A simple Kafka client written in Erlang.
- support configuration from zookeeper or Kafka brokers
- auto reconnect to new broker when old one down
- producer do NOT need to care the partitions, just focus to produce
- support to load the group offset that consumed last time
- support consumer offset auto commit to zookeeper or Kafka group coordinator broker
- for producer, call
- for consumer client, call
Both arguments need a topic name. Note that this operation is async, and if topic name is invalid, ekafka will down. If you are not sure about the topic name, call
which will convert the input string to a valid topic name.
To produce any message to Kafka, just call
{error, no_topic} means the topic does not exist. {error, server_down} means the lead broker has changed, you can re-call produce immediately which will be balanced to other partitions {error, server_error} is an Kafka server error, and please check logs for detail ok
If you don't care the partition, just call
This call will be blocked until received messages from any one partition.
The following function can get the partition list for specified topic
And you can call
to consume messages from a specified topic. This function will be blocked until messages received also.
More un-blocking API will be added later.
{ekafka, [{conf, [
{brokers, [{1, {{10,142,99,87},9092}}, {2, {{10,142,99,88},9092}}, {3, {{10,142,99,89}, 9092}}]},
%%{zookeeper, [{{10,142,99,87},2181,30000,10000}, {{10,142,99,88},2182,30000,10000}, {{10,142,99,89},2183,30000,10000}]},
%% for producer
{produce_workers, 8},
{wait_all_servers, true},
{hash_partition_by_key, false},
%% for consumer
{auto_commit_timeout, 30000},
{consume_block_timeout, 500},
{consume_from_beginning, true},
{max_message_bytes, 1048576}
]} ]}
- If zookeeper is specified, the topic metadata will be retrieved from zookeeper. If topic is not exist, a random broker will be called to create it.
- If zookeeper is not set, brokers must be in configuration. Or we cannot work.
- produce_workers can set max worker process count for each partition of a producer, default is 8.
- wait_all_servers means if we need to wait all Kafka replicas when producing, default is false.
- hash_partition_by_key can hash the message to a specified partition when producing, default is false.
- auto_commit_timeout
- consume_block_timeout, Kafka server blocking time when consuming.
- consume_from_beginning, when consumed offset cannot be found from Kafka or zookeeper, which offset should be started to consume, default is from beginning.
- max_message_bytes, max message bytes for each partition when consuming.