Releases: michaelmarty/UniDec
UniDec Version 4.4.0
Version 4.4.0 UniDec.
Special Note: this version continues with a lot of behind the scenes changes to accommodate the new UniChrom tool for deconvolution of LC/MS data and other time resolved experiments. There may be bugs, so please test out this beta version and let me know if you have any issues. If you have issues, try dropping back to Version 4.3.0 or 4.2.2. Also, let me know if you have any suggestions for features to add to UniChrom!
Please cite Marty et al. Anal. Chem. 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00140 if you use UniDec in publications.
Check out a video tutorial:
For more user help and additional video tutorials, see the Wiki page:
Installation Instructions: Download the zip file and extract it to a convenient location. Click on "GUI_UniDec.exe". The software should then run with no additional installation. It is a self-contained package. Note, this compiled version will only run on Windows.
It is possible to build and run UniDec on Linux and Mac, but you will need to compile the binary from the C code and run the GUI with Python.
Note: We rely on help from the community to find issues and suggest improvements. If you encounter a bug, first try downloading the latest version if available. If that doesn't fix it, please send an email to [email protected]. Thanks for your continued help.
Note: If you are having issues where it crashes when opening Thermo files, it may be because the security settings are blocking parts of the software. To fix this, delete the unzipped folder, right click on the zip file, select Properties, and click unblock. You can then unzip the file again, and it should work.
Change Log:
Added Scroll Bar to Controls! People have been asking for this for a while, and I could never figure out how to get it to work. Finally, I managed to find the answer and added it with some buttons on the bottom to help expand and collapse key parts.
In a significant technical change, I switched all doubles in the C code to floats. For those who are interested, this sacrifices a little precision in calculations for improvements in speed and file size.
Added Fast Profile and Fast Centroid options for UniChrom2 and MetaUniDec. These will help speed up deconvolutions and limit file sizes by not adding the massgrid and mzgrid to each spectrum. The animate features will not work, and other things might not be available, but the basic settings should be consistent.
Major speed improvements to large mzML data files by using gzip to compress the data prior to opening it. Thanks to the pymzML team for this.
Added DScore to MetaUniDec and UniChrom. This will now show the DScore for each peak. It calculates the DScore for each spectrum but then takes the average across all spectra weighted by the intensity of that peak in each spectrum.
Also, added Filter by Score to Experimental Menu.
Added Sliding Window to UniChrom. You can now specify the width of the window (in minutes) and the offset between the start of the windows (in # of scans). The offset needs to be an integer greater than or equal to 1. Setting the window to 1 will start a window on each scan. Setting a window of 0 and an offset of 1 will give every scan separately, without averaging any of them together.
Hidden feature: Write data from plot to text file. Clicking Ctrl+u on most plots will now give you a dialog to save the underlying data as a text file. Usually, this data was written somewhere behind the scenes, but this will give an easy way to export it.
Added DNA to Biopolymer Calculator.
Added a Mass Defect Comparison Tool to the Mass Defect Window.
Added normalization option to FFT window, which really improves the results.
Added "Subtract Constant" option to the UniDec baseline subtraction. The number in the box will specify the constant relative to the max intensity. For example, a value of 0.01 will subtract each intensity by 1% of the maximum.
UniChrom2 manual selection now puts data out as text files in the UniDec Files and Figures folder rather than TestSpectra.
Bug fixes to data import functions.
Fixed bugs with figure saving and isolating peaks in UniChrom.
UniDec Version 4.3.0 Beta 1
Version 4.3.0 UniDec.
Special Note: this version includes a lot of behind the scenes changes to accommodate the new UniChrom tool for deconvolution of LC/MS data and other time resolved experiments. There may be bugs, so please test out this beta version and let me know if you have any issues. Also, let me know if you have any suggestions for features to add to UniChrom!
Please cite Marty et al. Anal. Chem. 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00140 if you use UniDec in publications.
Check out a video tutorial:
For more user help and additional video tutorials, see the Wiki page:
Installation Instructions: Download the zip file and extract it to a convenient location. Click on "GUI_UniDec.exe". The software should then run with no additional installation. It is a self-contained package. Note, this compiled version will only run on Windows.
It is possible to build and run UniDec on Linux and Mac, but you will need to compile the binary from the C code and run the GUI with Python.
Note: We rely on help from the community to find issues and suggest improvements. If you encounter a bug, first try downloading the latest version if available. If that doesn't fix it, please send an email to [email protected]. Thanks for your continued help.
