Compressed Docker image
You should have VirtualBox v.6.1.18 installed on your GNU/Linux platform (at least the kernel modules) and the kernel modules must be loaded. If not by a service, run modprobe vboxdrv
How to use the Docker image
- Download the image.
- Check the control sums given below.
- Uncompress:
$ unzip []
- Load:
# docker load -i image_name.tar
- Run using:
# docker run -it --device /dev/vboxdrv:/dev/vboxdrv -v /dev/log:/dev/log [image_name] bash
- Once in the container, note its ID on the left of the shell input line.
- Clone the mkg repository:
# git clone --depth=1
- Run your
command line, remembering to usegui=false
and not to useshare_root
- Preferably use:
# nohup (...) &
so that you can monitor the build in nohup.out - Once the virtual machine is safely launched, monitor the run using:
# tail -f nohup.out
- Once the process is safely running, exit using Ctrl - p Ctrl - q.
- You may come back again into the container by running:
# docker exec -it ID bash
- You may follow the build from your host by running:
# docker cp ID:/mkg/nohup.out . && tail -n200 nohup.out
Control sums
B2SUM (Blake2b)