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Collection Management and Optimization

erik radio edited this page Aug 7, 2024 · 5 revisions

For this use case, LLMs would analyze the circulation statistics for a libraries collection and recommend books and other materials for weeding or transfer to off-site facilities based on usage and other metrics.

  • Could LLMs in conjunction with other AI technologies streamline this analysis and reporting?
  • What privacy implications are there for training the model with user data?
  • How might a LLM interact with a similar system in a consortium to determine collection priorities?



Possible Workflow


  • R-Moreno, M. D., Castaño, B., Barrero, D. F., & Hellín, A. M. (2014). Efficient services management in libraries using AI and wireless techniques. Expert Systems with Applications, 41(17), 7904-7913.