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Development Environment Preparation

linj edited this page Nov 23, 2022 · 2 revisions

Development Environment Preparation


1 Development Environment Installation

1.1 Go Environment Installation

Go Language installation package download address:

The recommended installation version is 1.13.4, and the corresponding package name of each operating system is:

Operating system Package name
Linux go1.13.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
Mac go1.13.4.darwin-amd64.tar.gz

Linux/Mac Installation

Take Linux for example

  • Download binary packages: go1.13.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz

  • Uncompress the downloaded binary package to /usr/local

tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.13.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
  • Add /usr/local/go/bin to PATH Environment Variables, and set GOPATH Environment Variables.
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
export GOPATH=~/gopath

Windows Installation

Open the corresponding MSI file for installation

Default installation is in c:\Go directory,add c:\Go\bin to PATH Environment Variables

Set GOPATH environment variables, such as D:\ GOPATH at the same time

1.2 Git Environmental Installation

Install the latest version of Git

Installation on Linux

Install using the basic package management tools included with the Linux release version

Fedora-based release version using yum

sudo yum install git

Debian release version based use apt-get

sudo apt-get install git

Installation on Windows

Open Git official download address, download will start automatically and install manually after downloading

Installation on Mac

Open Git official download address, download and install

1.3 IDE Installation


LiteIDE is an open source, cross-platform, lightweight Go language integrated development environment

Installation package download address:

Select the appropriate installation package according to the operating system and uncompress it to complete the installation


VSCode is an open source, cross-platform lightweight code editor, integrated with Go language development plug-ins

Installation package download address:

Select the appropriate installation package according to the operating system

Install the Go language plug-in

In the VSCode interface, use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+x to open the extension command panel, type "go" to search, and then select "go for Visual Studio Code" plug-in to install

Open the menu item File ->Preferences-> Settings, open the settins.json file to modify User Settings, and you can set the commonly used configuration of Go

    "go.goroot": "D:\\Go",
    "go.gopath": "D:\\gopath"


GoLand is an ergonomic commercial IDE designed by JetBrains to provide Go developers with paid software

Download from official website:

2 Code Download

Use the Git command to download code locally, taking Linux as an example:

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
git clone $GOPATH/src/
git clone $GOPATH/src/

You can switch to the trunk branch

cd $GOPATH/src/
git checkout master

3 Environment Configuration

Chain33 runtime environment is customized by its configuration files, you can refer to the configuration file in the code cmd/chain33/chain33.toml,Following is a list of commonly used environmental configurations

3.1 Local Environment Configuration

Local environment means that Chain33 runs on the local private network and is only used for local testing

Here we introduce how to build a private Chain33 blockchain network

Local Environment

First, modify the configuration file. All three nodes have the same configuration file. Here are just some of the differences of cmd/chain33/chain33.toml

# This node connects to the local private network

# Node information in the local private network
seeds=["", "", ""]
# Whether to add the system's built-in nodes to the seeds list
# Whether to add the node on the official github to the seeds list


# Creation address changed to private address
# The creation address can use the address in this example, the corresponding private key is 3990969DF92A5914F7B71EEB9A4E58D6E255F32BF042FEA5318FC8B3D50EE6E8 

# Only leave the following two items, and delete all other consensus related configurations

Then start Chain33 on three nodes

nohup ./chain33 -f chain33.toml &> console.out&

3.2 Test Chain Configuration

Test chain refers to BTY test network, the block transaction query website is:

The configuration file is cmd/chain33/chain33.toml

# Access test chain

3.3 Main Chain Configuration

Main chain refers to BTY public network, the block transaction query website is:

The configuration file is cmd/chain33/bityuan.toml

# Access main chain

3.4 Parallel Chain Configuration

3.4.1 Configuration Files

The parallel chain is attached to the main chain, and the parallel chain node needs to be connected to the main chain node, where the isRecordBlockSequence configuration item on the main chain node needs to be set

Here is the configuration of the main chain nodes, here only shows how they differ from cmd/chain33/bityuan.toml

