$ wget -qO- https://binaries.cockroachdb.com/cockroach-v19.2.9.linux-amd64.tgz | tar xvz
$ export PATH=$PATH:${HOME_PATH}/cockroach-v19.2.9.linux-amd64
$ cockroach version
Build Tag: v19.2.9
Build Time: 2020/06/29 22:02:23
Distribution: CCL
Platform: linux amd64 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
Go Version: go1.12.12
C Compiler: gcc 6.3.0
Build SHA-1: 5930d185b895e7deae41833af8fcce49babd23a1
Build Type: release
$ wget https://golang.org/dl/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ tar -xzf go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ export PATH=$PATH:${HOME_PATH}/go/bin
$ go version
go version go1.15.3 linux/amd64
$ cd ${path_to_project}
$ go mod init cockroach
$ go mod tidy
Run the following command on all 4/5 nodes:
$ cockroach start --insecure --advertise-addr=${host:port} --join=${host1:port1},${host2:port2}...${hostn:portn} --cache=.25 --max-sql-memory=.25 --background --store=${directory_to_store_node_files}
The storing directory for each node should be different.
Then run cockroach init
on one of these nodes. You can check the status of CockroachDB using cockroach node status --insecure
$ cd ${path_to_project}/script
$ python orderline.py ${path_to_project_files}/data_files/
$ mkdir ${directory_to_store_node_files}/extern
$ cp -r ${path_to_project_files}/data_files/ ${directory_to_store_node_files}/extern/project-files/data-files/
Run the following script before each experiment:
$ cd ${path_to_project}/script
$ ./init_cluster.sh
$ cd ${path_to_project}/cockroachdb
$ go build cmd/filedriver/filedriver.go
# get command help
$ ./filedriver --help
Run the following command on all 5 nodes:
$ ./filedriver --user=${user_of_db} --database=${db_name} --endpoints=${host1:port1},${host2:port2}...${hostn:portn} --server-num=${server_node_num(4 or 5)} --server-seq=${1~server_node_num} --txn-file-num=${20 or 40} --dir=${path_to_xact-files} --out-file(optional)
When --user
not set, user will by default set to root
When --database
not set, user will by default set to wholesale
If --out-file
is specified, the log of each client will be stored at ${path_to_xact-files}/${client_num}.out
$ cd ${path_to_project}/cockroachdb
$ go build cmd/dbstate/dbstate.go
# get command help
$ ./dbstate --help
# example
$ ./dbstate --user=${user_of_db} --database=${db_name} --endpoint=${host:port} --dir=${output_dir} --exp-num={5..8}
$ cd ${path_to_project}/script
$ python merge_csv.py ${path_to_xact-files} ${exp-num(5..8)}
Client measurements will be stored at ${path_to_xact-files}/clients-${exp_num}.csv
$ cd ${path_to_project}/cockroachdb
$ go build cmd/stdindriver/stdindriver.go
# get command help
$ ./stdindriver --help
# example
$ ./stdindriver --user=${user_of_db} --database=${db_name} --endpoints=${host1:port1},${host2:port2}...${hostn:portn}
When --user
not set, user will by default set to root
When --database
not set, user will by default set to wholesale