Change Log:
Added UniChrom2: UniDec for LC/MS data. UniChrom is built on top of the MetaUniDec engine and uses HDF5 files and many of the same core tools. The primary additions are the ability to parse chromatography data into HDF5, visualize and interact with LC/MS data, and manually select and quickly deconvolve parts of the chromatogram.
Added Data Reduction in MetaUniDec and UniChrom. This now mirrors the behavior of UniDec for processing data to remove a fixed percentage of the lowest intensity data.
Added Native Combining of Waters Data, which should dramatically speed up averaging Waters chromatograms by using the native MassLynx libraries.
Added Thermo RawFileReader libraries to avoid having to install MSFileReader and to make opening native Thermo data faster and more robust.
The mass defect windows can now make horizontal lines from input mass values, not just input mass defect value. It will automatically calculate the mass defect from the input mass.
Major refactoring of the code to support UniChrom. For example, switched from local to absolute paths for most files in the engine.
Added Estimated Area extraction to DataCollector and MetaUniDec. Here, it uses the peak height and FWHM to estimate the area based on the peak shape.
Added experimental DoubleDec (Double Deconvolution) feature to the main UniDec window.
Fixed bug with spaces in oligomer names when importing ofiles.
Switched default native charge range to +/- 1000 from +/- 100 to work better with denatured data.
Other bug fixes and minor changes.
UniDec Version 4.2.2
Version 4.2.2 UniDec.
Please cite Marty et al. Anal. Chem. 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00140 if you use UniDec in publications.
Check out a video tutorial:
For more user help and additional video tutorials, see the Wiki page:
Installation Instructions: Download the zip file and extract it to a convenient location. Click on "GUI_UniDec.exe". The software should then run with no additional installation. It is a self-contained package. Note, this compiled version will only run on Windows.
It is possible to build and run UniDec on Linux and Mac, but you will need to compile the binary from the C code and run the GUI with Python.
Note: We rely on help from the community to find issues and suggest improvements. If you encounter a bug, first try downloading the latest version if available. If that doesn't fix it, please send an email to [email protected]. Thanks for your continued help.
Change Log:
Added Open Recent Files menu item.
Added Copy All Full to copy paste a wide range of parameters from the peaks in the peak list. Let me know if there are additional parameters you would like added.
Major upgrades to file mzML and Thermo file imports. The Thermo files should now open and average faster. Both types should now allow large files to open without crashing the memory.
Added ability to use a semicolon with the X values in the Data Collector to grab the sum of multiple states. Also, added a feature to Plot X Ranges to help to visualize the integration range.
Added time midpoint to the mzML parsing.
Added the version number to the config file for future use or reference.
Added experimental DoubleDec feature to Data Collector.
Added experimental report generator for the Native MS Guided Structural Biology Center.
Fixed bug with fits being plotted when process data is clicked. Fixed a number of additional bugs.
UniDec Version 4.2.1
Version 4.2.1 UniDec.
Please cite Marty et al. Anal. Chem. 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00140 if you use UniDec in publications.
Check out a video tutorial:
For more user help and additional video tutorials, see the Wiki page:
Installation Instructions: Download the zip file and extract it to a convenient location. Click on "GUI_UniDec.exe". The software should then run with no additional installation. It is a self-contained package. Note, this compiled version will only run on Windows.
It is possible to build and run UniDec on Linux and Mac, but you will need to compile the binary from the C code and run the GUI with Python.
Note: We rely on help from the community to find issues and suggest improvements. If you encounter a bug, first try downloading the latest version if available. If that doesn't fix it, please send an email to [email protected]. Thanks for your continued help.
Change Log:
Added a Full button to reset the m/z range to the full value.
Added menu item to "Load Prior State for Current File". This will load the past deconvolution results, so you don't have to click deconvolve again if you've already run the data. This now has taken the Ctrl + L keyboard shortcut, which was previously Load State. Load and Save State have been renames to Load and Save Zip State File for clarity.
Improved reliability of auto peak width function for sparse data.
Fixed issues with plotting and deconvolution with interpolation between sparse data points.
Fixed issue with deleting spectra in MetaUniDec.
Fixed issue where markers were clipped on the edges of plots. This introduces some issues with single data points not being clipped when spectra are zoomed in. I'm working to fix this for future versions.
Updates to add fitting to the Mass Defect Extractor.
UniDec Version 4.2.0
Version 4.2.0 UniDec.
Please cite Marty et al. Anal. Chem. 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00140 if you use UniDec in publications.