# Whether to store   block sequence

plugin/chain33.para.toml is the configuration file for the parallel chain nodes, with the following parameters: Title: the name of the parallel chain, user.p. is the fixed prefix, developer can be modified according to users own requirements startHeight: Starting from the certain height of the main chain to synchronize the data, for the newly built parallel chain, it is recommended to start from the height closest to the highest of the main chain to reduce the synchronization time


ParaRemoteGrpcClient = ""
#Specify a block starting at a certain height of the main chain, and if multiple parallel chain nodes are deployed, make sure the heights in both profiles are the same.
#Recommended configuration, can be equipped with the current height of the main chain and slightly smaller, use blockchain browser to see the current height of the main network
# For example, the current configuration is 284110, and here can be configured into 284100. It is not recommended to make a big difference, which will generate a lot of meaningless empty blocks

3.4.2 Chain33 Chain environment

  • The simplest parallel chain requires two nodes (which can support multiple VMs),such as node A (IP: and node B (IP: Node A is the main chain node, which links the main chain network and parallel chain nodes. Node B is a parallel chain node, which is used to request blocks in the main network from node A, and take out the transactions belonging to this parallel chain, package them on the parallel chain for execution.

  • The ports used by nodes A and B are 8801,8802,8901,8902,13802. Ensure normal access to these ports.

  • Main chain node (node A): 8801,8802,13802端口

    8801: JsonRpc Service port

    8802: Grpc Service port

    13802: P2P service ports between nodes

  • Parallel chain node (node A): 8901, 8902 Port

    8901: JsonRpc Service port

    8902: Grpc Service port

env diagram

3.4.3 Run Main/Parallel Chain Nodes

Run the main chain node

Step 1: download the compiled main chain program, and uncompress it into the main chain A node directory Step 2: start the process command

nohup ./chain33 -f chain33.bty.toml >>  bty.out&

Step 3: check synchronization

root@ubuntu055-1:/home/lcj1# ./chain33-cli net is_sync

Step 4: view the main network information

   root@ubuntu055-3:/home/lcj0# ./chain33-cli net peer_info
	"peers": [
			"addr": "",
			"port": 13802,
			"name": "02df13954f1f8732295a02b552673b04aeea04eb3843a621f4c90f64efc05896ea",
			"mempoolSize": 0,
			"self": true,
			"header": {
				"version": 0,
				"parentHash": "0x5ec3c1f9bb1f7c5fc213f83266266723fa40d11eacd9164a92dec225cd95d440",
				"txHash": "0xc73f1f2c809257d0222b16198c6d85d74e25d6d9ab72a2c99e88922f234d6a00",
				"stateHash": "0x6d29c939e6c1002ce06c3c32ded6cead08dd4cd67218ede45b4936e10d8ac84d",
				"height": 643,
				"blockTime": 1542163168,
				"txCount": 1,
				"hash": "0xd035c763d267d9070fa2e4d921dc03150897ed7c977d0abc34ae1c2768ab039a",
				"difficulty": 0

Run parallel chain nodes

Step 1: download the compiled parallel chain program, uncompress it into the parallel chain B node directory, and modify the configuration file


ParaRemoteGrpcClient change to the IP address of the actual main chain node A. This configuration makes the parallel chain to request the block to port 8802 of main chain node A ParaRemoteGrpcClient = ""

Step 2: start the process command

nohup ./chain33 -f chain33.para.toml >> para.out&

Step 3: check synchronization

./chain33-cli net is_sync

3.4.4 Cli Command Demo

  • You can use the cli debug command on chain33 to manipulate the relevant interfaces for a quick start

Available Commands:
    account     Account management
    block       Get block header or body info
    close       Close chain33
    coins       Construct system coins transactions
    config      Configuration
    evm         EVM contracts operation
    exec        Executor operation
    help        Help about any command
    mempool     Mempool management
    net         Net operation
    privacy     Privacy transaction management
    relay       Cross chain relay management
    retrieve    Wallet retrieve operation
    seed        Seed management
    send        Send transaction in one move
    stat        Coin statistic
    ticket      Ticket management
    token       Token management
    trade       Token trade management
    tx          Transaction management
    version     Get node version
    wallet      Wallet management
  • Only part of the commands are shown here

