Multiple sequence alignments and trees from:
Conservation of evolutionary potential in a rapidly declining subfamily of endangered Hawaiian tree snails (Achatinellinae: Achatinellidae)
File | Description |
mtgenome_raw_alignment_59_Achatinellinae.fasta | Raw alignment of partial and complete mitochondrial genomes |
mtdna_RAW_GTRAGAMMAI.RAXML.nwk | RAXML tree of raw alginment |
mtgenome_alignment_59_Achatinellinae_refinegapsstrip60.phy | Alignment with columns with > 60% of gaps stripped |
mtdna_phymlgap60.nwk | PhyML tree of alignment with columns with > 60% of gaps stripped |
SNPs_min_filtered_RAxML_manualcoustom.nwk | Minimally filtered genome wide SNP RAxML tree |
mtgenome_IQ-TREE.nwk | Partitioned and modeled mitochondrial genome tree |