VT3D: a versatile visualization toolbox for 3D spatially resolved transcriptomic atlas
- Installation
- Quick Start
- Where can I download example datasets
- News: How can I browser my data in notbook with one line of python codes ?
- How can I use AtlasBroser to browse your data
- How can I create and visualize virtual slices
- How can I create MEP images
- How can I create surface models from omics data
- How can I adjust the coordinate of h5ad and mesh models by PCA
- How can I create continuous model by SVM
- Frequent Q & A
- Contact Us
- Cite Us
- Detailed Usages
A python3 environment with the following packages is required:
- json
- numpy
- pandas
- skimage
- sklearn
- anndata
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- pymeshfix [optional only for PVMesh]
- pyvista [optional only for PVMesh]
- meshio [optional only for PVMesh]
Note that we have not tested different versions of those packages yet, but below are the versions in our developing environment:
>>> json.__version__
>>> numpy.__version__
>>> pandas.__version__
>>> sklearn.__version__
>>> anndata.__version__
>>> matplotlib.__version__
>>> seaborn.__version__
git clone https://github.com/BGI-Qingdao/VT3D.git ./VT3D
All scripts are written in Python package. Thus, there is no need for any compilation.
This package contains compiled vt3d_browser. If your need the source codes, please go to https://github.com/BGI-Qingdao/VT3D_Browser
The basic input data is h5ad base and saves 3D coordinates in obsm. Surface models must be stored in .obj format.
All example datasets can be downloaded from http://www.bgiocean.com/vt3d_example/
In addition to the click-to-download mode from the above website, you can also download them by command line:
#--------- Developing drosophila embryos and larvae: E16-18h -----
mkdir E16_E18h
cd E16_E18h
wget -c http://www.bgiocean.com/vt3d_example/download/flysta3d/E16-18h_a_count_normal_stereoseq.h5ad
wget -c http://www.bgiocean.com/vt3d_example/download/flysta3d/E16-18h_a.tar.gz
wget -c http://www.bgiocean.com/vt3d_example/download/flysta3d/E16-18h.atlas.json
wget -c http://www.bgiocean.com/vt3d_example/download/flysta3d/fixed.json
tar -xzf E16-18h_a.tar.gz
cd ../
#--------- Developing drosophila embryos and larvae: L1
mkdir L1
cd L1
wget -c http://www.bgiocean.com/vt3d_example/download/flysta3d/L1_a_count_normal_stereoseq.h5ad
wget -c http://www.bgiocean.com/vt3d_example/download/flysta3d/L1_a.tar.gz
wget -c http://www.bgiocean.com/vt3d_example/download/flysta3d/L1_a.atlas.json
wget -c http://www.bgiocean.com/vt3d_example/download/flysta3d/fixed.json
tar -xzf L1_a.tar.gz
cd ../
#--------- Hypo Preoptic hypothalamic
mkdir hypo_preoptic
cd hypo_preoptic
wget -c http://www.bgiocean.com/vt3d_example/download/merfish/hypo_preoptic.h5ad
wget -c http://www.bgiocean.com/vt3d_example/download/merfish/mesh.tar.gz
wget -c http://www.bgiocean.com/vt3d_example/download/merfish/hypo_preoptic.atlas.json
wget -c http://www.bgiocean.com/vt3d_example/download/merfish/hypo_preoptic.coord.json
wget -c http://www.bgiocean.com/vt3d_example/download/merfish/hypo_preoptic.organ.json
tar -xzf mesh.tar.gz
cd ../
You can find all download commands from website
News: We are working on creating a python function to lauch atlas browser, please try this
You can find a step-by-step tutorial for building an atlas from website.