Check out a video tutorial:
For more user help and additional video tutorials, see the Wiki page: Let me know what other things would be useful to add here.
Installation Instructions: Download the zip file and extract it to a convenient location. Click on "GUI_UniDec.exe". The software should then run with no additional installation. It is a self-contained package. Note, this compiled version will only run on Windows.
It is possible to build and run UniDec on Linux and Mac, but you will need to compile the binary from the C code and run the GUI with Python.
Note: We rely on help from the community to find issues and suggest improvements. If you encounter a bug, first try downloading the latest version if available. If that doesn't fix it, please send an email to [email protected]. Thanks for your continued help.
Change Log:
Added Smart Transform. From the beginning, UniDec has asked users to decide how it should perform the nonlinear transform from m/z to mass (Integration or Interpolation). Now, the Smart Transform decides for the user based on the density of the data. Where the data is sparse relative to the mass sampling, it will use interpolation to fill in the gaps. Where data is dense relative to the mass sampling, it will use integration to ensure that all the data in-between is accounted for. Smart Transform is located under the Additional Deconvolution Parameters tab and has now been made the default. In some preliminary testing, the Smart Transform showed more robust peak areas that were less sensitive to the mass sampling. The peak heights may change some, but the peak areas should be a lot more reliable (remember Ctrl+I to integrate). Note: you may not notice much difference, but using the Smart Transform should avoid some glitches that are hard to spot. Let me know how it goes!
Major improvements in 2D plotting speed due to behind-the-scenes changes and optimzation of the plotting code.
Sparse data support. Improvements to the algorithm to support sparse data, including just peak centroids. This fundamentally changes the underlying algorithm in minor ways. You may notice minor differences but likely will not. Let me know if it causes any problems.
Better handling of click and zoom at the edges of the plot. Now, it will default to the edge if you go off the plot.
Added drag and drop for loading the state from a zip file.
Upgraded pymzml version for improved mzML compatibility and made mzML import more error tolerant.
Fixed issue with discrete plot and data that was non-uniformly sampled.
Fix to bug in calculating the error from the weighted standard deviation of charge state masses.
Fixed bug in Load and Save State with non-text files.
Fixed IM-MS plotting bugs.
Note: the the first binary from 200309 has been updated to 200311 to reflect further optimizations in plotting speed. I didn't feel like making a whole new version for a minor change though.
UniDec Version 4.1.2
Version 4.1.2 UniDec.
Please cite Marty et al. Anal. Chem. 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00140 if you use UniDec in publications.
Check out a video tutorial:
Installation Instructions: Download the zip file and extract it to a convenient location. Click on "GUI_UniDec.exe". The software should then run with no additional installation. It is a self-contained package. Note, this compiled version will only run on Windows.
It is possible to build and run UniDec on Linux and Mac, but you will need to compile the binary from the C code and run the GUI with Python.
Note: We rely on help from the community to find issues and suggest improvements. If you encounter a bug, first try downloading the latest version if available. If that doesn't fix it, please send an email to [email protected]. Thanks for your continued help.
Change Log:
Added button in UniDec to turn off data normalization. Note: the beta values will be automatically scaled to match this.
Renamed the parameter ZScore in the UniScore calculation to CSScore. Added R squared to the UniScore calculation.
Added several experimental subtract and divide features. Tweaks to linear regression experimental feature.
Bug fixes and compatibility updates.
UniDec Version 4.1.1
Version 4.1.1 UniDec.
Please cite Marty et al. Anal. Chem. 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00140 if you use UniDec in publications.
Check out a video tutorial:
Installation Instructions: Download the zip file and extract it to a convenient location. Click on "GUI_UniDec.exe". The software should then run with no additional installation. It is a self-contained package. Note, this compiled version will only run on Windows.
It is possible to build and run UniDec on Linux and Mac, but you will need to compile the binary from the C code and run the GUI with Python.
Note: We rely on help from the community to find issues and suggest improvements. If you encounter a bug, first try downloading the latest version if available. If that doesn't fix it, please send an email to [email protected]. Thanks for your continued help.
Change Log:
Added right click feature to color peaks by their scores.
Improvements to Data Collector module to fit protein oligomerization KDs and improve customization.
Added experimental Linear Regression features for analysis of repeating mass units.
Added experimental FPOP feature to print and copy average degree of oxidation.
Various syntax optimizations to address deprecation warnings and library updates.
UniDec Version 4.1.0
Version 4.1.0 UniDec.
