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Instructions for Exchanges

viaNull edited this page Oct 18, 2018 · 15 revisions

Instructions for Exchanges

We here describe how to interface your exchange with the YOYOW blockchain step-by-step.



The recommended hardware by now is a VPS with 2 Cores , 4GB of RAM and 40GB HDD.

Supported platforms:

  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64 bit
  • Windows Servers 64 bit

We'll take Ubuntu as an example in this document.


Disable the default time-syncing daemon (timedated) and install NTPD:

sudo timedatectl set-ntp false
sudo apt-get -y install ntp


Register an account with Instruction is here. Save your account ID number for later use.

Get the private keys of your account. Instruction is here. We'll need 3 keys for integration:

  • Active key: for transferring funds out
  • Secondary key: for collecting points to pay fees
  • Memo key: for encrypting/decrypting memos

Business Logic

An exchange uses an account (or more) for processing deposits/withdrawals.

  • Deposits: assign a unique identifier to every customer, for example salted hash of user ID. Every customer transfer funds to the exchange's account with different identifiers as memo, so the exchange can know a deposit is for which customer.
  • Withdrawals: transfer funds from the exchange's account to an account the customer requested, with an optional memo that the customer may have requested. An optional memo is needed, because some customers may want to withdraw funds to another exchange directly.


As of writing, only binaries are available for download (link). After downloaded, extract the files.

Take version 0.2.1 For example:

tar xzf yoyow-node-v0.2.1-ubuntu-20180313.tgz
tar xzf yoyow-client-v0.2.1-ubuntu-20180313.tgz

PS: Make sure that released file is up to date!

Start YOYOW Node

The node need to be always running. One way to archive this is to run it with screen. If you don't have screen, install it:

sudo apt-get -y install screen

Start the node inside screen:

screen -S yoyow_node
./yoyow_node --rpc-endpoint


  1. Start the node with --rpc-endpoint so we can interact with it via RPC call. In the example the node will listen on address and port 8090.
  2. The following parameters indicate how many history records are kept for each account. The default value is 1000. For exchanges, if there are more recharge and withdrawal records, consider setting a larger value, e.g.:
max-ops-per-account = 1000

modify to

max-ops-per-account = 1000000

It will retain one million data. Earlier data is deleted from memory and cannot be queried quickly (but still recorded on the chain).

  1. The following two parameters will greatly reduce the memory required for the operation, the principle is not to save the historical data index that is not related to the exchange account.
track-account = [25638]
partial-operations = true

Please replace "25638" with the account ID you need. Note: The default track-account in config.ini has a "#" symbol and needs to be deleted. If you need to monitor multiple accounts, use the following configuration:

track-account = [25638,25997]
partial-operations = true

The node then will download blocks from the p2p network. When it's done (in sync), in the console there will be new messages showing every 3 seconds, like these:

789216ms th_a       application.cpp:574           handle_block         ] Got block: #355797 00056dd54878c05849e2dcd731c9ee364398b0d2 time: 2017-09-18T19:13:09 latency: 216 ms from: 27662/init8  irreversible: 355787 (-10)
792527ms th_a       application.cpp:574           handle_block         ] Got block: #355798 00056dd613f39f1ad6c0c3fdb00a56c60f44ab1c time: 2017-09-18T19:13:12 latency: 526 ms from: 499381505/yoyo499381505  irreversible: 355788 (-10)

If need to terminate the node, press Ctrl+C, or send SIGINT or SIGTERM signal to the process, then wait for a while, the node will stop by itself.

Start YOYOW Client

First Run

Start another screen session, run yoyow_client inside:

screen -S yoyow_client
./yoyow_client -s ws:// -H


  1. Use -s option to connect the client to the node.
  2. Use -H option to start a HTTP-RPC service so we can interact with the client from another process, E.G. a script to process funds deposit/withdrawal.
  3. The node won't start listening on the RPC port until finished replaying, so please be patient in this case.
  4. You can connect multiple clients to one node, but don't use the same -H option.

For the first time when running yoyow_client, after connected to the node, it will show:

Please use the set_password method to initialize a new wallet before continuing
new >>>

So we set a password, it will be used to create and encrypt a wallet file:

new >>> set_password my-password
set_password my-password
locked >>>

When there is already a wallet file, if we run yoyow_client, it will show locked >>> as well.

