NSAMR GDrive/IT/uk.ac.nsamr/static/research-OUTGOING-research-database-projects
NB: Helen is not backing this spreadsheet up systematically -- recommend you copy and paste into it from elsewhere (and back that up offline too)
App is at https://GQ5Z7YLYI42KMWQG.anvilapp.net/HTBTEJI5IWB7DBSQRHYK4S7S
Clicking “Update database...” will replace the data stored by the Anvil app with whatever is in the spreadsheet above Caution: any database rows with the same Project Number will be overwritten.
Clicking “Clear entire database…” will, well. You will be asked to tick a box to say you’re sure before doing this. NB: Helen is not backing up the data stored by the Anvil app
App is at: https://VVHDM56CWFB5PNAJ.anvilapp.net/IYVNT5FNJWLRT5DFXKEJFREE
NSAMR GDrive/IT/uk.ac.nsamr/static/research-INCOMING-project-applications
NB: Helen is not backing this spreadsheet up systematically -- recommend you copy and paste into it from elsewhere (and back that up offline too)
App is at https://5la65cxf3drw6inm.anvilapp.net/MPTTWEL3SDKIOSZGPHELHKAW