Here we use L1 atlas as an example:
cd L1
vt3d AtlasBrowser BuildAtlas -i L1_a_count_normal_stereoseq.h5ad -o L1_Atlas -c L1_a.atlas.json
cd L1_Atlas && vt3d AtlasBrowser LaunchAtlas -p 80
now open your web browser and try
we use the E16-18h dataset as an example:
cd E16_E18h
vt3d AnySlice -i E16-18h_a_count_normal_stereoseq.h5ad -o test --spatial_key spatial --p0 '25,0,10', --p1 '50,30,0' --p2 '5,30,0' --thickness 1
cd E16_E18h
vt3d AnySlice -i E16-18h_a_count_normal_stereoseq.h5ad -o test_s5 --spatial_key spatial --p0 '25,0,10', --p1 '50,30,0' --p2 '5,30,0' --thickness 1 --slice_num 5
vt3d Auxiliary DrawSlices -i test_s5.h5ad -o drawan --color_by annotation
vt3d Auxiliary DrawSlices -i test_s5.h5ad -o drawrs --color_by slice_ID
vt3d Auxiliary DrawSlices -i test_s5.h5ad -o drawgn --color_by Acbp2
cd hypo_preoptic
vt3d MEP -i hypo_preoptic.h5ad --gene Baiap2 -o Baiap2
cd hypo_preoptic
vt3d MEP -i hypo_preoptic.h5ad -m Baiap2 -o Baiap2
Note: in pseudoFISH mode, you can use one of the following fluorescence colors
-m refers to magenta
-g refers to green
-y refers to yellow
-c refers to cyan
-r refers to red
-b refers to blue
First of all, the default view is APML plane (xy plane). You can switch to another view plane perpendicular to coordinate axes using --view=MLDV
(yz plane) or --view=APDV
(xz plane)
To get the 2D projection to an arbitrary plane defined by three non-collinear points, plesase use --view=[[0,0,0],[1,0,0],[1,1,0]]
cd hypo_preoptic
vt3d Auxiliary GrayScaleTIF -i hypo_preoptic.h5ad -o test3d -c hypo_preoptic.organ.json
Note: This action will generate hypo_preoptic.coord.json
The test3d.tif (opened by ImageJ 3DViewer) :
vt3d Auxiliary PVMesh -i E14-16h_a_count_normal_stereoseq.h5ad -o E14-16h_shell --spatial_key spatial --alpha 1.0
Here I use L1 larva data as input
>cat model.json
"Meshes" : {
"shell" : "L1_a/shell.obj",
"CNS" : "L1_a/CNS.obj",
"carcass" : "L1_a/carcass.obj",
"fatbody" : "L1_a/fatbody.obj",
"midgut" : "L1_a/midgut.obj",
"epidermis" : "L1_a/epidermis.obj",
"muscle" : "L1_a/muscle.obj",
"foregut" : "L1_a/foregut.obj",
"midgut_malpighian_tubule" : "L1_a/midgut_malpighian_tubule.obj",
"hindgut_malpighian_tubule" : "L1_a/hindgut_malpighian_tubule.obj"
"mesh_coord" : "fixed.json"
>vt3d Auxiliary PCA3D -i L1_a_count_normal_stereoseq.h5ad -o L1_pca --spatial_key spatial --model_json model.json
> cat conf.json
"spatial_key" : "spatial",
"annotation" : "annotation",
"step": 1,
"genes" : ["Acbp2",
>vt3d Auxiliary BuildGrids -i E16-18h_a_count_normal_stereoseq.h5ad -o E16-18h_grids -m E16-18h_a_shell.obj -c conf.json
The default keyname for 3D spatial coordinates is spatial3D. Please make sure your coordinates are stored in obsm. You can use --spatial_key xxx
to assign a different keyname.
Use fixed.json if you want to display the surface model in the same coordinate system of h5ad data. fixed.json
{"xmin": 0, "ymin": 0, "margin": 0, "zmin": 0, "binsize": 1}
Sometimes the surface model need to be shifted and scaled to fit the h5ad data, for example: hypo_preoptic.coord.json
{"xmin": -897, "ymin": -897, "xmax": 897, "ymax": 897, "margin": 10, "zmin": -290, "zmax": 260, "binsize": 50}
the surface model coordinate will be changed to
- multiple by 50
- x add -897
- y add -897
- z add -290
There are lots of ways for obtaining 3D coordinates of three non-collinear points. One straightforward way is to freely acquire coordinates using our 3D atlas browser.
