pdfCatalog is a lightweight library which can build catalogs for pdf documents automatically.
- Python 3.x
- Works on Linux, Windows, Mac OSX
The quick way:
pip install pdfCatalog
1.On the Linux
- Open the terminal, come the working directory.
cd pdf-file-path/
- Use pdfCatalog command.
pdfCatalog -f pdf-file-name.pdf -c catalog.txt -s your offset -o ./ -i 1Argument:
for help information.
(required) Specify the path of pdf file you want to import catalog in.
(required) Specify the path of the catalog.
(required) Specify the path to save output pdf file.
(optional) Number, default is 0.The offset of PDF document compared with catalog.
(optional) Value is 1 or 0, default is 1. 1 means ignoring the old catalog in the PDF document
Catalog should like this: title + page
前言 话说“通信”基本概念 1 第 1章 通信发展史 9 古代通信:信息沟通的起步 10 近现代通信:电磁通信和数字时代的起步 11 当代通信:移动通信和互联网时代 14 未来通信:大融合时代 15 第 2章 用什么实现通信 17 电信网中的通信工具 17 互联网的通信手段 21 专业领域的通信工具 24 家电中的通信工具 25 第3章 通信到底是干嘛的 27 第 1个问题:用什么信息格式传递给对方——编码 28 第 2个问题:如何找到对方——寻址 30 第3个问题:信息传递的额外要求——网络优化 31 额外的一个问题——人性化 33
2.On the Windows
win + R open the terminal, the next steps are the same as on the Linux.
v1.0.2: Use utf-8 encoding text and catalog becomes more beautiful!
v1.0.1: Fixed some bugs.
v1.0.0: First release. Build catalogs for pdf documents automatically.