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Releases: JPLRepo/DeepFreeze

"KSP 1.1.2 Update"

30 Apr 23:07
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V0.22.1.0 "KSP 1.1.2 Update"
Fixed portrait camera issues.
Fixed On-Screen messages for Kerbal Name when in Alternate - Cryopod Camera mode.
Fixed spacing (scroll lists) in the DeepFreeze GUI menus.
Fixed switching from Stock Toolbar Icon to Blizzy Toolbar Icon and back again.
Made Settings Menu resizable.
Added some more KSPedia pages - What do people want to see here?

"KSP 1.1 Turbo Charged! - Release"

24 Apr 10:31
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Added first-cut KSPedia Pages - this is really just testing out this feature and is a very rough first cut. Plans to expand and improve this.
Support for NEW RPM - JSIAdvTransparentPods - no longer supports the OLD RPM TJSITransparentPods. You need RPM - JSITransparentPods V0.25.0 or above.
Support for Kerbalism Mod.

Minor Bugs (fix in next version):

  1. When you freeze/thaw from internal cam (alternate camera) the camera loses the transform reference point at the end of the process.
  2. When inside the CRY-0300 with the External Doors closed, if you zoom out strange camera effects mean the door is only partially visible.
  3. The screen messages when in Cryopod-Camera mode are not showing all the kerbal's names.
  4. When you change settings from Stock to Toolbar and change scenes, the toolbar appears, but stock button is still there. A restart or several scene changes fixes it.
  5. When there is a Kerbal on the ladder in front of the CRY-0300 and the doors are open the Internal Overlays the kerbal and blocks them from view. This is actually an RPM - JSIAdvTransparentPods bug.
  6. The CRY-0300R has lost it's ability to show cool Window Freeze/Thawing animation effects.

Issues with release:

Background Processing is not available under KSP 1.1. Unless the mod author updates it soon I will look to put my own EC background processing into DeepFreeze. For now if you are using EC usage the non-Background Processing method still works (it plays catch-up when you swith to the vessel).
There is no version of TAC LS for KSP 1.1 - so it is not currently supported.

"More Fixes"

15 Mar 05:11
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Fixed bug when using EC for frozen kerbals is turned ON and BackgroundProcessor is not installed. When you switch back to a vessel after a long period of time and you don't have enough EC to catch-up on the EC usage DeepFreeze was not correctly consuming 95% of remanining EC and was executing the Kill/Emergency Thaw procedure.
Fixed GUI when EC usage is on where the fields were not spanning the resizable window correctly.
Improved error handling for a spurious bug in Tracking Station that cannot be tracked down.
Removed DFInterface.DLL API. Wrapper API now provided for other Mods to interface to DeepFreeze.
Removed use of SMInterface.DLL API to interface to Ship Manifest. Replaced with Reflection Wrapper class. Requires Ship Manifest V5.0.1.0 or above.
Changed DEFAULT CLS setting for the CRY-0300 and CRY-0300R to be Passable (allowing unrestricted crew transfers), this is due to a known bug in CLS/Ship Manifest mods.
Will change this setting back once Papa_Joe fixes that bug in CLS/SM.
Earlier versions of Ship Manifest no longer supported.
Updated Mini-AVC included to newer version to stop log spam.
Added Community Tech Tree science node definitions (via Module Manager file, requires Module Manager).
Re-Factored a lot of code and utilities (Code Housekeeping).

More Bug Squashing

14 Feb 07:35
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V0.20.3.0 "bug Fixes"
Fixed bug when thawing some kerbals vessel where vessel reference transform was not set in some cases.
Modified debugging and error messages during thawing to assist easier bug hunting in the future.

Bug Squashing

27 Jan 06:54
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Fixed null ref bug when vessels are destroyed.
Fixed null ref bug when KSP vessel list cannot be accessed.
Fixed null ref/NAN bug when revert to editor (from vessel with DeepFreeze part) and launch another vessel.

Fix sound bug and add Reflection Wrapper API class

07 Jan 23:24
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Fixed sound glitch/issue with CRY-0300R when attaching more than one in symmetry mode in the editor.
For Other Modder/Mods API interface re-written providing API via reflection class (no hard dependency) - of no relevance to users.

External Radial Pods

08 Dec 09:31
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Added new Radial External Cryopod - The CRY-0300R. A single kerbal Cryopod part that can be radially attached. The CRY-0300R also has an attach point at the top of the pod.
Great for adding radial pods to your vessel or inside a SpacePlane CargoBay! Fits inside the Mk-2 & Mk-3 Cargo bays, the part does clip through the base of cargo bays as it is primarily designed to attach to the outside of a curved part. However, if you get creative you can fit it into a Cargo bay using girders or octaganol struts.
The CRY-0300R supports RasterPropMonitor transparent pods (yes it's transparent if you have RPM installed).
The CRY-0300R also has an external EVA hatch. The CRY-0300R only weighs 0.87t (the full CRY-0300 weights 2.62t) and appears in the TechTree at spaceExploration (same as the CRY-0300).
This now completes the set of all the originally planned DeepFreeze parts.
MerlinsMaster has re-textured more details into all the Cryopods.
Fixed Pod transparency for the CRY-0300 (and the CRY-0300R) based on RPM transparency setting in flight and also now works in the Editor (VAB/SPH). However, due to the complications of DeepFreeze parts transparency can either be ON or OFF (RPM AUTO setting is treated as Transparency OFF).
Fixed bug where the External Door Open/Close sound effect was not working for the CRY-0300.
Rationalis(z)ed all the part models and textures into one folder, as a lot of them are shared. This will save some memory. Thanks goes to khr15714n for kicking me into doing this as I have been meaning to for a while.
Due to this however, if you are upgrading from a previous version of DeepFreeze you MUST delete the /GameData/REPOSoftTech/DeepFreeze entirely BEFORE installing this version. If you want to save your DeepFreeze
settings make a backup/copy of /GameData/REPOSoftTech/DeepFreeze/Plugins/Config.cfg file BEFORE deleting your DeepFreeze folder then copy you backup/copy of this file back into the /GameData/REPOSoftTech/DeepFreeze/Plugins folder once you have upgraded.

KSP 1.0.5

10 Nov 10:16
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Recompile for KSP 1.0.5

Bug fixes & Enhancements

30 Oct 00:29
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Fix distribution to include missing Editor group icon from V0.19.0.0 that somehow got left out of V0.19.1.0.
Fix bug that V0.19.2.0 introduced that was causing invalid seat placements and
Add more robust checking of Seat placements for frozen kerbals to avoid bugs that have been occurring for some users.
Fix seat placement when a freeze/thaw process is aborted.

"Bug fixes & Enhancements"

19 Oct 10:27
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Added comatose function for when EC or Heat options are ON and Fatal option is OFF. Now when you run out of EC or overheat with these options set kerbals will be emergency thawed
and become comatose (tourists) for a period of 5 minutes (can be changed in the settings menu).
Fixed bug with new pop-up windows when EC is critical or overheat - this pop-up will now NOT appear if the active vessel is the vessel that has run out of EC or overheat.