First of all, your must assign more than two genes before Scoexp button can trigger.
Some genes may not exist in Scoexp matrix because thoes genes are too rare ( <3% cell ).
The Scoexp matrix are pre-computed by vt3d Auxiliary SCoexp. please manually move the output gene_scoexp folder into your atlas folder!
- Raising an issue is always a good way for questions
- Email us if you need: [email protected];[email protected];[email protected]
VT3D: a visualization toolbox for 3D transcriptomic data. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jgg.2023.04.001
> vt3d -h
Usage : vt3d <action> [options ]
-h/--help show this short usage
MEP Maximun Expression Projection. (project 3D structure to 2D)
AnySlice Extract a 2D slice from any given angle
AtlasBrowser Browse your data interactively
Auxiliary More auxiliary tools
Detailed usage of each action:
vt3d <action> -h
Usage : vt3d MEP [options]
required options:
-i <input.h5ad>
-o <output prefix>
cmap mode
--gene geneid
[notice: enable --gene will override all pseudoFISH mode parameters]
--symbolsize [default 10, only used in cmap mode]
--cmap [default RdBu_r, only used in cmap mode]
pseudoFISH mode
-r [geneid that draw in Red(#ff0000) channel]
-g [geneid that draw in Green(#00ff00) channel]
-c [geneid that draw in Cyan(#00ffff) channel]
-m [geneid that draw in Magenta(#ff00ff) channel]
-y [geneid that draw in Yellow(#ffff00) channel]
-b [geneid that draw in Blue(#0000ff) channel]
optional configure options:
--binsize [default 5]
--spatial_key [defaut spatial3D, the keyname of coordinate array in obsm]
--view [default APML, must be APML/APDV/MLDV]
[APML -> xy plane]
[APDV -> xz plane]
[MLDV -> yz plane]
--plane [default '', example: "[[0,0,0],[1,0,0],[1,1,0]]" ]
[define any plane by three points]
[notice: enable --plane will override --view]
--drawborder [default 0, must be 1/0]
optional ROI options:
--xmin [default None]
--ymin [default None]
--zmin [default None]
--xmax [default None]
--ymax [default None]
--zmax [default None]
Example :
#example of cmap mode, will generate test.png
vt3d MEP -i in.h5ad -o test --gene wnt1 --view APML
#example of pseudoFISH mode, will generate test.tif :
vt3d MEP -i in.h5ad -o test -r notum -g wnt1 -m foxD --view APML
#example of cmap mode with assigned plane
vt3d MEP -i in.h5ad -o test --gene wnt1 --plane '[[0,0,0],[1,0,0],[1,1,0]]'
Usage : vt3d AnySlice [options]
required options:
-i <input.h5ad>
-o <output prefix>
--p0 <coordinate of p0>
--p1 <coordinate of p1>
--p2 <coordinate of p2>
optional options:
--thickness [default 16]
--slice_num [default 1]
--slice_step [default equal to thickness]
--spatial_key [default 'spatial3D', the keyname of coordinate array in obsm]
--X [default notset, create cross sections based on p1 only]
> vt3d AnySlice -i in.h5ad -o test --p0 "0,1,0" --p1 "1,0,0" --p2 "1,1,0"
> ls
vt3d AtlasBrowser subaction:
BuildAtlas Generate cache files for WebCache action.
LaunchAtlas Start the atlas server for VT3D_Browse in the WebCache folder.
