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Rolf Obrecht edited this page Feb 10, 2025 · 32 revisions

This is a (mostly) complete list of configuration parameters for telex.json, grouped by modules. Entries without module spec are global.

Module Parameter Default Type or range Comment
(Global) devices {} dict Dictionary of device-node-IDs (modules)
(Global) errorlog_path error_log string Directory path for error log
(Global) errorlog_level "INFO" "NOTSET", "DEBUG",
verbosity of error log (see python manual)
(Global) wru_id [none] string Software-WRU-ID
(Global) wru_replace_always false false / true if true, always replace Hardware-WRU by Software-WRU
(Global) continue_with_no_printer true false / true if true, ignore missing / faulty printer device; if false, abort connections if teleprinter fails to start up
(Global) power_off_delay 20 non-neg. int time in seconds from end-of-conection until switching off TTY power
(Global) power_button_timeout 300 non-neg. int time in seconds from switching on TTY power by means of button PT until switch off PWR
(Global) dial_timeout 2.0 '+‘ / float (0.0...55.0) idle time after last dialled digit to start dial process;
if ‚+‘, „plus-dialling“ selected,
if ‚0‘, instant dialling is used (see Configuration File )
(Global) welcome_msg true false/true if true, print the welcome msg (DateTime stamp) at connection start
Archive path "archive" string path to archive directory
CH340TTY mode "TW39" "TW39", "TWM", "V10", "EDS" "TW39": Number Switch Dial
"TWM" : keypad Dial, "V10" : FS200/Fs220 mode
"EDS" :
CH340TTY portname "/dev/ttyUSB0" string serial port used
CH340TTY baudrate 50 50, 75, 100 Baud rate
CH340TTY bytesize 5 5 … 8 # of Databits
CH340TTY stopbits 1.5 1, 1.5, 2 # of stopbits
CH340TTY coding 0 0,1,2,3 0:ITA2=CCITT2, 1:US, 2:MKT2, 3:ZUSE (see
CH340TTY loopback true false / true if true, sent characters are removed from receive buffer
CH340TTY loc_echo false false / true if true, echo back all characters received from teleprinter
CH340TTY inverse_dtr false false / true If true, use inverted signal
CH340TTY inverse_rts false false / true If true, use inverted signal
ED1000SC recv_squelch 100 positive integer Defines the power threshold below which the filter output for A/Z level is ignored; if needed, can be determined experimentally using helper script ED1000/ (see docstring inside).
ED1000SC recv_debug false false / true If true, output recv_debug.log file inside which the repective filter power output levels for every sample are recorded. Use only for debugging (file will grow quickly).
ED1000SC send_WB_pulse false false / true If true, send pulse to signal ready-to-dial condition like with the current interface.
ED1000SC unres_threshold 100 positive integer Duration in ms that piTelex waits for the teleprinter, after it started sending Z level, until the teleprinter returns the Z level to signal readiness state. Raise if the teleprinter needs more time to start up for special setups, e.g. when switching mains using ESC-TP0/TP1 commands.
ED1000SC recv_f0 2250 number RX frequency 0 in Hz (A level)
ED1000SC recv_f1 3150 number RX frequency 1 in Hz (Z level)
ED1000SC devindex null null or positive integer (0 included) pyaudio‘s device index for the intended audio device; use ED1000/ to list currently available devices (0=auto, 1=1st device, 2=2nd ...).
ED1000SC baudrate 50 50, 75, 100 Baud rate
ED1000SC send_f0 500 number TX frequency 0 in Hz (A level)
ED1000SC send_f1 700 number TX frequency 1 in Hz (Z level)
ED1000SC zcarrier false false / true If true, piTelex will send continous A level in idle state. Most teleprinters don‘t need this.
IRC directed_only false false / true ?
IRC irc_server "" string Name or IPV4 address of IRC server
IRC irc_port 6697 1024 ... 65535 IP port of IRC server
IRC irc_nick "telextest" string Nick name
IRC irc_channel "#tctesting" string IRC Channel to use
ITelex tns_srv defaults list of FQDNs,IPV4-addresses specify tns-hosts to use, should normally be left at the built in values, use for debugging purposes only
ITelexClient tns_port 11811 number TCP port number of tns_host (tns=“TeilNehmerServer“)
ITelexClient userlist "userlist.csv" string filename of file containing speed dials, syntax see userlist_example.csv
ITelexSrv port 2342 1024 ... 65535 TCP port number (ports <1024 are privileged and not accessible for normal users)
ITelexSrv tns_dynip_number 0 positive integer Initially 0 (disable dynamic IP update). Set to own i-Telex calling number to enable dynamic IP update – must be agreed on with i-Telex administrators.
