Version 0.9.5 from August 1, 2016
- BCS3:
- Added possibility to include one external ROM file each for the operating system and the character set.
- Added option Remove HSync signals from audio output.
- Displayed screen output is now based on the software-generated image signal instead of the corresponding data bytes in memory. This makes the emulation more faithful to the original and allows for operating system versions to be used which use a different address range in RAM for screen output.
- NANOS: EPOS boot disks updated to EPOS version 2.1.
- BASIC compiler: Constant E_DEVICE_NOT_CONFIGURED removed, as this error code is no longer used.
- File browser: Manually setting the modification time of files and directories now runs in a separate thread. In addition, for symbolic links the links themselves are now changed instead of the linked files or linked directories.
- Bug Fixes:
- NANOS: Read accesses to the GIDE did not work.
- BASIC compiler:
- Constant BLACK was no longer known.
- If an IF condition was always constantly wrong, so that the compiler did not have to generate code for the IF branch, wrong program code was generated, skipping the ELSE branch.
- Debugger:
- Single step over call did not work if a called subroutine changed the return address.
- System calls were not reassembled as such.
- HC900, KC85/2..5: When the option Write directly to keyboard buffer was activated, operations in the keyboard view no longer worked.
- When writing a CPC disk file an error message appeared.
- GIDE emulation stuck in some situations, especially at maximum emulation speed.
- TAR packer: files were sometimes packed into wrong directories.
- ZIP packer: Files were sometimes packed into wrong directories.
- Z80CPU: For commands with a byte, the clock cycles of the byte were counted twice.
- Z80CTC: When loading a time constant while an operation was running, the prescaler and the counter were reset.
- CDT, TZX and ZX-TAP files were not processed correctly.
- Corrected README files regarding the required Java version.
Originated-md5: 8eff3e52545dc4003c518416b6bb7a8f