Releases: Unknown025/Flans-Mod-Plus
- Fixed rendering issue affecting guns, vehicle and armor models with transparency.
- Bullet hit sounds now play in the correct range, and in MP.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed #202 regarding players being disconnected on Cauldron-derived servers.
Bug fixes:
- glow on certain parts breaking rendering of other parts (muzzle flash in particular)
- planes going mad under certain circumstances
- gun and attachment model scale not reading correctly
- default bullet spread not setting correctly
- DetonateWhenShot not being read from config for grenades
- melee and scope functions not being read properly
- folder names inside packs can now include plurals
- remove null types if shortnames are null, better logging of failures
- silenced sound not playing
- teams spectator mode?
- flare config not reading correctly
- (antonit99) remove global entity IDs for bullets, grenades to prevent conflicts
- (antonit99) reduce collisions between bullets hitting projectiles from other mods
- changed bullet and grenade entity names to reduce chance of conflict (Bullet -> FlansBullet, Grenade -> FlansGrenade)
- armour overlay not skipping if empty
- seats dying doesn't bork vehicle?
- reduce some amount of packet spam to server?
- vehicles descending behave better?
- bulletdamage applying for explosion damage instead of otherdamage
- hit texture using casing texture
- recipes not reading properly
- (secretagent) player stats command not displaying properly
- some sounds not firing properly
- muzzle flash not doing something
- pick last instead of first entry if multiples lines given for a single config, to replicate past behaviour
- improved validation of wheel definitions
- gun, armour boxes not reading correctly
- paintable icons not reading correctly
- improved reflection for setting food stats
- new manual guidance packet to update player position and look vector more frequently to reduce desync between client and server
- (secret agent) gun switch time before usable set via SwitchDelay on gun config.
- (polati) improved bullet block hit particles
- improved logging for pack loading issues
- add suppressed sound for last shoot sound
- added ExplosionsBreaksBlocks, ExplosionBreakBlock, ExplosionsBreakBlocks spellings for ExplosionBreaksBlocks config
- load a gun from teams playerclass when spawning in with ammo
- updated to gradle 5.2.1 for build
- (pixelrider2000) add reload cancel, enabled by default (Cancel reload on weapon switch in flansmod.cfg) which cancels reload progress when switching weapons
- armour dye now works on teams armour
- (zervult) replaced block hit sounds with larger versions
- (Doenerstyle) added german translation
- FlakParticles can now use custom particle types
- invalid configs are now automatically removed from the game (logged as Fatal Error in startup log)
FM+USE Version 1.57
This release includes work from pixelrider2000, SecretAgent12 and TheWillyJ. Sadly, Willy has disappeared again which puts his projects on hold for now. Due to the likelihood of bugs from the config rewrite, this release may not be ccompletely stable, by the next release any reported bugs due to config should be ironed out.
- (PixelRider) Fixed inventory bug for finding first empty slot
- (Gold) Crash due to bullet hitdetection for a player with somehow negative ping.
- (Gold) Crash due to a paintjob that has been removed, and no longer has a valid skin.
- (Gold) Fixed shotgun/revolver animation issue
- (Gold) Crash when there were no vehicles in game, and someone tried to craft using the driveable crafting table
- (AntonIT) Crash due to EntityPlayer/EntityLivingBase cast
- (Gold) Crosshairs no longer break boss bars
- (TheWillyJ)
group for guns, withboltRotationAngle
animation variables. - (TheWillyJ)
adds a rotation helper to gun models, used withinjectRotationTool
- (TheWillyJ) Added flansmod.cfg
Bonus regen amount
,Bonus regen interval
,Bonus regen food limit
. At the tick interval, players will be healed by the amount if they have more food than the limit. - (Gold) Steering is now proportional to throttle, for slightly less goofy vehicle handling. Does not effect tanks.
- (Pixelrider) Added
- (Pixelrider) Block penetration for bullets! In flansmod.cfg:
Enable Block Penetration
,Master Block Penetration Modifier
,Penetrable Blocks
. Block penetration is configured separately to main penetration. The list of blocks can be customised in flansmod.cfg. Each block can have specified hardness, and whether bullets can pass through without breaking the block. Modified on the bullet withBlockPenetrationModifier
which overrides the master modifier. - (TheWillyJ) Automatic sprint stance animation, after sprinting for a few frames the gun will automatically go down to the side, and snap back when shooting. Can be configured in gun models with
fancyStance = true
. Global modifiers in flansmod.cfgenableWeaponSprintStance
,Enable Randomized Sprint Stance
. Random stance uses a different "random" resting position for each gun. - (PixelRider) Ammo is now automatically combined in the inventory on reload, and added option to automatically put reloaded ammo in upper inventory instead of hotbar. Controllable through flansmod.cfg:
Combine Ammo On Reload
,Ammo To Upper Inventory On Reload
, or through the ingame settings with ;. Also has server sideAllow Combining Ammo on Reload
. - (PixelRider)
config options on bullet allow damage of the bullet to be decreased due to penetration loss. - (Gold) Default engines for crafting driveables in creative.
- (SecretAgent) Default impact sounds for bullets hitting brick, dirt, glass, metal, rock, wood.
Config Rewrite
This project took a lot of time, it was started by TheWillyJ to improve how Flansmod read config files, however he dissappeared about 1/3 of the way through, where I took over. Both for tidier code, and easier validation and consistency. Instead of if/else statements for each config, the files are read ahead of time and stored, then each config is queried. The way errors are reported in the log have been overhauled and now report file name, pack name, shortname, a message, the config line which caused the error and an exception stacktrace. I would stronly encourage pack makers to read these logs to find what errors their packs may be causing.
The behaviour of this update should be the same as before, the main differences is now that the first instead of last config is read where it has been included multiple times in a config file. There will be things that we've missed though, so if you see any broken behaviour, or configs not read or throw errors you do not expect - please send all of these.
In future this will allow further validation to be possible, making the mod more stable and reporting more to pack makers.
More details: #183
- Fixed driveable repair GUI health bar alignment
- Break action, revolver and some other guns not animating correctly
Six months too late, we've finally released this update.
TheWillyJ worked in the original FM+U development group, so we're really pleased to have his help now. Originally I was planning for this to be the last 'feature' release, but I've still got the motivation to keep going a bit longer.
We will hopefully be putting out releases more frequently, so new features can be tested quickly, and bugfixes are more "official".
However, we will be focusing on tidying up the codebase - firstly by a complete overhaul of the config system. There is also scope for validation to fix common bugs, overhaul of flansmod.cfg e.t.c.
As before, there's still a deficit of documentation so that's still needing attention. There's a huge backlog of feature requests on our Trello board, so it is unlikely that we will get to new features unless they're easy to implement and widely applicable.
Bug fixes:
- First reload of a gun wouldn't play animations properly
- (SecretAgent) Crash when loading stats
- (Gold) Gun reload sound not firing in creative
- (Gold) Bullets no longer collide with EntityScent
from ZombieAwareness mod
- (Gold) Crash regarding PilotGuns
- (TheWillyJ) Half empty ammo stacks entering armour slots when player has a full inventory
- (Unknown) Optimised player class loading times
- (TheWillyJ) Bug where guns with ShootDelay not setup would bork player, prevent them from shooting
- build.gradle updated to stop issue with legacy forge gradle
- (Gold) When an engine's pack has been removed, it gets replaced by a default engine, preventing crash
- (TheWillyJ) Guns no longer continue to shoot after entering inventory GUI
- (Gold) Bullet bounciness: Coefficient of speed change when hitting a block, will bounce off similar to grenades now. Off by default, bullet dies on impact with speed < 0.1 blocks/tick
- (Gold) Allowed standard reload sounds to be played on multi NumBullets guns (This might cause issues?)
- (Gold) Added MoveSpeedModifier
as alias to MovementSpeedModifier
for attachments
- (SecretAgent) SwitchDelay
applies a warmup number of ticks for a gun to draw before it can be shot, reloaded e.t.c. after switching to it from another item
- (SecretAgent) HasVariableZoom
, MinZoom
, MaxZoom
, ZoomAgument
allow variable zooms for guns and attachments, changed by UP, DOWN keys by default.
- (TheWillyJ) Improved bullet counter HUD, enabled by default but disableable from Flansmod.cfg Enable fancy bullet gui
- (TheWillyJ) Flansmod.cfg Master Gun Damage Modifier
, Master Gun Recoil Modifier
, Master Dual-Wield Toggle
. Self explanatory global defaults/multipliers
- (TheWillyJ) Flansmod.cfg Enable Gun Dev Mode
Allows guns to be used without ammo for testing purposes
- (TheWillyJ) easyArms
gun model setting, sets rotation point to be the hand rather than end of the arm. Will break existing arm settings if turned on!
- (TheWillyJ) Flansmod.cfg Block Chests While Holding Guns
and Block All Interactions While Holding Guns
- (TheWillyJ) Flansmod.cfg Headshot damage Modifier
, Leg damage Modifier
- (TheWillyJ) Flansmod.cfg Name tag render range
, Name tag sneaking render range
sets parameters for the teams setting
- (TheWillyJ) Flansmod.cfg Max Health
allows players max health to be changed from 20
- (Gold) BrakingModifier
Multiplies rate of decceleration (Vehicles only)
- (Gold) FixedSecondary
, SecondaryAngle
now fix a secondary gun relative to a vehicle's turret (All driveables)
- (SecretAgent) Player who placed a driveable is now saved to NBT
- (SecretAgent) Added LaserGuidance
- (Gold) Flansmod.cfg Explosion Wheel,Seat modifier
for the amount of damage taken by wheels, seats when hit by an explosion. Previously, 100% damage taken would be transferred to the main driveable entity.
- (Gold) Mecha legs for vehicles. left/right/front/backLegModel
model groups, legMoveSpeed
, legMaxMove
angle, legSteerAmount
, legSpeedChange
all control animation. Also setup leg stomp sounds StompSoundFront/BackLeft/Right
- (Gold) Added extra ship parts (See EnumDriveablePart), throttle nerf from losing bow/stern, engine and boiler rooms, steering e.t.c.
- (Gold) Scrollbars for driveable parts GUI
- (Gold) PartDeathExplosion
spawns an explosion that damages other parts of the driveable when the part dies
- (Gold) Automatically set bulletDetectionRadius
based on hitboxes. Should help common issues with it not being set for large driveables
- (PixelRider) Added DriveableDeathByHandEvent
, PlayerEnterSeatEvent
, BulletHitEvent
for better interop with FlansAPI, e.t.c.
- (Gold) AddPaintableToTables
whether skins for anything paintable should be added to the paintjob table. Can be set for all variants of an item, or for individual variants.
- (Unknown) Part glow in models now will only trigger with fancy graphics on
- (Gold) Flansmod.cfg Show pack names in item descriptions
controls whether a pack's name should be included in an item's description.
Please let us know of any bugs/crashes, either through opening a Github issue or in our Discord server
Fixed incorrect versions being able to join servers.
Upgrading to this version is strongly recommended over v1.53.
- (SecretAgent12) Teams autobalancer fix
- (SecretAgent12) Added missing tab autocomplete teams commands
- Fixed dupe in driveable inventories
- (conman180) Third person camera no longer zooms out when speeding up. Camera distance is now more constant.
- (SecretAgent12) Extended reloading bug fix
- (SecretAgent12) Teams respawning errors
- (SecretAgent12) Helicopters can no longer be viably flow upside-down
- (SecretAgent12) Players moving to spectator will have their inventories wiped.
- Driveable repair update packet radius has been increased, and repairing driveables will now sync to other players
- Anticheat hash checking is now more efficient, will only calculate a new hash when required.
- (SecretAgent12)
keybind to pick teams class without having to pick team first - (SecretAgent12) stats tracker
/teams stats <player>
displaying kills, deaths, k/d, average kills per game, rank, max kill distance, playtime, rounds, MVP count, CTF captures, vehicles killed - (SecretAgent12) leaderboard
/teams leaderboard
- (SecretAgent12) Teams XP and MVP system
- (SecretAgent12) Teams friendly fire is now blocked for vehicles
- (SecretAgent12) Alternate recoil system (See ConfigReference) which works independently of other recoil systems. Adapted from Breakdown, credit to Blooditor.