ITelexSrv number 0 positive integer alias for tns-dynip-number, deprecated
ITelexSrv tns_pin None positive integer < 65536 PIN for dynamic IP update; set according to i-Telex administrator‘s instructions
ITelexSrv block_ascii true false/true if true, block non-I-Telex connections (ASCII, PortScans,...) (from Rel 2023-07 on)
ITelexCentralex centralex false true/false if true, use the centralex protocol
(BETA, branch "testing" only")
ITelexCentralex centralex_srv "" string FQDN or IP-Address of centralex server
(BETA, branch "testing" only)
ITelexCentralex centralex_port 49491 pos. integer TCP port number of centralex service
(BETA, branch "testing" only)
Log filename "log.txt" string path to logfile
News newspath "./news" string path to news file
RPiCtrl pin_number_switch 0 number GPIO# of pin connected to number switch of CCU; if 0, use kbd dialling; use a pullup resistor 10kOhm to 3.3V
RPiCtrl inv_number_switch true false / true If true, use inverted signal on pin
RPiCtrl pin_button_AT 0 number GPIO# of button AT (optional) Button connects to GND
RPiCtrl pin_button_ST 0 number GPIO# of button ST (optional) Button connects to GND
RPiCtrl pin_button_LT 0 number GPIO# of button LT (optional) Button connects to GND
RPiCtrl pin_button_1T 0 number GPIO# of Single button (optional), press button 1T repeatedly to cycle through states Offline, Active, WB
RPiCtrl pin_button_PT 0 number GPIO# of power button PT (optional) Button connects to GND
RPiCtrl delay_AT 0 non-neg. int delay in seconds before reacting on button AT pressed
RPiCtrl delay_ST 0 non-neg. int delay in seconds before reacting on button ST pressed
RPiCtrl pin_LED_A 0 number GPIO# of LED indicating status „A“ ; LED connects to GND (1kOhm in series!)
RPiCtrl pin_LED_WB 0 number GPIO# of LED indicating status „WB“ ; LED connects to GND
RPiCtrl pin_LED_WB_A 0 number GPIO# of LED indicating status „WB" or status „A“ ; LED connects to GND (1kOhm in series!)
RPiCtrl pin_LED_LT 0 number GPIO# of LED indicating Local Mode ; LED connects to GND (1kOhm in series!)
RPiCtrl pin_LED_status_R 0 number GPIO# of RED status LED ; LED connects to GND (1kOhm in series!)
RPiCtrl pin_LED_status_G 0 number GPIO# of GREEN status LED ; LED connects to GND (1kOhm in series!)
RPiCtrl pin_LED_Z 0 number GPIO# of LED indicating status "Z" and "ZZ"; LED connects to GND (1kOhm in series!)
RPiCtrl LED_Z_heartbeat 6 number defines heartbeat duty cycle for LED_Z, off if set to 0 (=> LED_Z always on), otherwise LED_Z is turned off for (LED_Z_heartbeat * 500ms) and on for 500ms
RPiCtrl pin_power 0 number GPIO# of pin for power (save) relay / SSR
RPiCtrl inv_power false false / true If true, use inverted signal on pin
RPiCtrl pin_button_U1 0 number GPIO# of button user1 (optional) Button connects to GND
RPiCtrl text_button_U1 "RY" string text to print if button user1 is pressed
RPiCtrl pin_button_U2 0 number GPIO# of button user2 (optional) Button connects to GND
RPiCtrl text_button_U2 "RYRY ... RY" string Text associated with button user2
RPiCtrl pin_button_U3 0 number GPIO# of button user3 (optional) Button connects to GND
RPiCtrl text_button_U3 "#" string Text associated with button user3
RPiCtrl pin_button_U4 0 number GPIO# of button user4 (optional) Button connects to GND
RPiCtrl text_button_U4 "@" string Text associated with button user4
RPiTTY mode "TW39" string "TW39" for TTY‘s with current loop and number switch,
"TW39H" if using H-bridge hardware,
"TWM" for keyboard dialling,
"V10" for machines with V.10 interface (mainly TeKaDe FS200 / FS220),
"AGT" , "AGT-TWM", "AGT-TW39" for use with austrian AGT and SEU-M
RPiTTY baudrate 50 38 ... 50 … 200 Baud rate
RPiTTY bytesize 5 5 … 8 # of databits
RPiTTY stopbits 1.5 1 / 1.5 / 2 # of stopbits
RPiTTY pin_txd 17 number GPIO# of TX-Data pin
RPiTTY inv_txd false false / true If true, use inverted signal on TX-Data pin, not possible with PIGPIO
RPiTTY pin_dir 0 number GPIO# of DIR pin. This pin is set to 1 on transmitting each byte for hardware loopback supression
RPiTTY pin_rxd 27 number GPIO# of RX-Data pin
RPiTTY inv_rxd false false / true If true, use inverted signal on RX-Data pin
RPiTTY pin_relay 22 number GPIO# of relay coil pin; in non-FSG mode used to switch the line power of the teletype; in FSG mode, relay is used to invert the polarity of the current loop when a connection is established; see corresponding hardware description
RPiTTY inv_relay false false / true If true, use inverted signal on pin
RPiTTY pin_power 0 number GPIO# of pin used to switch power relay/SSR
RPiTTY inv_power false false / true If true, use inverted signal on pin
RPiTTY pin_number_switch 6 number GPIO# of pin connected to the number switch;
often wired to pin_rxd.
