
DeviceName Name of the interface device
Hardware Hardware type associated with interface
Type Type of interface
SubType Sub-Type of interface (if applicable)
UserDefinedName User-Defined Name of interface
Proxies.ExceptionsList Exceptions listed to the proxy (such as hosts or IPs)
SMB.NetBIOSName NetBIOS name associated with service (if applicable) within a Server Message Block
SMB.Workgroup Workgroup to which the service belongs (if applicable) within a Server Message Block
PPP Parameters or other information pertaining to Peer-to-Peer Protocol (PPP) (if applicable)
Modem Parameters or other information pertaining to Modem configuration (if applicable)
Source Source file from which Network Details were retrieved

Each item listed below is an individual sheet/table. All are included when running this plugin.




*Incomplete output.

Getting Started



  • Write a Plugin
  • Plugin Helpers
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