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Arcbox 3.0 task 919 optimizations #2337

124 changes: 78 additions & 46 deletions azure_jumpstart_arcbox/artifacts/ArcServersLogonScript.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ $sas = "*?si=ArcBox-RL&spr=https&sv=2022-11-02&sr=c&sig=vg8VRjM00Ya%2FGa5izAq3b0

# Archive existing log file and create new one
$logFilePath = "$Env:ArcBoxLogsDir\ArcServersLogonScript.log"
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($logFilePath)) {
if (Test-Path $logFilePath) {
$archivefile = "$Env:ArcBoxLogsDir\ArcServersLogonScript-" + (Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
Rename-Item -Path $logFilePath -NewName $archivefile -Force
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,20 +144,26 @@ if ($Env:flavor -ne "DevOps") {

# Install Azure CLI extensions
Write-Header "Az CLI extensions"
az extension add --name ssh --yes --only-show-errors
az extension add --name log-analytics-solution --yes --only-show-errors
az extension add --name connectedmachine --yes --only-show-errors

az config set extension.use_dynamic_install=yes_without_prompt --only-show-errors

@("ssh","log-analytics-solution","connectedmachine") |
ForEach-Object -Parallel {
az extension add --name $PSItem --yes --only-show-errors

# Required for CLI commands
Write-Header "Az CLI Login"
az login --service-principal --username $spnClientId --password $spnClientSecret --tenant $spnTenantId

Write-Header "Az PowerShell Login"
Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Credential $spncredential -Tenant $env:spntenantId -Subscription $env:subscriptionId

# Register Azure providers
Write-Header "Registering Providers"
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.HybridCompute --wait --only-show-errors
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.HybridConnectivity --wait --only-show-errors
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.GuestConfiguration --wait --only-show-errors
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.AzureArcData --wait --only-show-errors
@("Microsoft.HybridCompute","Microsoft.HybridConnectivity","Microsoft.GuestConfiguration","Microsoft.AzureArcData") | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
az provider register --namespace $PSItem --wait --only-show-errors

# Enable defender for cloud for SQL Server
# Verify existing plan and update accordingly
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,7 +199,7 @@ if ($Env:flavor -ne "DevOps") {
Write-Host "Fetching SQL VM"

# Verify if VHD files already downloaded especially when re-running this script
if (!([System.IO.File]::Exists($SQLvmvhdPath) )) {
if (!(Test-Path $SQLvmvhdPath)) {
<# Action when all if and elseif conditions are false #>
# Other ArcBox flavors does not have an azcopy network throughput capping
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,14 +247,6 @@ if ($Env:flavor -ne "DevOps") {
Write-Output "Onboarding the nested Windows VMs as Azure Arc-enabled servers"
Invoke-Command -VMName $SQLvmName -ScriptBlock { powershell -File $Using:nestedVMArcBoxDir\installArcAgentSQL.ps1 -spnClientId $Using:spnClientId, -spnClientSecret $Using:spnClientSecret, -spnTenantId $Using:spnTenantId, -subscriptionId $Using:subscriptionId, -resourceGroup $Using:resourceGroup, -azureLocation $Using:azureLocation } -Credential $winCreds

# Configure SSH on the nested Windows VMs
Write-Output "Configuring SSH via Azure Arc agent on the nested Windows VMs"
Invoke-Command -VMName $SQLvmName -ScriptBlock {
# Allow SSH via Azure Arc agent
azcmagent config set incomingconnections.ports 22
} -Credential $winCreds

# Install Log Analytics extension to support Defender for SQL
$mmaExtension = az connectedmachine extension list --machine-name $SQLvmName --resource-group $resourceGroup --query "[?name=='MicrosoftMonitoringAgent']" | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($mmaExtension.Count -le 0) {
Expand All @@ -265,8 +263,8 @@ if ($Env:flavor -ne "DevOps") {
$retryCount = 0
do {
$amaExtension = az connectedmachine extension list --machine-name $SQLvmName --resource-group $resourceGroup --query "[?name=='AzureMonitorWindowsAgent']" | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($amaExtension[0].properties.instanceView.status.code -eq 0) {
$amaExtension = Get-AzConnectedMachine -Name $SQLvmName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Resource | Where-Object {$PSItem.Name -eq 'AzureMonitorWindowsAgent'}
if ($amaExtension.StatusCode -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Azure Monitoring Agent extension installation complete."
Expand All @@ -281,16 +279,16 @@ if ($Env:flavor -ne "DevOps") {
} while ($retryCount -le 5)