Set to -1 to enable pin_number_switch in module RPiCtrl
Set to 0 to select keyboard dialling
RPiTTY inv_number_switch false false / true If true, use inverted signal on pin
RPiTTY use_observe_line true false / true If true, monitor pin_observe_line for state changes of >0,5s
RPiTTY pin_observe_line [pin_rxd] number GPIO# of pin to observe
RPiTTY inv_observe_line [inv_rxd] false / true If true, use inverted signal on pin
RPiTTY nZZ_observe_line false false / true (For TeKaDE FS2X0): Observe LIN button in deep sleep mode, should be true if power relay is used
RPiTTY coding 0 0,1,2,3 0:ITA2=CCITT2, 1:US, 2:MKT2, 3:ZUSE (see
RPiTTY loopback true false / true if true, sent characters are removed from receive buffer
RPiTTY timing_rxd false false / true ?
RPiTTY WB_pulse_length 40 number set length of WB pulse in milliseconds
RPiTTY double_WR false false / true if true, add an extra <CR> to give the old machines more time to move to the start of the line
RPiTTY txd_powersave false false/true If true, switch off the loop current in "ZZ" status. Should be used together with pin_power option of device RPiCtrl (from Rel 2024-08 on)
Screen show_BuZi true false / true If true, show special characters for Bu / Zi on Screen
Screen show_capital false false / true if true, use capital letters on screen
Screen show_ctrl true false / true if true, show control sequences on screen
Screen show_info false false / true if true, show additional info on screen
Screen show_line true false / true if true, show vertical border line „|“ on screen
ShellCmd LUT {} dict Look-up table of user defined commands to be executed in response to piTelex ESC commands; form: {„key1“: „cmd1“, „key2“: „cmd2“,..,..}. „cmd1“ will be executed after typing key1 a.s.o.. example: {„quick“: „echo the quick brown fox jumps“}; quick gives the output „the quick brown fox jumps“; can be used for predefined commands like TP0/TP1 (turn off/on power for teleprinter)
Terminal portname "/dev/ttyUSB0" string serial port used
Terminal baudrate 300 number Baud rate
Terminal bytesize 8 number # of Databits
Terminal stopbits 1 1, 1.5, 2 # of stopbits
Terminal parity "NONE" "NONE" / "ODD" / "EVEN" parity bit
Terminal loc_echo true false / true if true, echo back all characters
Terminal dsrdtr false false / true if true, use DSR/DTR handshake
Terminal rtscts false false / true if true, use RTS/CTS handshake
Terminal xonxoff false false / true if true, use XON/XOFF handshake
Terminal RS485 false false / true if true, use RS485 protocol
Terminal send_only false false / true if true, receiving is inhibited
Terminal auto_CRLF 0 0..N if >0, insert CR/LF after N characters
Terminal replace_char {} dict Translation table for special characters, structure see "ShellCmd"
Terminal replace_esc {} char Sequence to use as ESC character
Terminal show_BuZi true false / true If true, show special characters for Bu / Zi on terminal
Terminal show_ctrl true false / true if true, show control sequences on terminal
Terminal show_info false false / true if true, show additional info on terminal
Twitter consumer_key ?
Twitter consumer_secret ?
Twitter access_token_key ?
Twitter access_token_secret ?
Twitter follow ?
Twitter track ?
Twitter languages ?
Twitter url ?
Twitter host ?
Twitter port ?
TwitterV2 consumer_key none string
TwitterV2 consumer_secret none string
TwitterV2 access_token none string
TwitterV2 access_token_secret none string
TwitterV2 bearer_token none string
TwitterV2 user_mentions none string
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