Releases: fabnicol/mkg_docker_image
Release release-gnome
This release was automatically created by the Git Actions workflow corresponding to directory .github in the repository.
The output are a checksum file and a compressed Docker image for the corresponding branch.
File mygentoo-release-gnome.tar.xz is the compressed custom MKG Docker image built from latest official stage3 and portage archives.
To create an updated Gentoo distribution, start a Docker image as indicated in the README.
Alternatively, you can create an install ISO by running:
# mkg dockerize gentoo.iso [burn]
You can then use this image to install Gentoo onto any adequate device.
Release 1.4 (based on Official Gentoo Docker image stage3)
See prior releases form advice on how to use the images.
69e448b463a1e74e1fce3446225a3c175d72505e628031ef1350d0ab098ee18726c40ff0e957a21341c72108e8f0fc75bebd83e898c805431bc19b88c00f2bab /home/fab/Dev/mkg_docker_image/mygentoo-master.tar.xz
1cb41c42c8f2bcce70e2f91964512869e9b758c83ebf94bccc2daccc685fc07a5af3f7a88fc0ac4815b67c0489fb1b67fc8c44bc3bc802c4f71e286ca8f51b1c /home/fab/Dev/mkg_docker_image/mygentoo-master.tar.xz
New build Jan. 2022 with gcc-11.2
You should have VirtualBox installed on your GNU/Linux platform (at least the kernel modules) and the kernel modules must be loaded. If not by a service, run modprobe vboxdrv
How to use the Docker image
- Download the image.
- Check the control sums given below.
- Uncompress:
$ xz -d [image_name.tar.xz]
- Load:
# docker load -i image_name.tar
- Run using:
# docker run -it --device /dev/vboxdrv:/dev/vboxdrv -v /dev/log:/dev/log [image_name] bash
- Once in the container, note its ID on the left of the shell input line.
- Run your
command line, remembering to usegui=false
and not to useshare_root
- Preferably use:
# nohup (...) &
so that you can monitor the build in nohup.out - Once the virtual machine is safely launched, monitor the run using:
# tail -f nohup.out
- Once the process is safely running, exit using Ctrl - p Ctrl - q.
- You may come back again into the container by running:
# docker exec -it ID bash
- You may follow the build from your host by running:
# docker cp ID:/mkg/nohup.out . && tail -n200 nohup.out
Second release gcc 10.2
This new release uses gcc-10.2 as the standard platform compiler.
See advice given below for the first release.
Compressed Docker image
You should have VirtualBox v.6.1.18 installed on your GNU/Linux platform (at least the kernel modules) and the kernel modules must be loaded. If not by a service, run modprobe vboxdrv
How to use the Docker image
- Download the image.
- Check the control sums given below.
- Uncompress:
$ unzip []
- Load:
# docker load -i image_name.tar
- Run using:
# docker run -it --device /dev/vboxdrv:/dev/vboxdrv -v /dev/log:/dev/log [image_name] bash
- Once in the container, note its ID on the left of the shell input line.
- Clone the mkg repository:
# git clone --depth=1
- Run your
command line, remembering to usegui=false
and not to useshare_root
- Preferably use:
# nohup (...) &
so that you can monitor the build in nohup.out - Once the virtual machine is safely launched, monitor the run using:
# tail -f nohup.out
- Once the process is safely running, exit using Ctrl - p Ctrl - q.
- You may come back again into the container by running:
# docker exec -it ID bash
- You may follow the build from your host by running:
# docker cp ID:/mkg/nohup.out . && tail -n200 nohup.out
Control sums
B2SUM (Blake2b)