# Enable Best practices assessment
if ($amaExtension[0].properties.instanceView.status.code -eq 0) {
if ($amaExtension.StatusCode -eq 0) {

# Create custom log analytics table for SQL assessment
az monitor log-analytics workspace table create --resource-group $resourceGroup --workspace-name $Env:workspaceName -n SqlAssessment_CL --columns RawData=string TimeGenerated=datetime --only-show-errors

# Verify if Arc-enabled server and SQL server extensions are installed
$ArcServer = az connectedmachine show --name $SQLvmName --resource-group $resourceGroup
if ($null -ne $ArcServer) {
$sqlExtension = az connectedmachine extension list --machine-name $SQLvmName --resource-group $resourceGroup --query "[?name=='WindowsAgent.SqlServer']" | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($null -ne $sqlExtension) {
$ArcServer = Get-AzConnectedMachine -Name $SQLvmName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup
if ($ArcServer) {
$sqlExtension = $ArcServer | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Resource | Where-Object {$PSItem.Name -eq 'WindowsAgent.SqlServer'}
if ($sqlExtension) {
# SQL server extension is installed and ready to run SQL BPA
Write-Host "SQL server extension is installed and ready to run SQL BPA."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,7 +368,7 @@ if ($Env:flavor -ne "DevOps") {
$Ubuntu02vmvhdPath = "${Env:ArcBoxVMDir}\${Ubuntu02vmName}.vhdx"

# Verify if VHD files already downloaded especially when re-running this script
if (!([System.IO.File]::Exists($win2k19vmvhdPath) -and [System.IO.File]::Exists($Win2k22vmvhdPath) -and [System.IO.File]::Exists($Ubuntu01vmvhdPath) -and [System.IO.File]::Exists($Ubuntu02vmvhdPath))) {
if (!((Test-Path $win2k19vmvhdPath) -and (Test-Path $Win2k22vmvhdPath) -and (Test-Path $Ubuntu01vmvhdPath) -and (Test-Path $Ubuntu02vmvhdPath))) {
<# Action when all if and elseif conditions are false #>
if ($Env:flavor -eq "Full") {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -466,8 +464,19 @@ if ($Env:flavor -ne "DevOps") {

# Onboarding the nested VMs as Azure Arc-enabled servers
Write-Output "Onboarding the nested Windows VMs as Azure Arc-enabled servers"
Invoke-Command -VMName $Win2k19vmName -ScriptBlock { powershell -File $Using:nestedVMArcBoxDir\installArcAgent.ps1 -spnClientId $Using:spnClientId, -spnClientSecret $Using:spnClientSecret, -spnTenantId $Using:spnTenantId, -subscriptionId $Using:subscriptionId, -resourceGroup $Using:resourceGroup, -azureLocation $Using:azureLocation } -Credential $winCreds
Invoke-Command -VMName $Win2k22vmName -ScriptBlock { powershell -File $Using:nestedVMArcBoxDir\installArcAgent.ps1 -spnClientId $Using:spnClientId, -spnClientSecret $Using:spnClientSecret, -spnTenantId $Using:spnTenantId, -subscriptionId $Using:subscriptionId, -resourceGroup $Using:resourceGroup, -azureLocation $Using:azureLocation } -Credential $winCreds
$Win2k19vmName,$Win2k22vmName | ForEach-Object -Parallel {

$nestedVMArcBoxDir = $Using:nestedVMArcBoxDir
$spnClientId = $Using:spnClientId
$spnClientSecret = $Using:spnClientSecret
$spnTenantId = $Using:spnTenantId
$subscriptionId = $Using:subscriptionId
$resourceGroup = $Using:resourceGroup
$azureLocation = $Using:azureLocation

Invoke-Command -VMName $PSItem -ScriptBlock { powershell -File $Using:nestedVMArcBoxDir\installArcAgent.ps1 -spnClientId $Using:spnClientId, -spnClientSecret $Using:spnClientSecret, -spnTenantId $Using:spnTenantId, -subscriptionId $Using:subscriptionId, -resourceGroup $Using:resourceGroup, -azureLocation $Using:azureLocation } -Credential $using:winCreds


Write-Output "Onboarding the nested Linux VMs as an Azure Arc-enabled servers"
$ubuntuSession = New-SSHSession -ComputerName $Ubuntu01VmIp -Credential $linCreds -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
Expand All @@ -478,12 +487,36 @@ if ($Env:flavor -ne "DevOps") {
$Command = "sudo sh /home/$nestedLinuxUsername/"
$(Invoke-SSHCommand -SSHSession $ubuntuSession -Command $Command -Timeout 600 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).Output

