- converge part1 -- point free function style - part1
- converge part2 -- point free function style - part2
- useWith -- point free function, for multi args function
- point-free-style -- different between using converge & useWith
- pipe -- FP pipe
- composeP & pipeP -- compose Promise and pipe Promise
- uncurryN -- uncurryN a third party lib if need to overwrite function
- invoker & constructN -- showing how to convert object methods into composable functions
- tryCatch -- error handling
- Write my own compose -- write own compose and composeAll function
- partition -- filter, reject, partition, different ways to davide an array
- chain -- flatMap, get unique array from a nested array, also an example how to use R.tap
- unfold -- generate list of array
- fromPairs -- from [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']] to {a: b, c: d}
- countBy -- showing countBy and invert
- allPass -- showing all pass for condition check
- zip -- zip, zipObj to convert list to object style
- without -- without, remove items from array
- evolve -- showing how to update object's props values in a more understandable way
- lens & lensProp -- showing how to update object props by using lens or lensProp
- path -- Get nested object value
- project -- a clean way to replace R.map(R.pick['prop1', 'prop2'])
- where -- combine where with filter, to make it really convenient writing complex predicts function
- pick & omit -- showing how to get object by props by condition, difference between R.pickAll (return objects) & R.prop (return value)
- toPairs -- showing how to convert an object to query string using toPairs / also see fromPairs
- sortWith -- showing the difference between sort, sortWith, sortBy