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Spatial joint profiling of DNA methylome and transcriptome (Spatial-DMT)


This repository is for raw data processing and downstream data analysis & visualization code in the "Spatial joint profiling of DNA methylome and transcriptome in mammalian tissues" manuscript.

Computational workflow for spatial-DMT data processing and analysis

Data analysis instructions


1. Data preprocessing

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) was performed using an Illumina NovaSeq 6000 sequencer (150bp paired-end mode). Read 1 contains the genome sequences, and Read 2 contains the spatial Barcode A & B and UMIs (mRNA).

The preprocessing pipeline for both spatial DNA methylation and spatial RNA data was built upon the Snakemake workflow management.

- For RNA data:

Change all the directories in the Snakefile to obtain RNA count matrices:



(1) Setup of directories and files: Automate the generation of directories to store each sample's raw and processed data.

(2)filter_primer: Use bbduk to filter sequences containing primers from the reads.

(3)filter_L1 & filter_L2: Apply additional filters to select reads with specific linker sequences.

(4)fq_process: Extract spatial barcodes and UMIs and reformats data.

(5)star_solo: Align reads to a reference genome (e.g. mm10) using STAR.

- For DNA methylation data:

Change the config ID to the data ID number. To obtain BISCUIT QC results:

runSnakemake --config ID=SpMETSLE17DM ref=mm10 --snakefile /mnt/isilon/zhoulab/labpipelines/Snakefiles/20230602_SpatialMethSeq.smk biscuit_qc_all

To obtain CG levels:

runSnakemake --config ID=SpMETSLE17DM ref=mm10 --snakefile /mnt/isilon/zhoulab/labpipelines/Snakefiles/20230602_SpatialMethSeq.smk feature_mean_all`

To obtain CH levels:

runSnakemake --config ID=SpMETSLE17DM ref=mm10 --snakefile /mnt/isilon/zhoulab/labpipelines/Snakefiles/20230602_SpatialMethSeq.smk feature_mean_allc_all


(1)trim_all: Trim the fastq files using

(2)demultiplex_all: Split all the reads based on the barcodes, obtain 2500 fastq files.

(3)biscuit_align_all : Align reads to a reference genome (e.g. mm10) using BISCUIT.

(4)biscuit_pileup_all: Identify all the CG and call the methylation at those sites.

(5)biscuit_qc_all: Quality check for alignment and methylation calling.

(6)feature_mean_all: Obtain average methylation over selected windows.

(7)biscuit_pileup_allc_all: Identify all the CH and call the methylation at those sites.

- For Image processing:

Identify the location of pixels on tissue from the brightfield image using

2. Downstream data analysis and visualization

The data analysis and visualization were performed using R(4.4.0).

QC_check.Rmd: Contains all the code to generate QC plots

WNN_DNAmRNA_clustering: Contains all the code to integrate two modalities into Seurat objects, identify differential marker genes and VMRs, and visualize them on spatial maps

Integration_E11E13.Rmd: Contains all the code to integrate between day 11 and day 13 mouse embryos’ data.

Utility_function.R: Contains all functions used including mapping VMR to overlapping genes and iterative PCA.


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