This project contains a Clojure ”server” (src/main/server.clj) and a ClojureScript frontend, managed by shadow-cljs. The project is also configured to automatically give you Portal help with navigating data.
As of this writing, Calva is assumed. Let's hope we can see config added for other Clojure development environments too. PRs welcome!
npm i
With Calva and the Portal VS Code extension installed:
- Open the project in VS Code
- Run: Calva: Start Project REPL and Connect (aka Jack-in)
- Select the project type: shadow-portal
The REPL should start and the Portal webview should appear.
There are taps in test/main/server_test.clj and test/main/core_test.cljs. Run the tests in the REPL and see the taps in Portal.
The project is configured to use Portal nREPL middleware. Which makes all evaluation results go to Portal. With the benefits mentioned at the Portal docs page just linked. This is configured in shadow-cljs.edn.
The project is configured to use dependencies from deps.edn. There's a commented config in shadow-cljs.edn that lets you use the also provided Leiningen project file, project.clj.
NB: The nREPL middleware will not send stdout
to Portal. This is probably by designed so not listed in Doesn't work below.
The taps for test/main/core_test.cljs doesn't happen for the :test
shadow-cljs build, which runs the tests every time shadow reloads code. @djblue and I are looking at this. We intend to make it work.
The code for starting Portal and open the webview is in env/dev/portal/setup.clj, this is started as part of the REPL connection from .vscode/settings.json
The code for adding the ClojureScript tap is in env/dev/portal/setup.cljs. It is loaded by shadow-cljs from shadow-cljs.edn. (Where it is configured both for the :app
and the :test