by "config file" I mean
- set up hardware and go to the exp folder the terminal, call
source table_dome source
to come to this folder 2. Open another window running "roscore" * if it says there is already some running roscore, then don't run it
- Open another terminal, do:
source /home/zhouxian/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_aligned_depth_multiple_cameras.launch camera1:=camera1 serial_nocamera1:=836612072253 camera2:=camera2 serial_nocamera2:=838212071161 camera3:=camera3 serial_nocamera3:=838212071165 camera4:=camera4 serial_nocamera4:=831612072676 camera5:=camera5 serial_nocamera5:=826212070528 camera6:=camera6 serial_nocamera6:=838212071158
make sure you get some yellow messages saying [WARN][...]Hardware x, Error if you can something white, please unplug the camera usb and insert again
Calibrate checkerboard calibrate 0. source /home/zhouxian/kalibr_workspace/devel/setup.bash
python3 user_scripts/ a. There will be a countdown. b. Start recording once the countdown is finished 5,4,3,2,1
c. End recording until the terminal prints "finish anytime you want" with ctrl-c d. follow the instruction in the end of the message, by
- adding checkboard_record_name to config, and
- running kalibr_calibrate_cameras command
note: this one giveS me the CamX_T_CamY
- After finish it, place the yaml to your target folder: checkerboard_data_root/checkerboard_record_name in cd /home/zhouxian/data/TableDome/cam_calibrate/TableDome_you_exp_name and add your yml file to config: checkboard_yml=
Artag_calibration 0. put the ar tag on the table (with the correct orientation)
- python3 user_scripts/
note: this will create a folder ~/data/TableDome/record_name and store artag_T_cam and camera intrinsics under ar_tag folder
Record 0. put away the ar tag
remember to put your record name and artag_folder in the file
python3 user_scripts/
kill the process with ctrl-c once you want to finish recording
If you want to record without recalibrate, keep the same ar_tag_folder in, and change your record name to record_name=""
Check your record
rqt_bag /home/zhouxian/data/TableDome/YOUR_RECORD_NAME/CalibData.bag
Pack tfrecords:
python3 user_scripts/
Note: save bag into image/depth, then pack everything with
- visualize your point cloud with python user_scripts/
Trouble shooting:
- Unable to register with master node make sure you have another window running "roscore"
Note: todo:
if you use wait_for_message, you don't need the subscriber
color and depth path should be /colorData/Cam%d/cam_camera%d_%d_color.npy /depthData/Cam%d/cam_camera%d_%d_depth.npy