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Technical Support for Orphaned Modules

erik radio edited this page Aug 7, 2024 · 3 revisions

Software might start out with a promising code base but due to institutional or consortial priorities have to be delayed or dropped.

  • If AI was to develop code based an initial code repository, how would one ensure interoperability of the code across new platforms?
  • How can one create checks to ensure the AI doesn't hallucinate and write code that interacts with another code base that doesn't exist?
  • What sort of baseline is needed to ensure there isn't ambiguity in the codebase that could allow the AI to develop the code in a way that increases technical overhead?
  • How might AI generated code be migrated to newer versions of a programming language or software stack
  • How can an AI code avoid being overfitted to the orpanhed code on which it relies for a baseline?



Possible Workflow