App is live at
Skills/technologies to level up:
- UML structure and behaviour diagrams
- Software development planning and tasks estimation
- CI/CD pipeline setup
- Time spent on tasks tracking
- Apply OOP design patterns
- Typescript
- NodeJs
- Ionic
- Tailwind CSS
- Web Components
At this iteration focus is only on main appointment registration use case. Login, user profile, appointment editing, map and other functionalities will be left to next iterations.
At this sprint focus is on frontend/UX part. Data from BE will be hardcoded.
- CI and CD pipeline (with hosting setup) (estimated: 1d, actual: 1d) 👏
- NodeJs backend (with SQL db and contracts) (2d)
- API layer according to BE contracts
- Ionic setup (1d)
- Navigation bar for appointment registraiton steps (1d)
- Top bar with current step info, logo and menu button (0.5d)
- Menu dropdown (hamburger) (0.5d)
- List of saloon categories (0.5d)
- List of saloons (1d)
- Saloon details (0.5d)
- Employee selection (0.5d)
- Date and time selection (2d)
- Final appointment info (1d)