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Releases: TheFixerDevelopment/FactionsPro


05 Feb 10:46
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So this update includes: Many bug fixes, updates which fix some bugs, and some errors based on console. Also some reverted changes as well. Here's the update:


  • F war is now broadcasted when a faction is going against another faction, rather than going private. (May add a config for f war broadcast in the near future.)
  • Updated some command messages for a more-better understanding of things.
  • Fixed some Factions commands from saying "The faction leader is not online", when they clearly are online.
  • Fixed /f kick from being able to kick yourself.
  • Fixed /f leader from being able to make yourself not leader.
  • Fixed /f promote from being able to promote yourself, but in reality, you got demoted from Leader to officer (Weird glitch.)
  • Fixed /f demote from being able to demote yourself (as the leader), when they shouldn't be able to.
  • Fixed /f enemy bugs.
  • Fixed /f notenemy bugs.
  • Fixed /f ally bugs.
  • Fixed /f unally bugs.
  • Fixed server crashes when checking for updates.
  • Update check moved from onLoad() to onEnable() state.
  • Added displayTag() support to tag-type config option.
  • Fixed syntax errors.
  • Bump plugin to v2.1.5

GamePlay / Protocol changes

This release has no major API breaks, and is just generally a bug fix update.

FactionsPro v2.1.4 UPDATE

02 Feb 11:38
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This release is a bug fix update, and somethings added / removed.


  • Added new function checkUpdate()
  • Added a new feature, where it detects if an update of this plugin is available.
  • Removed updateNotifier by JackMD
  • The plugin now notifies console if a new update from this plugin is available.
  • Added PluginDescription use namespace.
  • Added new config option: update-checker - Allows you to see if an update is available if set to true. If you set to false, this plugin won’t try and find new updates.
  • Fixed some concerns regarding plugin loading.
  • Fixed get() on null errors.
  • Fixed an issue, where you’d get kicked for: Internal server error. This error leads to an incorrect place of getPlayerExact() returning null when trying to get the leader of that faction the user executed (if leader is not online). This fix is related to: #52, and #55.
  • Bump plugin to v2.1.4

FactionsPro v2.1.3 UPDATE

26 Jan 09:54
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I’ve decided to make a new release of FactionsPro because firstly, we haven’t released anything publicly for a while, and secondly, this update is a good update, which fixes a lot of bugs.
Here’s the changelog


  • Moved ALL tasks to tasks folder.
  • Renamed FactionWar to FactionWarTask, as it’s technically a task.
  • Fixed faction tags from breaking, and not working as it should.
  • Added new task: updateTagTask
  • Added new function: tagCheck, allowing the plugin to check for tag related options.
  • Added new config option: enable-faction-tag - Whether to enable faction tag or not.
  • Added new config option: updateTag-tick - How many ticks in seconds should it automatically update the updateTag task.
  • Added new config option: faction-tag - Allows you to edit the faction tag message.
  • Added new config option: tag-type - Allows you to select, either scoretag, or nametag. ScoreTag - Shows faction tag below the player’s head. NameTag - Shows faction tag above the player’s head.
  • Removed updateTag() function.
  • Only push poggit builds to BETA branch.
  • Bump plugin to v2.1.3

FactionsPro v2.0.1 UPDATE - It's finally here!

18 Aug 16:59
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In this change log, we fixed: Many bugs, fixed broken issues within this plugin, and more. Here are the changes:

  • Added /f notenemy , so you can un enemy a faction.
  • Added new functions: unsetEnemies
  • Fixed /f allies from printing empty arrays when not allied with any faction.
  • Bump plugin to 3.0.0 + 4.0.0 support, and updated Scheduler tasks.
  • Fixed commands being broken when executing all /f commands. ;P
  • Fix some bugs with /f kick
  • Fixed bugs and improvements made to Allies and Enemies.
  • $level based methods are added to /f overclaim.
  • Fixed /f war from causing task problems.
  • Some code changes to the plugin.
  • Fixed AllyChat and Faction chat related issues when deleting your faction, or if you get kicked, or even leave that faction - This bug was around for a while now, but it never got patched.
  • Updated to factionsPro_dev_744 build.

Update that changes stuff

25 Apr 09:21
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Hey, so this is a new release from ZPlayzMCPE called "Update that changes stuff."
In this release, there is newly updates, features, new implementations, bug fixes, and so much more!
Here is the full change log:

Features / Implementations Added / Fixed

  • Implement All aliases for /f.
  • Fixed /f leave from causing any crashes when aliased with a command.
  • Revamped the /f help codes massively, less messy, more cleaner, and smooth.
  • Made it so OPS only can use /f help 8 - Currently bugged, working on fixing.
  • Implement Title claims - #8 - Keep in mind - This has not been tested yet, so things may go wrong // errors may appear. We hope for an update regarding this fixes it - If anything needs fixing.
  • Fixed onEnable event, causing the server to not load nor work.
  • Implement onLoad plugin event.
  • Also fixed onLoad plugin event.
  • Implement configurations for /f top (Money and STR)
  • Fixed /f top money from not coming up with a message. - Known bug that was fixed, which also relates to #18 which we will get on fixing soon.
  • Implement configurations for /f accept & /f deny.
  • Implement configurations for /f allyok & /f allydeny.
  • Renamed configurations from prefix to pluginprefix.
  • Updated and revamped /f about.
  • Updated /f help, so it has all alias commands on them.
  • Bug fixes & improvements were made during this update.

