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Multi Signature Contract

linj edited this page Nov 23, 2022 · 1 revision

Multi Signature Contract:


Multi Signature Contract's Function

1. Multi Signature Contract's Creation:

Set the default owner and weight, specify the daily quota for the asset, and request the value of the weight

2. Modification of Multi Signature Account Attributes:

。Owner's add/del/modify/replace 。Modification of asset daily limits 。Modification of request weight

3. Transfer of Multi Signature Account:

。When rolling in, the "to" address must be a multi-signed address, and the "from" address must be a non-multi-signed address. 。When rolling out, the "to" address must be a non-multi-signed address, and the "from" address must be a multi-signed address. 传出 transaction 需要校验权重

Multi Signature Contract's Command Line:

Multi Signature Contract's Command Line Description:


cli multisig  account
Available Commands:
  address     get multisig account address
  assets      get assets of multisig account
  count       get multisig account count
  create      Create a multisig account transaction
  creator     get all multisig accounts created by the address
  dailylimit  Create a modify assets dailylimit transaction
  owner       get multisig accounts by the owner
  info        get multisig account info
  unspent     get assets unspent today amount
  weight      Create a modify required weight transaction


cli multisig  owner
Available Commands:
  add         Create a add owner  transaction
  del         Create a del owner transaction
  modify      Create a modify owner weight transaction
  replace     Create a replace owner transaction


cli multisig  tx
Available Commands:
  confirm          Create a confirm transaction
  confirmed_weight get the weight of the transaction confirmed.
  count            get multisig tx count
  info             get multisig account tx info
  transfer_in      Create a transfer to multisig account transaction
  transfer_out     Create a transfer from multisig account transaction
  txids            get multisig txids

Multi Signature Contract's Command Line Description:

1. Multi signature contract's creation:generates a multisigned account address multisig-addr based on the txhash
   cli send multisig account create -d 10 -e coins -s BTY -a "owner-1 owner-2" -w "20 10" -r 15 -k private-key

2. Check the number of accounts created:
   cli multisig account count

3. Account index gets multiple siignature account addresses
   cli multisig account address -e 0 -s 0

4. Get account details through the multi-signature account addr
   cli multisig account info -a multisig-addr

5. Transfer to multisig contract
   cli send bty transfer -a 50 -n test  -t multisig-exec-addr -k addr3

6. Transfer to multiple signature address in multisig contract
   cli send multisig tx transfer_in -a 40 -e coins -s BTY  -t multisig-addr -n test -k addr3

7. View multiple signature address assets
   cli multisig  account assets  -a multisig-addr

8. Transfer from multiple signature address in multisig contracts
   cli send multisig  tx transfer_out  -a 11 -e coins -s BTY -f multisig-addr -t addr3 -n test -k owner-1

9. Query transaction count
   cli multisig  tx count  -a multisig-addr

10. Query transaction txid
   cli multisig   tx txids  -a multisig-addr -s 0 -e 0

11. Query transaction information
   cli multisig  tx info  -a multisig-addr -i 0

12. Add a new owner-3 to the multiple signature account
   cli send multisig owner add  -a multisig-addr -o owner-3 -w 5 -k  owner-1

13. Delete an existed owner-3 in the multiple signature account
   cli send multisig  owner del  -a multisig-addr -o owner-3  -k owner-1

14. Replace existed owner-3 in the multiple signature account with owner-4
   cli send multisig  owner replace  -a multisig-addr -n owner-4 -o owner-2 -k  owner-1

15. Modify existed owner-4 weight in the multiple signature account
   cli send multisig  owner modify  -a multisig-addr -o owner-4 -w 11 -k owner-1

16. Modify multiple signature account dailylimit
   cli send multisig  account dailylimit -a multisig-addr -e coins -s BTY -d 12 -k owner-1

17. Modify multiple signature account request weight
   cli send multisig  account weight -a multisig-addr -w 16 -k owner-1

