FactionsPro v2.1.3 UPDATE
I’ve decided to make a new release of FactionsPro because firstly, we haven’t released anything publicly for a while, and secondly, this update is a good update, which fixes a lot of bugs.
Here’s the changelog
- Moved ALL tasks to tasks folder.
- Renamed FactionWar to FactionWarTask, as it’s technically a task.
- Fixed faction tags from breaking, and not working as it should.
- Added new task: updateTagTask
- Added new function: tagCheck, allowing the plugin to check for tag related options.
- Added new config option: enable-faction-tag - Whether to enable faction tag or not.
- Added new config option: updateTag-tick - How many ticks in seconds should it automatically update the updateTag task.
- Added new config option: faction-tag - Allows you to edit the faction tag message.
- Added new config option: tag-type - Allows you to select, either scoretag, or nametag. ScoreTag - Shows faction tag below the player’s head. NameTag - Shows faction tag above the player’s head.
- Removed updateTag() function.
- Only push poggit builds to BETA branch.
- Bump plugin to v2.1.3