Protocol / GamePlay Changes

  • Add ALPHA13 & ALPHA14 support (plugin.yml)
  • Bump version to v2.0.0-implement - plugin.yml.
  • Update plugin description.
  • Bug fixes and improvements were made!

That is it for this public release. If you have any suggestions, or bugs you want to report, please open a new issue. Thank you.

The Prefixes Update!

27 Mar 12:40
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Hey, so as you all are aware of this release title, we have released The Prefixes Update! With this, it fixes: Many bugs and issues regarding commands, invitations, and especially, prefixes. So as you all are aware, we did add Prefixes a while ago, but was never implemented properly, until now. Here is the change log:


  • Added Prefixes to Commands. Finally.
  • Made Prefixes more useful!
  • Added /f help usage. (As prefixes.)
  • Added /f - prefixes to console.
  • Removed /f bc, and just kept it as /f say. ;P


  • Fixed /f say not working. 'Finally Fixed! :)'
  • Fixed /f command from coming up with errors when executing it from console.
  • Fixed /f promote from coming up as a random player name, which appears to not exist. Along with /f kick, and /f demote, and a few other commands which got affected with this.
  • Fixed /f kick from saying "The player named YourName cannot be found." We had to make it as $args[1] instead of the $playerName tag. There are some issues with this, as we work towards a fix in the future.
  • We've made Prefix configurations now usable, and not just for one thing.
  • Fixed a bug where The plugin would not enable due to class name not found. I don't know how long this bug had lasted for, as I never noticed it until I discovered it on my test server. So I guess it is a mystery.
  • Fixed an known issue where /f map would sometimes cause an unknown error.
  • Cleaned up the code, and added them into somewhat same line.
  • Color code now works with Faction prefixes.


We have updated /f about to update the build information.
As far as we know, there are no Protocol nor Game play changes. I think we're all good on that one. If you think there should be something changed within this plugin, please open a new issue. Thank you.

Factions Update

08 Mar 11:20
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Factions Update Pre-release

So this is a new update, which was released, introducing the: Factions Update.

This update includes: Many bug fixes, and some configurations we have added in to the plugin.
Keep in mind - This is a pre-release, so some bugs may occur within this. If everything goes well within the testing, I will make another release or make this a non pre-release content.


  • Added Configurations for /f help
  • Added configurations for /f invite
  • Added Configurations for /f ally
  • Added Configurations for /f desc
  • Added /f rmpower
  • Added /f rmbalto
  • Added usage for /f help :P Now have to type the page number. Don't worry, it has an example if you get stuck.
  • Added Dependency for EconomyAPI - For F Values system.


  • Fixed /f say from not working properly.
  • Fixed /f map again.
  • Fixed /f promote from not recognising the player's actual name properly. Not sure why this bug occurred, but it should now be fixed.
  • Fixed /f demote as well.
  • Revamped /f about to make it even better.
  • Fixed errors from popping up in console, rip.
  • Fixed the Loading Dependency and changed the messages to make it better, and easier to understand.
  • Bug fixes and improvements.


Added Dependency for EconomyAPI - Now required to load up F Value system.
As a part from that, there's no major protocol / game play changes as of this pre release. Please test this release, but keep note - it may not work as it used to. But if it doesn't work like before, please open a new issue. We'll be sure to get it fixed ASAP. Thank you.


03 Mar 00:14
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This update is mainly a bug fix update along with some features added. Here is the change log:

Added Features

  • Added /f top usage.
  • Added /f top str


  • Fixed /f leave crashing the server.
  • Fixed /f top hsage count for /f top money.
  • Fixed /f fdisband
  • Fixed /f say from causing issues.


There is no protocol / gameplay changes in this release.
Keep in mind - I may edit this release if something wasn’t fixed yet, but please let me know. Thank you.

F home Update #2

28 Feb 09:50
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Okay, so this update fixes even more bugs with /f home, and /f sethome.
Also along with that, we’ve also added back a feature, which allows you to Need power to update or set a home.
This was somehow removed, not sure why, but it was. So I decided to add this back to the Factions plugin.
Also, we fixed a bug, where when using /f sethome to set a home, and you’d use /f home, it wouldn’t work correctly, and would come up with “Home name is missing. Please delete the home and set it again” although, you’ve already done that, which was a weird bug in the code however, it did get fixed.
Here is the current status for this release:

Build No: 290
Release: Public
Release type: Bug fix
Version of release: v2.0.4
Plugin Version: v2.0.0
API: 3.0.0-ALPHA11, 3.0.0-ALPHA12

F home update

27 Feb 18:02
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Okay, so this update mainly fixes a bug, in which when using /f home and you've set home in the nether, as an example, it would teleport you to the default world named: world, and not where the set home actually was. Surprisingly, it never messed up with /f claim nor any other commands as far as I'm aware of. So this update basically now allows you to set home in any world possible. Whether if it was in the nether, the end, or just the default overworld. Or even anywhere randomness in the new worlds you may / may not have created. This was a simple fix however, I waited for a little bit due to me being busy, and what not. But this update has now come back to life. KEEP IN MIND - Since we've updated the code, you'll need to delete your home and set it again, by using /f sethome. Next update will be coming soon.