  • Create walletthe seeds must be kept and not disclosed to others
    step1:create seeds

root@ubuntu055-3:/home/lcj0# ./chain33-cli seed generate -l 0
"seed": "page patch story blouse ill sense despair mail praise prosper session among offer cheese wood"   

step2:save seeds,when creating the wallet -p is followed by the password for the wallet

root@ubuntu055-3:/home/lcj0# ./chain33-cli seed save -p fzm123456 -s "page patch story blouse ill sense despair mail praise prosper session among offer cheese wood"
"isOK": true,
"msg": ""

  • Check wallet status

root@ubuntu055-3:/home/lcj0# ./chain33-cli wallet status
    "isWalletLock": true,
    "isAutoMining": false,
    "isHasSeed": true,
    "isTicketLock": true
  • Unlock wallet, the password after -p is the password that was set when the wallet was created above

root@ubuntu055-3:/home/lcj0# ./chain33-cli wallet unlock -p fzm123456
    "isOK": true,
    "msg": ""
  • Create account address, where -l is followed by label

root@ubuntu055-3:/home/lcj0# ./chain33-cli account create -l test
    "acc": {
        "balance": "0.0000",
        "frozen": "0.0000",
        "addr": "1HEuPSPCk9ZvyBzsp5e9y5nvySs2Qxijek"
    "label": "test"
  • Address balance query, where -a queries the address -e executor contract, the following is the command to view the balance of the coins contract

root@ubuntu055-3:/home/lcj0# ./chain33-cli account balance -a 15nn4D2ppUj8tmyHfdm8g4EvtqpBYUS7DM -e coins
    "balance": "500.0590",
    "frozen": "0.0000",
    "addr": "15nn4D2ppUj8tmyHfdm8g4EvtqpBYUS7DM"
  • Export of wallet private key,-a account address in the wallet

root@ubuntu055-3:/home/lcj0# ./chain33-cli account dump_key -a 15nn4D2ppUj8tmyHfdm8g4EvtqpBYUS7DM
 "data": "0x1d265f4dbb202b4fc5e24ffdc96852a6e0834dbee7eb4eebd476b171f7cb0baa"

  • Import of wallet private key,-k private key corresponding to the address -l account label

root@ubuntu055-3:/home/lcj0# ./chain33-cli account import_key -k 0x1d265f4dbb202b4fc5e24ffdc96852a6e0834dbee7eb4eebd476b171f7cb0baa -l test222
        "acc": {
            "balance": "500.0590",
            "frozen": "0.0000",
            "addr": "15nn4D2ppUj8tmyHfdm8g4EvtqpBYUS7DM"
        "label": "test222"
  • bty send_exec Build a transaction that transfers to the specified executor at the specified address

Step1: construct the transaction, -t "transfer target account", -a "transfer amount", -n "note record", and return a string of hash to be signed

root@ubuntu055-3:/home/lcj0# ./chain33-cli coins transfer -t 1HEuPSPCk9ZvyBzsp5e9y5nvySs2Qxijek -n "bty transfer to " -a 1


Step2: sign transaction, -a "signed account - transferee" -d "unsigned transaction string" -a "signed address "/-k" signed private key "-e" timeout (default: 120 seconds) ", returns a list of signed hashes that need to be sent to the chain

root@ubuntu055-3:/home/lcj0# ./chain33-cli wallet sign -a 15nn4D2ppUj8tmyHfdm8g4EvtqpBYUS7DM -d 0a05636f696e73123f18010a3b1080c2d72f1a10627479207472616e7366657220746f20222231484575505350436b395a7679427a737035653979356e76795373325178696a656b20a08d0630b6bde8c09df69dfb523a2231484575505350436b395a7679427a737035653979356e76795373325178696a656b 