Then we unlock the wallet:

locked >>> unlock my-password
unlock my-password
unlocked >>>

Now we import the 3 private keys into the client, they will be encrypted then saved in the wallet file. The syntax is:

import_key [account_ID] [wif_private_key]

Assume your account ID is 123456789, and you have the keys, we need to execute import_key command 3 times, one time for one key. For example:

unlocked >>> import_key 123456789 5Hqwx3xXMYZ55Pko9nzw34234234nXHcGfNQjNEL23424w7Py
import_key 123456789 5Hqwx3xXMYZ55Pko9nzw34234234nXHcGfNQjNEL23424w7Py
2993104ms th_a       wallet.cpp:820                save_wallet_file     ] saving wallet to file wallet.json
unlocked >>> import_key 123456789 5JKoYzQ4sYZoDYwreyrsfsd32466MsCFNoxRE23nExaRi6SY3
import_key 123456789 5JKoYzQ4sYZoDYwreyrsfsd32466MsCFNoxRE23nExaRi6SY3
2993104ms th_a       wallet.cpp:820                save_wallet_file     ] saving wallet to file wallet.json
unlocked >>> import_key 123456789 5HttjgBSb45368989etfhsserVtt69cWcExteq6RktpAYXNTT
import_key 123456789 5HttjgBSb45368989etfhsserVtt69cWcExteq6RktpAYXNTT
2993104ms th_a       wallet.cpp:820                save_wallet_file     ] saving wallet to file wallet.json
unlocked >>>

The info Command

We can check network status with info command:

unlocked >>> info
  "head_block_num": 377867,
  "head_block_id": "0005c40b41f6d79d762b1ff81c7affc7ae82a894",
  "head_block_time": "2017-09-18T19:37:39",
  "head_block_age": "0 second old",
  "last_irreversible_block_num": 377857,
  "chain_id": "3505e367fe6cde243f2a1c39bd8e58557e23271dd6cbf4b29a8dc8c44c9af8fe",
  "participation": "100.00000000000000000",
  "active_witnesses": [[

The get_block Command

We can get the details of a specified block with get_block command. The syntax is:

get_block [block_number]

For example:

unlocked >>> get_block 1

The get_full_account Command

We can check the account info with get_full_account command:

unlocked >>> get_full_account 123456789
get_full_account 123456789
  "account": {
    "uid": 123456789,
  "statistics": {
    "owner": 123456789,
    "total_ops": 30220,
    "prepaid": 0,
    "csaf": 37424828,
    "core_balance": "44672014515",
    "core_leased_in": 0,

Note: the "statistics" data is useful for integration.

  • "csaf" is points, which will be used to pay transaction fees. Balances have 5 decimal digits in YOYOW, and the currency is YOYO, so "csaf": 37424828 means 374.24828 YOYO.
  • "core_balance" is balance of the account. "core_balance": "44672014515" means 446,720.14515 YOYO.
  • Please be aware numbers will be surrounded with quotation marks when bigger than 2^32, as shown above for core_balance but not for csaf.

The transfer Command

We can use the transfer command to transfer funds. The syntax is:

transfer [from] [to] [amount] YOYO [memo] [broadcast]

For example:

unlocked >>> transfer 123456789 987654321 1.2345 YOYO "thisismemo" true


  • amount can only have at most 5 decimal digits.
  • if set broadcast to true, the signed transaction will be broadcast to the p2p network. Use false for testing.

The get_transaction_id Command

We can use the get_transaction_id command to get the hash of a transaction. The syntax is:

get_transaction_id [transaction_in_json]

This command is useful for integration.

The get_relative_account_history Command

We can use the get_relative_account_history command to check our transaction history. The syntax is:

get_relative_account_history [account] [operation_type] [start] [limit] [end]

For example:

unlocked >>> get_relative_account_history 123456789 null 1 10 10
unlocked >>> get_relative_account_history 123456789 0 11 10 20


  • For operation_type, use null to get all operations, use 0 to get transfers only.
  • For end, use 0 to get the most recent records.
  • Result will be in range of [start, end]; if limit is smaller than the number of records in [start, end], the latest records will be returned.
  • Result is sorted in "latest first" order.

The collect_csaf Command

We can use the collect_csaf command to collect points which will be needed to pay transaction fees. The syntax is:

collect_csaf [from_account] [to_account] [amount] YOYO [broadcast]

For example:

unlocked >>> collect_csaf 123456789 123456789 10 YOYO true


  • If you have some YOYO in your account, it will accumulate points as time goes by. The accumulation speed has a linear relationship with account balance. Usually for exchanges the accumulated points should be enough to pay transaction fees.
  • Points need to be collected before can be used to pay transaction fees, so we have this command.
  • Although funds in balance can be used to pay transaction fees as well in the back end, current implementation of yoyow_client will only try to pay fees with points (except raw-transaction signing). If you don't have enough points in the account, most commands will fail. So it's important to keep a certain amount of points in the account.

How to Close

Press Ctrl+D if the client is running in Ubuntu.