Please cite Marty et al. Anal. Chem. 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00140 if you use UniDec in publications.
Check out a video tutorial:
Installation Instructions: Download the zip file and extract it to a convenient location. Click on "GUI_UniDec.exe". The software should then run with no additional installation. It is a self-contained package. Note, this compiled version will only run on Windows.
It is possible to build and run UniDec on Linux and Mac, but you will need to compile the binary from the C code and run the GUI with Python.
Note: We rely on help from the community to find issues and suggest improvements. If you encounter a bug, first try downloading the latest version if available. If that doesn't fix it, please send an email to [email protected]. Thanks for your continued help.
Change Log:
Introduced UniScore. This will automatically score the quality of your peaks and the overall deconvolution. Various experimental features were also added with this to visualize and filter the scores. Some updates to the scoring algorithm from Version 4.0.2 to improve it.
A full description of the UniScore can be found in this preprint:
A good heuristic for UniScore and DScore values is:
80-100: A (Excellent)
60-80: B (Good)
40-60: C (Fair)
20-40: D (Poor)
0-20: F (Almost certainly noise)
Added Calculator for getting masses from Protein/Peptide or RNA sequences. This can be launched stand alone from the Experimental Menu or by right clicking on the Oligomer and Mass Tools Oligomer Builder box.
Fixed bug to now allow protein-protein oligomerization KD values to be measured with the Data Collector. Find out more on the UniDec Wiki Page.
UniDec 4.0.2
Version 4.0.2 UniDec.
Please cite Marty et al. Anal. Chem. 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00140 if you use UniDec in publications.
Check out a video tutorial:
Installation Instructions: Download the zip file and extract it to a convenient location. Click on "GUI_UniDec.exe". The software should then run with no additional installation. It is a self-contained package. Note, this compiled version will only run on Windows.
It is possible to build and run UniDec on Linux and Mac, but you will need to compile the binary from the C code and run the GUI with Python.
Note: We rely on help from the community to find issues and suggest improvements. If you encounter a bug, first try downloading the latest version if available. If that doesn't fix it, please send an email to [email protected]. Thanks for your continued help.
Change Log:
Switched UniDec to load processed data if it already exists.
Added Copy All Basic to the peak panel, which copies the peak mass, height, and area to a format you can paste into excel. I can add additional copy modes easily now, so let me know what you would like to be able to copy out.
Added control of spectra color map on MetaUniDec.
Added Waterfall Plots on Experimental Menu in MetaUniDec.
Many Bug Fixes: Sped up quick control responses by only doing auto peak width when needed. Fixed memory leak with HDF5 files. Fixed bugs slowing down file imports. Fixed bug with PDF Report Generator. Fix bug with isolate/ignore/repopulate/reorder in MetaUniDec.
Experimental features for peak scoring. More to come in future releases.
UniDec 4.0.1
Version 4.0.1 UniDec.
Please cite Marty et al. Anal. Chem. 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00140 if you use UniDec in publications.
Check out a video tutorial:
Note: We rely on help from the community to find issues and suggest improvements. If you encounter a bug, first try downloading the latest version if available. If that doesn't fix it, please send an email to [email protected]. Thanks for your continued help.
Change Log:
Improved the peak panel by switching to white text when the background gets dark, adding commas to the masses (hopefully it will be easier to read), and adding new right click features to label masses. Also fixed text colors on MetaUniDec spectrum panel.
Moved the Bin Every and Background Subtraction parameters from the main Data Processing tab to the Advanced Data Processing Parameters tab. Added a Backround Subtraction check box to turn on background subtraction with a curved background set to 100.
Added experimental support for Agilent .D files. Please test it and let me know how it works. You may need to run UniDec as an administrator first to get it to register all the DLLs correctly.
Added peak centroids, FWHM, and error between charge states to the _peakparams.dat output.
Added a check box to ignore zero values in UltraMeta and fixed the bar charts on UltraMeta to have the same colors as the main window.
Added the ability in UltraMeta to right click on a file and open it in MetaUniDec.
Added the ability to reorder spectra in MetaUniDec by editing the indexes.
Added new extraction choices for area of peaks above a threshold in UltraMeta and MetaUniDec.
UltraMeta will now be tolerant of different files having different x values when creating error bars. It will only plot and average consensus data points.
Mass Defect plots will now switch to kDa from Da if appropriate.
When adding data to HDF5 files, having CID_n or SID_n in the file name will import n as the collision voltage.
Fixed several bugs/issues to make everything run more smoothly.