Step3: send transaction, -d "hash string returned after signature"

root@ubuntu055-3:/home/lcj0# ./chain33-cli wallet send -d 0a05636f696e73123f18010a3b1080c2d72f1a10627479207472616e7366657220746f20222231484575505350436b395a7679427a737035653979356e76795373325178696a656b1a6d08011221024e8bcbc6bc079df8f12de07cfd5ea002c425b665c86da19257af8d35ac0c55631a4630440220567a97dde98ee4ea6afb6bd96ed212976f632dbba82286d9fcd33c4b38f4d2e702206b012ed3b0d60cf518d33d632ab07f5fbbbae7a9559416d7e523e67ed865c39a20a08d06288eaa85df0530b6bde8c09df69dfb523a2231484575505350436b395a7679427a737035653979356e76795373325178696a656b


Step4: Query specific transaction information based on the transaction hash

    root@ubuntu055-3:/home/lcj0# ./chain33-cli tx query -s 0x87484aaa79e7116783ebda48ff86a1f54386835908eb2c03a942b552a46132fe
    "tx": {
        "execer": "coins",
        "payload": {
            "Value": {
                "Transfer": {
                    "amount": 100000000,
                    "note": "bty transfer to ",
                    "to": "1HEuPSPCk9ZvyBzsp5e9y5nvySs2Qxijek"
            "ty": 1
        "rawpayload": "0x18010a3b1080c2d72f1a10627479207472616e7366657220746f20222231484575505350436b395a7679427a737035653979356e76795373325178696a656b",
        "signature": {
            "ty": 1,
            "pubkey": "0x024e8bcbc6bc079df8f12de07cfd5ea002c425b665c86da19257af8d35ac0c5563",
            "signature": "0x30440220567a97dde98ee4ea6afb6bd96ed212976f632dbba82286d9fcd33c4b38f4d2e702206b012ed3b0d60cf518d33d632ab07f5fbbbae7a9559416d7e523e67ed865c39a"
        "fee": "0.0010",
        "expire": 1541494030,
        "nonce": 5978097161099419318,
        "to": "1HEuPSPCk9ZvyBzsp5e9y5nvySs2Qxijek",
        "from": "15nn4D2ppUj8tmyHfdm8g4EvtqpBYUS7DM"
    "receipt": {
        "ty": 2,
        "tyname": "ExecOk",
        "logs": [
                "ty": 2,
                "tyname": "LogFee",
                "log": {
                    "prev": {
                        "currency": 0,
                        "balance": "50005900000",
                        "frozen": "0",
                        "addr": "15nn4D2ppUj8tmyHfdm8g4EvtqpBYUS7DM"
                    "current": {
                        "currency": 0,
                        "balance": "50005800000",
                        "frozen": "0",
                        "addr": "15nn4D2ppUj8tmyHfdm8g4EvtqpBYUS7DM"
                "rawlog": "0x0a2b10e0f5d5a4ba01222231356e6e3444327070556a38746d794866646d38673445767471704259555337444d122b10c0e8cfa4ba01222231356e6e3444327070556a38746d794866646d38673445767471704259555337444d"
                "ty": 3,
                "tyname": "LogTransfer",
                "log": {
                    "prev": {
                        "currency": 0,
                        "balance": "50005800000",
                        "frozen": "0",
                        "addr": "15nn4D2ppUj8tmyHfdm8g4EvtqpBYUS7DM"
                    "current": {
                        "currency": 0,
                        "balance": "49905800000",
                        "frozen": "0",
                        "addr": "15nn4D2ppUj8tmyHfdm8g4EvtqpBYUS7DM"
                "rawlog": "0x0a2b10c0e8cfa4ba01222231356e6e3444327070556a38746d794866646d38673445767471704259555337444d122b10c0a6f8f4b901222231356e6e3444327070556a38746d794866646d38673445767471704259555337444d"
                "ty": 3,
                "tyname": "LogTransfer",
                "log": {
                    "prev": {
                        "currency": 0,
                        "balance": "0",
                        "frozen": "0",
                        "addr": "1HEuPSPCk9ZvyBzsp5e9y5nvySs2Qxijek"
                    "current": {
                        "currency": 0,
                        "balance": "100000000",
                        "frozen": "0",
                        "addr": "1HEuPSPCk9ZvyBzsp5e9y5nvySs2Qxijek"
                "rawlog": "0x0a24222231484575505350436b395a7679427a737035653979356e76795373325178696a656b12291080c2d72f222231484575505350436b395a7679427a737035653979356e76795373325178696a656b"
    "height": 4751,
    "index": 0,
    "blocktime": 1541493930,
    "amount": "1.0000",
    "fromaddr": "15nn4D2ppUj8tmyHfdm8g4EvtqpBYUS7DM",
    "actionname": "transfer"