Usage: vt3d AtlasBrowser BuildAtlas [options]
required configurations:
-i <input.h5ad>
-c <conf.json>
-o [output prefix, default webcace]
> vt3d AtlasBrowser BuildAtlas -i in.h5ad -c atlas.json
> cat atlas.json
"Coordinate" : "spatial3D",
"Annotations" : [ "lineage" ],
"Meshes" : {
"body" : "example_data/body.obj" ,
"gut" : "example_data/gut.obj" ,
"neural" : "example_data/neural.obj" ,
"pharynx" : "example_data/pharynx.obj"
"mesh_coord" : "example_data/WT.coord.json",
"Genes" : [
"SMED30033583" ,
"SMED30011277" ,
... genes you want to display ...
"SMED30031463" ,
Set "Genes" : ["all"] to export all genes in var.
The structure of the output atlas folder:
Usage: vt3d AtlasBrowser LaunchAtlas [options]
-p [port, default 80]
> vt3d WebServer
never stop until you press Ctrl-C
vt3d Auxiliary subaction:
GrayScaleTIF Generate 3D TIFF gray scale image as input of Slicer3D.
PVMesh Generate Mesh obj automaticly by pc.delaunay_3d
DrawVitrualSlices Draw 2D images groupby vitrual slice
PCA3D Reset 3d coordinate by PCA.
FormatMesh Shift and scale the mesh model.
BuildGrids Build grids( continuous model )
SCoexp Spatial-related co-expression matrix calculation.
Usage: vt3d Auxiliary GrayScaleTIF [options]
required configurations:
-i <input.h5ad>
-o <output prefix>
-c <conf.json>
--spatial_key [default 'spatial3D', the keyname of coordinate array in obsm]
> vt3d Auxiliary GrayScaleTIF -i in.h5ad -o test -c organ.json
> cat organ.json
"binsize" : 10,
"margin" : 10,
"keyname" : "annotation",
"targets": [
"grayvalue": [
vt3d Auxiliary DrawVitrualSlices [options]
-i input h5ad
-o output prefix
--color_by gene name or annotation keywork
--vsid_key [default vsid, key of virtual slice id]
--coord2D [default spatial2D, keyname in obsm]
-t [default pdf, output type (png or pdf)]
-h/--help display this usage and exit
Usage : vt3d Auxiliary PVMesh [options]
pip install pymeshfix
pip install pyvista
pip install meshio
required options:
-i <input.h5ad>
-o <output prefix>
--target_cluster [default 'all']
--cluster_key [default 'clusters', the keyname of cell type in obs]
--spatial_key [default 'spatial3D', the keyname of coordinate in obsm]
--smooth 1000 [niter of Laplacian smoothing]
--alpha [default 2.0]
Notice: if target_cluster is all, cluster_key will be ignored.
Usage : vt3d Auxiliary PCA3D [options]
required options:
-i <input.h5ad>
-o <output prefix>
--spatial_key [default 'spatial3D', the keyname of coordinate in obsm]
--model_json [default None, the model.json]
Notice: data is priceless, no replace mode supported!
Example of model.json
"Meshes" : {
"body" : "example_data/body.obj" ,
"gut" : "example_data/gut.obj" ,
"nueral" : "example_data/neural.obj" ,
"pharynx" : "example_data/pharynx.obj"
"mesh_coord" : "example_data/WT.coord.json"
Usage : vt3d Auxiliary PCA3D [options]
required options:
-i <input.h5ad>
-o <output prefix>
-m <mesh.obj>
-c <conf.json>
Example of conf.json
"spatial_key" : "spatial",
"annotation" : "clusters",
"step": 10,
"genes" : [genename1,genename2]
Usage : vt3d Auxiliary SCoexp [options]
-i <input.h5ad>
-o <output prefix>
--spatial_key [default 'spatial3D', the keyname of coordinate in obsm]
--sigma [sigma of RBF kernel, default 15]
--genes [default None, file that contain target gene list. if None, all gene used]
Notice: too much genes will lead to huge memory cost and dist cost.