18. Revocation of confirmation of a multiple signature account transaction
   cli send   multisig tx confirm  -a multisig-addr -i 8 -c f  -k owner-1

19. Confirm a multiple signature account transaction
   cli send multisig tx confirm  -a multisig-addr -i 8 -k owner-1

20. Get all multiple signature accounts created at the specified address
   cli multisig account creator -a addr

21. Gets the daily balance of the specified asset on the specified account
   cli multisig  account unspent  -a multisig-addr -e coins -s BTY

22. Gets all multiple signature addresses owned by owner. Returns all multiple signature addresses owned by this wallet when no address is specified
   cli  multisig account owner -a 166po3ghRbRu53hu8jBBQzddp7kUJ9Ynyf

Multiple Signature Contract RPC Interface Description:


1. Create Multiple Signature Account(unsigned):

Request message:


Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
owners []*Owner the owner array(ownerAddr:string,weight:uint64), at least two of the owner
requiredWeight uint64 the request weight of transaction executed, which cannot be greater than the sum of all owners' weights
dailyLimit *SymbolDailyLimit The daily quota value of the asset(execer:string,symbol:string,dailyLimit:uint64)

Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings

{   __
    "result": "string"

2. Multiple Signature Account Modify RequiredWeight Value(unsigned):

Request message:


Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
multiSigAccAddr string multiple signature account address
newRequiredWeight uint64 new request weight value
operateFlag bool account operation type:true modify RequiredWeight value

operation type:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings

    "result": "string"

3. Multiple Signature Account Modify DailyLimit (unsigned):

Request message:


Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
multiSigAccAddr string multiple signature account address
dailyLimit *SymbolDailyLimit daily quota value of the asset(execer:string,symbol:string,dailyLimit:uint64)
operateFlag bool account operation type:false modify DailyLimit value

Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings

    "result": "string"

4. Get the Number of Created Multiple Signature Accounts:

Request message:

    "params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
               "funcName" : "MultiSigAccCount",
               "payload" : nil}]

Response data:

   "id" : 0,
   "error" : null,
   "result" : {"data" : "0"}

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
data Int64 multiple signature account number

5. Get Multiple Signature Address:

Request message:

    "params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
               "funcName" : "MultiSigAccounts",
               "payload" : {"start":int64,"end":int64}}]

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
start int64 multiple signature account index,Start from 0
end int64 multiple signature account index,end>=start && end< MultiSigAccCount value

Response data:

   "id" : 0,
   "error" : null,
   "result" : {
    "address": [

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
address []string multiple signature account address list

6. Get Multiple Signature Account Message:

Request message:

    "params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
               "funcName" : "MultiSigAccountInfo",
               "payload" : {"multiSigAccAddr":string}}]

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
multiSigAccAddr string multiple signature account address

Response data:

   "id" : 0,
   "error" : null,
   "result" : {
    "createAddr": "1DkrXbz2bK6XMpY4v9z2YUnhwWTXT6V5jd",
    "multiSigAddr": "3GfnDQxxUEmVrkBCk7RfgvTkLrBLEVEzGV",
    "owners": [
            "ownerAddr": "1C5xK2ytuoFqxmVGMcyz9XFKFWcDA8T3rK",
            "weight": 20
            "ownerAddr": "1LDGrokrZjo1HtSmSnw8ef3oy5Vm1nctbj",
            "weight": 10
    "dailyLimits": [
            "symbol": "BTY",
            "execer": "coins",
            "dailyLimit": uint64,
            "spentToday": uint64,
            "lastday": int64
	"txCount": 1,
    "requiredWeight": 15}

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
createAddr string multiple signature account creator address
multiSigAddr string this multiple signature account address
ownerAddr string owner address
weight uint64 owner weight
execer string asset
symbol string asset identification
dailyLimit uint64 asset daily limit
spentToday uint64 Assets spent that day
lastDay int64 start time the very day
txCount uint64 multiple signature account transaction amount
requiredWeight uint64 multiple signature account weight required to execute transaction

