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Rolf Obrecht edited this page Jun 21, 2023
4 revisions
Allows to connect POS devices with serial interface. Requires more text here ---> Jochen????
Requires python module serial
TBD... see below
# requirements: pyserial (atp install python3-serial)
"Terminal FULL EXAMPLE": {
"type": "terminal",
"enable": false,
"portname": "/dev/ttyS0", # port name. On Windows e.g. COM3. On Lin
ux e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyS0
"baudrate": 300,
"bytesize": 8,
"stopbits": 1,
"parity": "N",
"dsrdtr": false,
"rtscts": false,
"xonxoff": false,
"RS485": false,
"show_BuZi": true,
"show_ctrl": true,
"show_info": false,
"show_capital": false,
"send_only": false,
"auto_CRLF": 0, # number of chars in a line before CR LF
"init": "[0C][1B 5F 00][1B 12] -= piTelex VFD =-\r\n", # clear displ
ay cursor off vert. scroll
"replace_char": {
"\r": "[AE]", # WR
"\n": "[F0]", # ZL
" ": "_" # space
"replace_esc": {
"ZZ": "[0C]" # clear display on sleep mode
More configuration examples are provided in the telex.json example files in your piTelex' installation directory.
Consider using release packages for software installation: https://github.com/fablab-wue/piTelex/releases
Local use
Advanced Topics
Tools & Gadgets
TW39 (current loop)
ED1000 (FSK modulation)
V.10 (TeKaDe FS200, FS220)
SEU-M-board based
- with Austrian AGT (Ö-AGT, current loop)
- as replacement for SEU-B card inside LO2000, LO2001, LO3000