This repository collects notes, handouts, and other materials from the PhysiCell curriculum at the UCI Systems Biology Short Course (June 13, 2022.) See more at
The majority of the PhysiCell session will be run using online web models, with optional work on C++ for the more advanced part of the session.
Participants should create a nanoHUB account in advance at I suggest using the Google login option.
Our session will use the pc4learning web app. For best results, use a fast connection.
Participants not familiar with GitHub may want to use their very convenient desktop client. Get it at
By Sunday (June 12th), full slides and materials will be available here on GitHub at
I suggest cloning the whole repository with GitHub. Then you'll have a copy of all slides and code. Moreover, you can easily check for and download any updates.
The last part of the session will extend our web-based models to add C++ functions for more model dynamics. To participate in this part of the session, run our setup tutorials found at
The live slides for the session are available here: UCI-sysbio-2022 live version
I also give extended slides here: UCI-sysbio-2022 extended version. The slides include:
- additional mathematical detail
- complete the Part II online example
- complete the Part III C++ extension
Full source code for the example is available at: