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Test Cases Viewing Another User's Profile

Alpertunga edited this page May 9, 2017 · 7 revisions
Test Scenario Test Case Preconditions Test Steps Test Data Expected Result Actual Results Pass/Fail
Viewing Another User's Profile General View of Profile Page 1. Website is open
2. User is logged in.
1. Open the search panel.
2. Enter user data
3. Click search or press enter.
4. Choose a user type result and click it.
"utku-bozdogan" 1. Selected user's profile page is displayed.
2. Information that the owner of the page chooses to share is displayed.
Viewing Another User's Profile Following 1. Website is open
2. User is logged in.
3. Profile of another user is being viewed.
Click the button that "Follow" is written on. Follow: Alpertunga Ertin 1. User is prompted a message informing that they now follow the selected user
2. Follow button is replaced by an "Unfollow" button.
Viewing Another User's Profile Viewing Another User's "Concerts Diary" 1. Website is open
2. User is logged in.
3. Profile of another user is being viewed.
Click the button that "Concerts Diary" is written on. Concerts Diary: Ozan Kınasakal User is shown the list of concerts that the selected user attended if the selected user chose to share.

Viewing Concert Page

Test Scenario Test Case Preconditions Test Steps Test Data Expected Result Actual Results Pass/Fail
View a concert Registered User User has logged in 1.User arrives at a concert event page by searching or from another user's profile - 1.User is able to see concert image,description, attendees, location date and comments.
2.User is able to attend, comment, edit or share the concert.
View a concert Guest User - 1.User arrives at a concert event page by searching or from another user's profile - User is able to see concert image,description, attendees, location date and comments.
Request concert edit The date of the concert has changed User has logged in 1.User arrives at the concert page by searching or from a user's profile - User is either able to edit the concert information or rejected by the community
Comment on a concert User has attended the concert and wants to share their thoughts User has logged in 1.User arrives at a concert event page by searching or from another user's profile.
2.User enters their comment
"This concert was great! Looking forward to their new album." Users are able to see the comment and its entry date.
Invite another user to concert Burak Sofu is going to a Metallica concert and wants to invite Alpertunga Ertin to this concert Buralk is logged in and Alpertunga follows Burak 1.User arrives at a concert event page by searching or from another user's profile
2.Burak chooses share concert and selects Alpertunga from followed by list.
- Alpertunga recieves a notification about the concert and Burak's invitation
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