State of the Art is a web application game about masterpiece auction.
Utilized Vue.js and three.js for frontend, and Node.js, Express, and MySQL for backend implementations.
The features include:
- Art Museum implemented with three.js
- Masterpiece auction
- Game for earning auction money
- Mypage for listing collections and wishList
- ArtInfo page for setting my wishlist
- Register, login, and logout
Code for frontend is here:
Art museum for showning one's own collections.
Made a 3D museum using Three.js, and page can be rotated vertically and horizontally.
Real-time art auction bidding page using socket programming, which multiple users can participate in the bidding.
If one succeeds in bidding, the money he/she owns will be deducted accordingly.
Users can earn money for auctions in MiniGame.
Users can select drawings and put in their wishlist. User's mypage gets updated accordingly after selection.
Login/Register page. Utilized tokens for security.
Socket programming was needed for real-time auction bidding of masterpieces.
npm ws (websocket) package was used.
MySQL tables for project database:
- Yeeun Song, [email protected]
- Chanyoung Kim, [email protected]
- Cassidy Nayeon Jung, [email protected]