The CLI program pulls tickets from Zendesk and displays them locally.
Follow the commands below to install the program.
> git clone
> cd zcc_ticket_viewer
> pip install -r requirements.txt
To generate and enable API token access, see
Before running the program, update src/config.ini to include your sudomain, email, and api token. See example below.
> vim src/config.ini
---------config file---------
subdomain=<change to your_subdomain>
email=<change to your_email>
api_token=<change to your_token>
After completed the steps above, run the program with the following command.
python3 src/
When the program starts, it displays the main menu.
Ticket Viewer Menu
1: List all tickets
2: List one ticket
q: Quit
: Lists all tickets with their id, subject, status, priority, and time of update.
: Displays one ticket with additional details, requester id, assignee id, description, and time of creating the ticket.
: Ends and exits the program.
If 1
is inputted, then the following is displayed.
List All Tickets
1: Previous page
2: Next page
z: Return to main menu
q: Quit
Each page shows a maximum of 25 tickets. Remember to expand/resize your terminal so the 25 tickets fit in the terminal; or scroll up to see the first few tickets.
: Goes to the previous page
: Goes to the next page
: Returns to the main menu
: Ends and exits the program
To start viewing the first page, input 2
When there are no previous or next page, the screen will display Reached the end
To see the command options again, input x
If 2
is inputted, then the following is displayed.
List One Ticket
z: Return to main menu
q: Quit
: Returns to the main menu
: Ends and exits the program
To view a ticket, input its ticket id.
If the ticket does not exist, the screen will display Ticket not found
To see the command options again, input x
Lucy Lu
To run the unit tests for this program, use the command below.
python3 -m unittest