A Spigot plugin that turns gameplay into a real-time strategy empire building game for multiple players over long durations. See FEATURES.md for a better idea as to what this entails.
Spigot 1.10.2, Java 7
Refactored documentation and method namesAsynchronous block placement- Playability
- Interactive building placement
- Building costs
- Item-menu
- Display resources
- Display building options
- New player auto-empire
- Generate starting buildings
Reference list of all empire-playersEmpire names are dependent on player nameSave empire data to ymlTeleport player to new location
StructuresStructure files test placementStructure files define boundariesIndividual structure origins are stored in empire-specific fileStop saving airStructures have origin offset and a radius defined in the fileLoad blocks and data from ymlSave structures in id:data lists yml
Toggle-able dev modeEnsure adventure mode for all joining players