- (SecretAgent12) Level system for unlocking teams classes (Uses rank from new stats)
- (SecretAgent12)
/flans allowedAttachments
shows attachments that are compatible with the gun the player is holding. - (SecretAgent12) Improved auto-reload when spawning in teams
- (SecretAgent12)
/teams roundsGenerator <true, false>
auto-repeat setup rounds - (SecretAgent12) New
"enableKillMessage" to enable/disable the bottom right kill list, and send a blank message in chat instead of kill distance (Sending none is a bit harder). - Penetration decay specified by
(default 0) is the amount of penetration a bullet loses per tick. In range 0 to 1, 0 = no loss, 0.01 = 1% loss each tick e.t.c. - New teams command
/teams survivalCanPlaceVehicles
which blocks non-creative players from placing vehicles
- (SecretAgent12) Added documentation for Team, PlayerClass configs in config ref
- Updated error in config ref, the correct config is
notPenetration Resistance
description updated (Set vanilla flag for driveables mounting other entities).- Fixed mistake in config ref,
was wrong, the correct config isHipFireWhileSprinting
. - Added descript for
Sidenote: The /flans
commands may not work this update, they may still be in development.
FM+USE Version 1.52
Changes contributed by SecretAgent12 have been marked as such, future changelogs will list any other contributers aside from Unknown and GoldSloth.
Changes (Things to be aware of):
- Deprecated DecreaseRecoil, DecreaseRecoilYaw - These should NOT be used, and may result in negative recoil, strange behaviour. They do still work however.
- Default pen values for armour has changed slightly, please see for updated values. Body has been split up into Chestplate and Legs(Legs+Boots), default behaviour is the same but armour is added differently for pen.
- Crash in Driveables relating to incorrect configured PilotGuns
- Crash when throwing grenades
- Crash related to barrel attachments
- More foolproof removal of dodgy files (.DS_Store e.t.c.) in config folders to prevent crashes/bugs
- Teams crash for clients
- Melee weapons now unable to hit user when running into them
- Crash when repair screen open in a driveable that dies.
- Sounds now play properly for FuelTank=-1 driveables
- (SecretAgent12) Fixed teams autobalancer bugs (Incorrect spawn location, +others)
- Removed unneccessary packet that could cause extra network traffic in edge cases.
- (SecretAgent12) EnableSightDownwarMovement flansmod.cfg variable (See new recoil guide).
- (SecretAgent12) Readded tab completion for /teams autobalance, /teams listAllTeams
- Global config for default muzzle flash particle behaviour in flansmod.cfg. Individual gun config overrides this.
- EmptyClickSoundRepeated to play each time a player shoots with no ammo (EmptyClickSound only plays once)
- Readded missing icon, no more transparent items
- (SecretAgent12) Headshot marker now appears in kill messages
- Hit markers now show when inside vehicles/planes e.t.c.
- (SecretAgent12) Default Key: P, allows a "Preferred" ammo type to be selected via gui, which has priority for reloading.
- Recoil(Sneaking/Sprinting)Multiplier(Yaw). See new recoil wiki page.
- flansmod.cfg option to enable/disable wound flashes on taking damage.
- Logging for placement and breaking of vehicles, planes, AAGuns, showing position, playername, EntityID. Mainly aimed at server owners.
- Added teams variable /teams survivalCanBreakVehicles true/false, if false, only creative players can break vehicles/planes/e.t.c.
- Spread, numbullets now apply to passenger guns, including bullet overrides.
- (SecretAgent12) Hit detection now considers legs as a seperate body part, with new pen values (See note in changes). Adapted from Breakdown with permission from Blood.
- Marked which configs for planes are available in new flight model only (Config Reference)
- Corrections to BulletInsertSound. Only works for SHOTGUN, STRIKER, CUSTOMSHOTGUN, CUSTOMSTRIKER, CUSTOMRIFLE animation types.
- New wiki page fully describing current recoil system. Both for content makers and reference for development.
- New wiki page with demo for Underbarrel attachments
Plus, usual support and testing.
FM+USE Version 1.51 (Inc. 1.50 changes)
- No models loading with non-mod content packs
- Crash on player taking damage from various sources
- (conman180) Config relating to MaxDegreesOfSACLOS for semi-auto missile guiding read in properly
BulletTypes (ammunition, missiles, bombs) can now be read from a folder called 'ammo' as well.
Config files can be read from any number of subdirectories in their type folder:
vehicles/Belgian/.. vehicles/WelshInfantry/.. vehicles/Equestrian/..
Will all be read in as though they were in the
folder on previous versions. Allows for organisation of configs.
Note: This is NOT backwards compatible and will mean your pack doesn't work on other versions.