7. Query the Multiple Signature Account Specified Asset's Balance Without Code of the Day:

Request message:

    "params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
               "funcName" : "MultiSigAccUnSpentToday",
               "payload" : {

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
multiSigAddr string multiple signature account address
assets *Assets asset information("execer":string,"symbol":string)
isAll bool whether all assets,true: all assets, false: only query for specified assets

Response data:

   "id" : 0,
   "error" : null,
   "result" : {
        	"symbol": "BTY",
        	"execer": "coins",
        	"amount": uint64
        	"symbol": "HYB",
        	"execer": "token",
        	"amount": uint64

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
execer string multiple signature account asset executor name
symbol string multiple signature account asset identification
amount uint64 multiple signature account specified

8. Query Specified Asset Information Multiple Signature Account:

Request message:

    "params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
               "funcName" : "MultiSigAccAssets",
               "payload" : {

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
multiSigAddr string multiple signature account address
assets *Assets asset information("execer":string,"symbol":string)
isAll bool whether all assets,true: all assets with no need to fill in the specific assets information, false: only query for specified assets

Response data:

   "id" : 0,
   "error" : null,
   "result" : {
        "recvAmount": uint64

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
execer string asset actuator name
symbol string asset identification
frozen int64 frozen assets
currency int32 coins identification
balance int64 balance
addr string checked account address
recvAmount uint64 Query account received amount for this asset

9. Query List of Multiple Signature Account Created by the Specified Address:

Request message:

    "params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
               "funcName" : "MultiSigAccAllAddress",
               "payload" : {"multiSigAccAddr":string,}}]

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
multiSigAccAddr string creator address

Response data:return multiple signature account address list

   "id" : 0,
   "error" : null,
   "result" : {
    "address": [

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
address string multiple signature address list

10. Query Multiple Signature Account List of Owner Address:

Request message:


Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
data string owner address, get the multiple signature account list of all addresses of this wallet when no address is specified:

Response data:return multiple signature account address list

   "id" : 0,
   "error" : null,
   "result" : {
    "items": [
            "multiSigAddr": "3MrcA7jcWNdLYmrbuS5eEVoPbx8BWPGB5F",
            "ownerAddr": "1C5xK2ytuoFqxmVGMcyz9XFKFWcDA8T3rK",
            "weight": 20
            "multiSigAddr": "3MrcA7jcWNdLYmrbuS5eEVoPbx8BWPGB5F",
            "ownerAddr": "1KHwX7ZadNeQDjBGpnweb4k2dqj2CWtAYo",
            "weight": 5
            "multiSigAddr": "3MrcA7jcWNdLYmrbuS5eEVoPbx8BWPGB5F",
            "ownerAddr": "1LDGrokrZjo1HtSmSnw8ef3oy5Vm1nctbj",
            "weight": 10

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
multiSigAddr string multiple signature address
ownerAddr string owner address, or empty string""
weight uint64 owner address weight in this multiple signature account


1. Add Owner in Multiple Signature Account(unsigned):

Request message:


Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
multiSigAccAddr string multiple signature account address
newOwner string owner address need to be added
newWeight uint64 owner weight that needs to be added
operateFlag uint64 owner operation type:1

Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings

    "result": "string"

2. multiple signature account删除owner(unsigned):

Request message:


Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
multiSigAccAddr string multiple signature account address
oldOwner string owner address need to be deleted
operateFlag uint64 owner operation type:2

Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings

    "result": "string"

3. Multiple Signature Account Owner Weight Change(unsigned):

Request message:


Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
multiSigAccAddr string multiple signature account address
oldOwner string owner address which need to be deleted
newWeight uint64 new weight value
operateFlag uint64 owner operation type:3

Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings

    "result": "string"

4. Replace Multiple Signature Account Owner(unsigned):

Request message:


Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
multiSigAccAddr string multiple signature account address
oldOwner string owner address which need to be deleted
newOwner string new owner address
operateFlag uint64 owner operation type:4

Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings

    "result": "string"


1. Multiple Signature Account Asset Rolling in(unsigned):

Request message:


Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
symbol string asset identification, for example: BTY
execname string asset actuator names, for example:
to string collect account address, must be multiple signature address
note string transfer instructions
amount int64 the amount of assets transferred in

Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings

    "result": "string"

2. Multiple Signature Account Asset Rolling out(unsigned):

Request message:


Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
symbol string asset identification, for example: BTY
execname string Asset actuator names, for example: coins
from string charge off account address,must be multiple signature address
to string collect account address, must be multiple signature address
note string transfer instructions
amount int64 the amount of assets transferred in

Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings

    "result": "string"

3. Multiple Signature Account Transaction Confirmation(unsigned):

Request message:


Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
multiSigAccAddr string multiple signature address
txId uint64 To be confirmed or revoked transaction index, start from 0
confirmOrRevoke bool confirm/cancel transaction . true:confirm transaction

Response message:return hexadecimal encoded transaction strings

    "result": "string"

4. Get Number of Multiple Signature Account Transaction:

Request message:

    "params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
               "funcName" : "MultiSigAccTxCount",
               "payload" : {"multiSigAccAddr":string}}]

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
multiSigAccAddr string multiple signature account address

Response data:

   "id" : 0,
   "error" : null,
   "result" : {"data" : "0"}

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
data Int64 number of multiple signature account address

5. Get Interval Multiple Signature Transaction Index atSpecified Status of a Specified :

Request message:

    "params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
               "funcName" : "MultiSigTxids",
               "payload" : 

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
multiSigAddr string multiple signature account address
fromTxId uint64 multiple signature account transaction index value,fromTxId>=0
toTxId uint64 multiple signature account transaction index, toTxId< MultiSigAccTxCount number of transactions acquired
pending bool unexecuted transaction
executed bool executed transaction

Response data:

   "id" : 0,
   "error" : null,
   "result" :{
    "multiSigAddr": "3GfnDQxxUEmVrkBCk7RfgvTkLrBLEVEzGV",
    "txids": [

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
txids []uint64 multiple signature account transaction index

6. Get Multiple Signature Transaction Information:

Request message:

    "params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
               "funcName" : "MultiSigTxInfo",
               "payload" : {"multiSigAddr":string,"txId":uint64}}]

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
multiSigAddr string multiple signature account address
txId uint64 multiple signature account transaction index value,fromTxId>=0

Response data:

   "id" : 0,
   "error" : null,
   "result" {
   	 "txHash": "d952237fd9a825218b767058946a1047dbdbe166c74e274792d341e81088fbc4",
   	 "executed": true,
   	 "txType": 3,
   	 "multiSigAddr": "3GfnDQxxUEmVrkBCk7RfgvTkLrBLEVEzGV",
   	 "confirmedOwner": [
            "ownerAddr": "1C5xK2ytuoFqxmVGMcyz9XFKFWcDA8T3rK",
            "weight": 20

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
txHash string multiple signature account transaction hash value
executed bool multiple signature account transaction execution status, true: executed, false: not executed
txType uint64 multiple signature account type 1:owner property related transactions 2:account property related transactions 3: transfer related transactions
multiSigAddr string multiple signature account multiple signature account address
confirmedOwner []*Owner owner list in confirmation of this multiple signature account
ownerAddr string multiple signature account owner address
weight uint64 multiple signature account owner weight

7. Get Validated Weight Information of Specified Transaction:

Request message

    "params":[{"execer" : "multisig",
               "funcName" : "MultiSigTxConfirmedWeight",
               "payload" : {"multiSigAddr":string,txId":uint64}}]

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
multiSigAddr string multiple signature account address
txId uint64 multiple signature account transaction index value,0 <= fromTxId < MultiSigAccTxCount number of transactions acquired

Response data:

   "id" : 0,
   "error" : null,
   "result" :{
    "data": 20

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
data uint64 multiple signature account weight of the confirmed transaction
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