The package provides:
that has static methods to work with arrays;ArraySorter
that has static methods for sort arrays;ArrayAccessTrait
provides the implementation for \IteratorAggregate, \ArrayAccess and \Countable;ArrayableInterface
for use in classes who want to support customizable representation of their instances.
- PHP 8.1 or higher.
composer require yiisoft/arrays
Array helper methods are static so usage is like the following:
$username = \Yiisoft\Arrays\ArrayHelper::getValue($_POST, 'username');
Overall the helper has the following method groups.
- getValue
- getValueByPath
- getColumn
- getObjectVars
- addValue
- addValueByPath
- setValue
- setValueByPath
- remove
- removeByPath
- removeValue
- isIndexed
- isAssociative
- htmlDecode
- htmlEncode
- isIn
- isSubset
- index
- group
- filter
- map
- merge
- parametrizedMerge
- renameKey
- toArray
- keyExists
- pathExists
Array sorter has one static method which usage is like the following:
\Yiisoft\Arrays\ArraySorter::multisort($data, ['age', 'name'], [SORT_ASC, SORT_DESC]);
provides the implementation for
\ArrayAccess and
Note that ArrayAccessTrait
requires the class using it contain a property named data
which should be an array.
The data will be exposed by ArrayAccessTrait to support accessing the class object like an array.
Example of use:
use \Yiisoft\Arrays\ArrayAccessTrait;
class OfficeClassification implements \IteratorAggregate, \ArrayAccess, \Countable
use ArrayAccessTrait;
public array $data = [
'a' => 'Class A',
'b' => 'Class B',
'c' => 'Class C',
$classification = new OfficeClassification();
echo 'Count classes: ' . $classification->count() . "\n"; // 3
$iterator = $classification->getIterator();
while ($iterator->valid()) {
echo $iterator->current() . "\n"; // Class A, Class B, Class C
and its implementation ArrayableTrait
intended for use in classes who want to support customizable representation of their instances.
Example of use:
use \Yiisoft\Arrays\ArrayableTrait;
use \Yiisoft\Arrays\ArrayableInterface;
class Car implements ArrayableInterface
use ArrayableTrait;
public string $type = 'Crossover';
public string $color = 'Red';
public int $torque = 472;
$car = new Car();
$data = $car->toArray(['type', 'color']); // ['type' => 'Crossover', 'color' => 'Red']
If you need help or have a question, the Yii Forum is a good place for that. You may also check out other Yii Community Resources.
The Yii Arrays is free software. It is released under the terms of the BSD License.
Please see LICENSE
for more information.
Maintained by Yii Software.