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Releases: FINNGEN/kanta_lab_harmonisation_public

Kanta Harmonisation v2.0.0

09 Aug 12:27
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Freeze for the use in first Kanta version

   status                                            n_codes n_records per_codes per_records
   <chr>                                               <int>     <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 SUCCESFUL                                            1538 149808107  0.0786     0.710    
 2 SUCCESFUL: no unit                                   2511  53572846  0.128      0.254    
 3 ERROR: Mapping: missing mapping                     12635   2844183  0.646      0.0135   
 4 WARNING: Value: Values are significalty different     318   2514638  0.0163     0.0119   
 5 IGNORED: Mapping not found                            102   1386982  0.00521    0.00657  
 6 ERROR: Value: missing units conversion                446    397440  0.0228     0.00188  
 7 WARNING: Value: KS test failed                        797    187207  0.0407     0.000887 
 8 ERROR; Units: Units dont match quantity               163    174712  0.00833    0.000828 
 9 ERROR: Units: invalid source_unit_clean               468     99595  0.0239     0.000472 
10 ERROR: Mapping: unknown abbreviation+unit             572     64835  0.0292     0.000307 
11 ERROR; Mapping: Wrong mapping                          11     19915  0.000562   0.0000944

Major changes :

  • Accept all codes in measurement domain even if they are SNOMED
  • Codes with 'ERROR; Mapping: cannot map without unit, multiple targets' are mapped to the most common unit, for codes with n events over 5000

Minor changes:

  • Added mappings made by MP with Claude AI

Kanta Harmonisation v1.3.0

08 Aug 06:05
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  status                                                                                                              n_codes n_records per_codes per_records
   <chr>                                                                                                                 <int>     <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 SUCCESFUL                                                                                                              1514 144409820  0.0773     0.684    
 2 SUCCESFUL: no unit                                                                                                     2300  54226097  0.117      0.257    
 3 ERROR: Mapping: missing mapping                                                                                       13325   6373496  0.680      0.0302   
 4 ERROR; Mapping: cannot map without unit, multiple targets                                                                96   2614423  0.00490    0.0124   
 5 WARNING: Value: Values are significalty different                                                                       267   2197582  0.0136     0.0104   
 6 ERROR; Mapping: Wrong mapping                                                                                            43    480170  0.00220    0.00227  
 7 WARNING: Value: KS test failed                                                                                          794    176232  0.0405     0.000835 
 8 ERROR: Mapping: unknown abbreviation+unit                                                                               574    156473  0.0293     0.000741 
 9 ERROR; Units: Units dont match quantity                                                                                 160    153011  0.00817    0.000725 
10 ERROR: Value: missing units conversion                                                                                   38    140172  0.00194    0.000664 
11 ERROR: Units: invalid source_unit_clean                                                                                 471    134057  0.0241     0.000635 
12 ERROR; Mapping: Ambiguous mapping, same abbrebiation leukosyytit  and  Number Concentration maps to different conc…       2     12838  0.000102   0.0000608

Major changes :

  • Added abbreviation with no unit combinations from FinnGen missing in LABfi_ALL.usagi.csv
  • Accept all the classes of the LOINC as far as they are measurement domain
  • Accept quantities 'Finding', 'Presence or identity' and 'Presense or threshold' to have NA units
  • Accept 'Presense or threshold' estimate unit to be interchangeable with NA unit

Minor changes:

  • Added few new mappings for panes from Elisa
  • change 'u/field' to 'hpf' in UNITSfi.usagi.csv
  • unit conversion to the top test with unit
  • added abnormaliy colum distribution to viewer

Kanta Harmonisation v1.2.0

19 Jul 09:49
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  • Added new mappings from FinOMOP for the missing code with no unis
   status                                                    n_codes n_records per_codes per_records
   <chr>                                                       <int>     <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 SUCCESFUL                                                    1444 137460674  0.0737     0.651    
 2 SUCCESFUL: no unit                                           2307  52079745  0.118      0.247    
 3 ERROR: Mapping: unknown abbreviation+unit                   11015   7922607  0.562      0.0375   
 4 ERROR: Value: missing units conversion                        438   5895930  0.0224     0.0279   
 5 ERROR; Mapping: cannot map without unit, multiple targets     101   4717159  0.00516    0.0223   
 6 WARNING: Value: Values are significalty different             205   1588191  0.0105     0.00752  
 7 ERROR: Mapping: missing mapping                              2908    997520  0.148      0.00473  
 8 ERROR; Mapping: Wrong mapping                                  16    160598  0.000817   0.000761 
 9 ERROR: Units: invalid source_unit_clean                       471    134057  0.0241     0.000635 
10 ERROR; Units: Units dont match quantity                       146    100459  0.00746    0.000476 
11 WARNING: Value: KS test failed                                533     17431  0.0272     0.0000826

Compare to previous release v1.1.0:

  • added mappings increase 'SUCCESFUL: no unit '