4 Deploy 4 Nodes on a Single Docker Machine

The following operations are based on ubuntu16.04

4.1 Docker Installation

curl -fsSL | sh

Version verification:

docker -v  
Docker version 17.11.0-ce, build 1caf76c

4.2 Install Docker-compose

curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose  
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

4.3 Download Chain33 Program

tar -zxvf chain33_6.1.0_linux.tar.gz

4.4 Configure Dockerfile

FROM ubuntu:16.04

COPY chain33 chain33
COPY chain33-cli chain33-cli
COPY chain33.toml ./

CMD ["/root/chain33", "-f", "/root/chain33.toml"]

4.5 Configure Docker-compose.yml File

version: '3'

      context: .

      context: .

      context: .

      context: .

4.6 Write the Startup Script

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e
set -o pipefail

# os: ubuntu16.04 x64

PWD=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)
export PATH="$PWD:$PATH"

CLI="docker exec ${NODE3} /root/chain33-cli"

containers=("${NODE1}" "${NODE2}" "${NODE3}" "${NODE4}")

if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then

function init() {
# update test environment
sed -i $sedfix 's/^Title.*/Title="local"/g' chain33.toml
sed -i $sedfix 's/^TestNet=.*/#TestNet=true/g' chain33.toml
sed -i $sedfix 's/^FixTime=.*/#FixTime=false/g' chain33.toml

# p2p
sed -i $sedfix 's/^seeds=.*/seeds=["chain33:13802","chain32:13802","chain31:13802","chain30:13802"]/g' chain33.toml
sed -i $sedfix '0,/^enable=.*/s//enable=true/' chain33.toml
sed -i $sedfix 's/^isSeed=.*/isSeed=true/g' chain33.toml
sed -i $sedfix 's/^innerSeedEnable=.*/innerSeedEnable=false/g' chain33.toml
sed -i $sedfix 's/^useGithub=.*/useGithub=false/g' chain33.toml

# rpc
sed -i $sedfix 's/^jrpcBindAddr=.*/jrpcBindAddr=""/g' chain33.toml
sed -i $sedfix 's/^grpcBindAddr=.*/grpcBindAddr=""/g' chain33.toml
sed -i $sedfix 's/^whitelist=.*/whitelist=["localhost","",""]/g' chain33.toml

# consensus
#sed -i $sedfix 's/^name="ticket"/name="solo"/g' chain33.toml
#sed -i $sedfix '/^minerstart=true/a[consensus.sub.solo]' chain33.toml
#sed -i $sedfix 's/^genesis=.*/genesis="1CbEVT9RnM5oZhWMj4fxUrJX94VtRotzvs"/g' chain33.toml


function start() {
# docker-compose ps
docker-compose ps

# remove exsit container
docker-compose down

# create and run docker-compose container
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build -d

local SLEEP=10
echo "=========== sleep ${SLEEP}s ============="
sleep ${SLEEP}
docker-compose ps

function main() {
echo "================main begin======================"
echo "================main end========================"
# run script

The file directory structure is as follows:

root@ubuntu054:/data/solo# ls
chain33  chain33-cli  chain33.toml  docker-compose.yml  Dockerfile

