perfdataloader: make table data load dependency available
- JDK17 or higher
- maven 3.6 or higher
- Git recent version
Quickstart (release build)
This will download benchbase-yugabyte.tgz
, which can be extracted,
tar xvzf benchbase-yugabyte.tgz
cd benchbase-yugabyte
Inside this folder, you can run Featurebench with your YAML. For example, to execute a microbenchmark,
java -jar benchbase.jar -b featurebench -c config/yugabyte/sample_featurebench_config.yaml --create=true --load=true --execute=true
Quickstart (source code)
To clone and build BenchBase using the yugabyte
git clone --depth 1
cd benchbase
./mvnw clean package -P yugabyte -DskipTests
# you can also use ./
This produces artifacts in the target
folder, which can be extracted,
cd target
tar xvzf benchbase-yugabyte.tgz
cd benchbase-yugbayte
Inside this folder, you can run Featurebench with your YAML. For example, to execute a microbenchmark,
java -jar benchbase.jar -b featurebench -c config/yugabyte/sample_featurebench_config.yaml --create=true --load=true --execute=true
Perf Dataloader
Used to infer the table schema from the database and generate a benchbase interpreted input yaml file which can be used to load sample data into the table.
This tool is integrated inside benchbase so that the users don't have to install additional tools for using it. All existing functionalities from yugabyte/benchbase should work as it is.
How to use:
#$./perf-data-loader --help
Usage: ./perf-data-loader --config <config_file> --table-name <table_name> --rows <rows> [--gen-config-only] [--load-only]
Short forms: -c <config_file> -t <table_name> -r <rows>
-c, --config Configuration file
-t, --table-name Table name
-r, --rows Number of rows
--gen-config-only Only generate the loader/config file
--load-only Only load data into the database
-h, --help Display this help message
- to only generate the loader file(skip the actual load). This will generate the yaml file _loader.yaml which can be used in loading the data.
./perf-data-loader --config <config_file> --table-name <table_name> --rows <rows> --gen-config-only
- to only load the data(when your loader file is already generate)
./perf-data-loader --config <config_file> --load-only
- to generate the loader yaml file and load the data in one go
./perf-data-loader --config <config_file> --table-name <table_name> --rows <rows>
the input yaml file should have following content
driver: com.yugabyte.Driver
url: jdbc:yugabytedb://localhost:5433/yugabyte?sslmode=require&reWriteBatchedInserts=true
username: yugabyte
password: password
tablename: {{tableName}}
rows: {{rows}}
Caveat/In-progress items for perf-data-loader
- partitioned tables are not yet supported.
- columns with user defined data types are not yet supported.