Access the Client via HTTP-RPC

When HTTP-RPC is enabled, we can access the client via HTTP-RPC call. All commands are usable. For example:

curl -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "info", "params": [], "id": 1}'
curl -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "transfer", "params": [123456789,123456789,"1","YOYO",null,true], "id": 1}'
curl -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "get_relative_account_history", "params": [123456789,0,1,10,10], "id": 1}'


  • Use http as protocol
  • Request /rpc but not /
  • Not like the interactive CLI, the results of HTTP-RPC calls are formatted in json
  • In the request, amounts have 5 decimal digits; in the response, amounts have no decimal point, instead, amounts are multiplied by 10^5.

Process Deposits

Check Node Status

Get the last_irreversible_block_num data with the info command (via HTTP-RPC). Only blocks earlier than this block is reliable.

Check Account History

  1. Firstly, Use get_relative_account_history command/API to get the latest sequence number:
curl -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "get_relative_account_history", "params": [123456789,0,0,1,0], "id": 1}'

If the result, response["result"] is empty, means we have no deposit at all. If it's not empty, we get response["result"][0]["sequence"] as maximum_sequence.

If maximum_sequence is bigger than the last sequence we've saved, it means there are new records to be processed.

  1. Use get_relative_account_history command/API to check for new records. For example, if last recorded sequence is 100, and maximum_sequence is 200, we can check from 101, for at most 100 records, to 200:
curl -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "get_relative_account_history", "params": [123456789,0,101,100,200], "id": 1}'

The returned result, result=response["result"], is an array. If the array is empty, it means no new deposit. If it's not empty, the N'th record result[N] should be like:

      "memo": "a1b2c3d4",
      "description": "Transfer 100 YOYO from 204501630 to 123456789 -- Memo: a1b2c3d4   (Fee: 0.20898 YOYO)",
      "sequence": 101,
      "op": {
        "op": [
            "fee": {
              "total": {
                "amount": 20898,
                "asset_id": 0
              "options": {
                "from_balance": {
                  "amount": 20898,
                  "asset_id": 0
            "from": 204501630,
            "to": 123456789,
            "amount": {
              "amount": 10000000,
              "asset_id": 0
            "memo": {
              "from": "YYW6U528P71X6V87765245356aPBPpDwwRp7urUiXYtFLHmrXRsN3u",
              "to": "YYW5eA89yqwerhdfghrjtr3452376trtyU6LD7a1kmvwYa5h51rDxr",
              "nonce": "3457645755345345",
              "message": "0938457345937abcdef3098945"
            "extensions": {
              "from_balance": {
                "amount": 10000000,
                "asset_id": 0
              "to_balance": {
                "amount": 10000000,
                "asset_id": 0
        "result": [
        "block_timestamp": "2017-09-08T11:14:15",
        "block_num": 223355,
        "trx_in_block": 0,
        "op_in_trx": 0,
        "virtual_op": 8795
  • Get result[N]["op"]["block_num"], if it's smaller than last_irreversible_block_num, then it's reliable, need to be processed.
  • Get result[N]["op"]["op"][0], if it's 0, then it's a transfer. (Although it should always be 0 if we request transfers only)
  • Get result[N]["op"]["op"][1]["to"], if it's same as our account ID, then this transfer is a deposit
  • Check if result[N]["op"]["op"][1]["amount"]["asset_id"] is 0, means it's YOYO asset
  • Get result[N]["op"]["op"][1]["amount"]["amount"], it's the amount. Remember to add the decimal point (5 digits).
  • Get result[N]["memo"], it should have been decrypted already, it's an identifier to the customer, process it.
  • Save result[N]["sequence"] as last processed sequence
  • Get result[N]["op"]["trx_in_block"] for later use
  • Use get_block command/API to get this transfer's transaction ID/Hash (change the parameter to the block_num):
curl -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "get_block", "params": [160000], "id": 1}'

From the response, new_response, save new_response["result"]["transaction_ids"][trx_in_block] as the transaction ID/hash of this deposit for future use.


  • To be able to decrypt memo, the client need to be unlocked, and the memo private key need to be in the wallet.

Process Withdrawal Requests

Check Node Status

To be safe, we can only process withdrawal requests when node status is normal.

Check with the info command/API.

  • head_block_time should be no more than 15 seconds old
  • participation should be more than 80, which means 80% of block producers are online

Check Account Balance and Points

Check with the get_full_account command/API.

If points are not enough for paying transaction fee, collect more points with collect_csaf command/API.

Send funds

  1. Use the transfer command/API to send out funds.

Note: take care of decimal digits.

Save the returned json for future use.

  1. Get the transaction ID/hash with get_transaction_id command/API, save it for future use.

Re-check / Follow-up

Similar to the deposit processing steps, when found an outgoing transfer, save the transaction ID/hash, block number and etc for future use.

Trouble shooting

Every transaction has an expiration field. If the transaction hasn't been included in any block for some reason, and the timestamp of block whose number is last_irreversible_block_num is later than the expiration field of the transaction, the transaction won't be included in current chain, so it's safe to try to transfer again.

Sample Code