4.7 Startup environment



4.8 Check Container Startup

root@ubuntu054:/data/solo# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
3484b6eb112d        solo_chain32        "/root/chain33 -f /r…"   14 minutes ago      Up 14 minutes                           solo_chain32_1
1c3cda51d636        solo_chain31        "/root/chain33 -f /r…"   14 minutes ago      Up 14 minutes                           solo_chain31_1
0616f1a12413        solo_chain33        "/root/chain33 -f /r…"   14 minutes ago      Up 14 minutes                           solo_chain33_1
bb5bd85e38b7        solo_chain30        "/root/chain33 -f /r…"   14 minutes ago      Up 14 minutes                           solo_chain30_1

4.9 Environment Testing

Check synchronization status

root@ubuntu054:/data/solo# docker exec solo_chain32_1 /root/chain33-cli net is_sync

Check Peer-info

root@ubuntu054:/data/solo# docker exec solo_chain32_1 /root/chain33-cli net peer_info
    "peers": [
            "addr": "",
            "port": 13802,
            "name": "02204102b9dd74a14f71a151a4626038f60e2fe3f23b3fcdc865913d594d74b579",
            "mempoolSize": 0,
            "self": false,
            "header": {
                "version": 0,
                "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                "txHash": "0x22db70a26130f2fe4758fd65bf016949c1c46f5642b4a556f8a0ff7a41350898",
                "stateHash": "0xeb240fe1248028e9c7271ae2838ea3970bb880031764c8154c8bce2d16262cb7",
                "height": 0,
                "blockTime": 1514533394,
                "txCount": 1,
                "hash": "0xc8799befacd9709a5f4dfa68d6fd53a37ccce83352997a132adfed7f46747757",
                "difficulty": 0
            "addr": "",
            "port": 13802,
            "name": "0284e9e17e200cf7d5dd2ff6c81dbf6ef0ccf85418db494c654dfb6de9b863457c",
            "mempoolSize": 0,
            "self": false,
            "header": {
                "version": 0,
                "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                "txHash": "0x22db70a26130f2fe4758fd65bf016949c1c46f5642b4a556f8a0ff7a41350898",
                "stateHash": "0xeb240fe1248028e9c7271ae2838ea3970bb880031764c8154c8bce2d16262cb7",
                "height": 0,
                "blockTime": 1514533394,
                "txCount": 1,
                "hash": "0xc8799befacd9709a5f4dfa68d6fd53a37ccce83352997a132adfed7f46747757",
                "difficulty": 0
            "addr": "",
            "port": 13802,
            "name": "02493c1f49dc139e38cd4180b231e0305b12506b0c5831032da9e0ac4e90996ee3",
            "mempoolSize": 0,
            "self": false,
            "header": {
                "version": 0,
                "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                "txHash": "0x22db70a26130f2fe4758fd65bf016949c1c46f5642b4a556f8a0ff7a41350898",
                "stateHash": "0xeb240fe1248028e9c7271ae2838ea3970bb880031764c8154c8bce2d16262cb7",
                "height": 0,
                "blockTime": 1514533394,
                "txCount": 1,
                "hash": "0xc8799befacd9709a5f4dfa68d6fd53a37ccce83352997a132adfed7f46747757",
                "difficulty": 0
            "addr": "",
            "port": 13802,
            "name": "033571c89f018e0c7acb410d4589ee3a6876162ded94b398eee61ba0f42a1a78ea",
            "mempoolSize": 0,
            "self": true,
            "header": {
                "version": 0,
                "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                "txHash": "0x22db70a26130f2fe4758fd65bf016949c1c46f5642b4a556f8a0ff7a41350898",
                "stateHash": "0xeb240fe1248028e9c7271ae2838ea3970bb880031764c8154c8bce2d16262cb7",
                "height": 0,
                "blockTime": 1514533394,
                "txCount": 1,
                "hash": "0xc8799befacd9709a5f4dfa68d6fd53a37ccce83352997a132adfed7f46747757",
                "difficulty": 0
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