Kanta Harmonisation v1.1.0

19 Jul 07:27
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Major changes :

  • Added 2816 new mappings to LABfi_ALL.usagi.csv for lab codes with no unit, these were created from the existing mappings if all lab codes with different units mapped to same conceptId
  • modified check_lab_usagi_file, to create automatically mappings to lab codes with no units
  status                                                                                                n_codes n_records per_codes per_records
   <chr>                                                                                                   <int>     <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 SUCCESFUL                                                                                                1438 137439854  0.0734    0.651     
 2 SUCCESFUL: missing unit                                                                                    1724  40861079  0.0880    0.194     
 3 ERROR: Mapping: unknown abbreviation+unit                                                               11598  19141273  0.592     0.0907    
 4 ERROR: Value: missing units conversion                                                                    437   5895924  0.0223    0.0279    
 5 ERROR; Mapping: cannot map without unit, multiple targets                                                 101   4717159  0.00516   0.0223    
 6 WARNING: Value: Values are significalty different                                                         203   1585054  0.0104    0.00751   
 7 ERROR: Mapping: missing mapping                                                                          2908    997520  0.148     0.00473   
 8 ERROR; Mapping: Wrong mapping                                                                              16    160598  0.000817  0.000761  
 9 ERROR: Units: invalid source_unit_clean                                                                   471    134057  0.0241    0.000635  
10 ERROR; Units: Units dont match quantity                                                                   146    100459  0.00746   0.000476  
11 WARNING: Value: KS test failed                                                                            532     17315  0.0272    0.0000820 
12 ERROR; Mapping: Ambiguous mapping, same abbrebiation leukosyytit  and  Number Concentration maps to …       2     12838  0.000102  0.0000608 
13 ERROR; Mapping: Ambiguous mapping, same abbrebiation b-cd19  and  Number Concentration maps to diffe…       2      6274  0.000102  0.0000297 
14 ERROR; Mapping: Ambiguous mapping, same abbrebiation albumiini  and  Mass Concentration maps to diff…       2      3315  0.000102  0.0000157 
15 ERROR; Mapping: Ambiguous mapping, same abbrebiation s-chpnaba  and  Arbitrary Concentration maps to…       2      1193  0.000102  0.00000565
16 ERROR; Mapping: Ambiguous mapping, same abbrebiation album  and  Mass Concentration maps to differen…       2       459  0.000102  0.00000217

Compare to previous relesae v1.0.0:

  • Added status 'SUCCESFUL: missing unit' for these codes with no unit, these are consider SUCCESFUL.
  • Still many ERROR: Mapping: unknown abbreviation+unit , this is bcs there is not mapping of a code with unit similar to these, they have to be added
  • 'ERROR; Mapping: cannot map without unit, multiple targets', there are some codes with no unit that cannot be mapped, bcs the options with units are not compatible, eg b-eos [], can be b-eos [e9/l] orb-eos [%] which map to different conceptIds
  • 'ERROR; Mapping: Ambiguous mapping', when trying to create codes with no units we found 5 codes with different units that mapped to different conceptId

Kanta Harmonisation v1.0.0

19 Jul 07:19
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Major changes :

  • Update to work with summary of the real Finngen counts

Minor changes:

  • Sam fixes in the usagi file
  status                                            n_codes n_records per_codes per_records
  <chr>                                               <int>     <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
1 SUCCESFUL                                            1667 139474520  0.0851      0.661   
2 ERROR: Mapping: unknown abbreviation+unit           13423  64719511  0.685       0.307   
3 ERROR: Value: missing units conversion                 39   3813288  0.00199     0.0181  
4 WARNING: Value: Values are significalty different     248   1647758  0.0127      0.00781 
5 ERROR: Mapping: missing mapping                      2908    997520  0.148       0.00473 
6 ERROR; Mapping: Wrong mapping                          16    160598  0.000817    0.000761
7 ERROR: Units: invalid source_unit_clean               471    134057  0.0241      0.000635
8 ERROR; Units: Units dont match quantity               146    100459  0.00746     0.000476
9 WARNING: Value: KS test failed                        666     26660  0.0340      0.000126

Compare to previous version v0.2.0:

  • the SUCCESFUL mappings drop to 66%, this is because now we are considering all the codes with missing unit
  • Most of the codes with missing unit dont find a mapping in LABfi_ALL.usagi.csv, and fall into ERROR: Mapping: unknown abbreviation+unit

Kanta Harmonisation v0.2.0

24 Jun 12:17
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Initial Harmonisation tables


  • Updates by Tarja, completed unmapped using mapped as reference

Status Summary:

 9 × 5
  status                                      n_codes n_records per_codes per_records
  <chr>                                         <int>     <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
1 SUCCESFUL                                      1241  68280571   0.224      0.953   
2 WARNING: Value: Values are significalty di…     750   1306986   0.136      0.0182  
3 WARNING: Value: KS test failed                  131    772668   0.0237     0.0108  
4 ERROR: Mapping: missing mapping                2399    532296   0.434      0.00743 
5 ERROR; Units: Units dont match quantity         264    340699   0.0477     0.00476 
6 ERROR: Units: invalid source_unit_clean         406    160850   0.0734     0.00225 
7 ERROR: Value: missing units conversion           42    120206   0.00759    0.00168 
8 ERROR: Mapping: unknown abbreviation+unit       286     67911   0.0517     0.000948
9 ERROR; Mapping: Wrong mapping                    13     42868   0.00235    0.000599

Kanta Harmonisation v0.1.0

24 Jun 10:06
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Initial Harmonisation tables


  • LABfi usagi files from FinOMOP
  • Fixed UNITSfi usagi deom FinOMOP
  • Fixed maps by Tarja Laitines

Status Summary:

# A tibble: 9 × 5
  status                                            n_codes n_records per_codes per_records
  <chr>                                               <int>     <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
1 SUCCESFUL                                            1143  66137642   0.207      0.923   
2 ERROR: Mapping: unknown abbreviation+unit             275   2064210   0.0497     0.0288  
3 WARNING: Value: Values are significalty different     623   1257196   0.113      0.0176  
4 WARNING: Value: KS test failed                        106    772607   0.0192     0.0108  
5 ERROR: Mapping: missing mapping                      2643    682286   0.478      0.00953 
6 ERROR; Units: Units dont match quantity               274    366567   0.0495     0.00512 
7 ERROR: Units: invalid source_unit_clean               406    160850   0.0734     0.00225 
8 ERROR: Value: missing units conversion                 46    137426   0.00831    0.00192 
9 ERROR; Mapping: Wrong mapping                          17     46314   0.00307    0.000647