# Configure SSH on the nested Windows VMs
Write-Output "Configuring SSH via Azure Arc agent on the nested Windows VMs"
Invoke-Command -VMName $Win2k19vmName, $Win2k22vmName -ScriptBlock {
# Allow SSH via Azure Arc agent
azcmagent config set incomingconnections.ports 22
} -Credential $winCreds

Write-Header "Enabling SSH access to Arc-enabled servers"
$VMs = @("ArcBox-SQL", "ArcBox-Ubuntu-01", "ArcBox-Ubuntu-02", "ArcBox-Win2K19", "ArcBox-Win2K22")
$VMs | ForEach-Object -Parallel {

$spnpassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $env:spnClientSecret -AsPlainText -Force
$spncredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($env:spnClientId, $spnpassword)

$null = Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Credential $spncredential -Tenant $env:spntenantId -Subscription $env:subscriptionId -Scope Process -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

$vm = $PSItem
$connectedMachine = Get-AzConnectedMachine -Name $vm -ResourceGroupName $env:resourceGroup -SubscriptionId $env:subscriptionId

$connectedMachineEndpoint = (Invoke-AzRestMethod -Method get -Path "$($connectedMachine.Id)/providers/Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/default?api-version=2023-03-15").Content | ConvertFrom-Json

if (-not ($ | Where-Object { $_.type -eq "default" -and $_.provisioningState -eq "Succeeded" })) {
Write-Output "Creating default endpoint for $($connectedMachine.Name)"
$null = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Method put -Path "$($connectedMachine.Id)/providers/Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/default?api-version=2023-03-15" -Payload '{"properties": {"type": "default"}}'
$connectedMachineSshEndpoint = (Invoke-AzRestMethod -Method get -Path "$($connectedMachine.Id)/providers/Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/default/serviceconfigurations/SSH?api-version=2023-03-15").Content | ConvertFrom-Json

if (-not ($ | Where-Object { $_.serviceName -eq "SSH" -and $_.provisioningState -eq "Succeeded" })) {
Write-Output "Enabling SSH on $($connectedMachine.Name)"
$null = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Method put -Path "$($connectedMachine.Id)/providers/Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/default/serviceconfigurations/SSH?api-version=2023-03-15" -Payload '{"properties": {"serviceName": "SSH", "port": 22}}'
else {
Write-Output "SSH already enabled on $($connectedMachine.Name)"


# Removing the LogonScript Scheduled Task so it won't run on next reboot
Expand All @@ -493,17 +526,6 @@ if ($Env:flavor -ne "DevOps") {

# Executing the deployment logs bundle PowerShell script in a new window
Write-Header "Uploading Log Bundle"
Invoke-Expression 'cmd /c start Powershell -Command {
$RandomString = -join ((48..57) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 6 | % {[char]$_})
Write-Host "Sleeping for 5 seconds before creating deployment logs bundle..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Write-Host "`n"
Write-Host "Creating deployment logs bundle"
7z a $Env:ArcBoxLogsDir\LogsBundle-"$RandomString".zip $Env:ArcBoxLogsDir\*.log

#Changing to Jumpstart ArcBox wallpaper

Write-Header "Changing wallpaper"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -555,9 +577,19 @@ Write-Output "Tests failed: $tests_failed"

Write-Header "Adding deployment test results to wallpaper using BGInfo"

Set-Content 'C:\Windows\Temp\arcbox-tests-succeeded.txt' $tests_passed
Set-Content 'C:\Windows\Temp\arcbox-tests-failed.txt' $tests_failed
Set-Content "$Env:windir\TEMP\arcbox-tests-succeeded.txt" $tests_passed
Set-Content "$Env:windir\TEMP\arcbox-tests-failed.txt" $tests_failed

bginfo.exe $Env:ArcBoxTestsDir\arcbox-bginfo.bgi /timer:0 /NOLICPROMPT

Write-Header "Creating deployment logs bundle"

$RandomString = -join ((48..57) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 6 | % {[char]$_})
$LogsBundleTempDirectory = "$Env:windir\TEMP\LogsBundle-$RandomString"
$null = New-Item -Path $LogsBundleTempDirectory -ItemType Directory -Force

#required to avoid "file is being used by another process" error when compressing the logs
Copy-Item -Path "$Env:ArcBoxLogsDir\*.log" -Destination $LogsBundleTempDirectory -Force -PassThru
Compress-Archive -Path "$LogsBundleTempDirectory\*.log" -DestinationPath "$Env:ArcBoxLogsDir\LogsBundle-$" -PassThru
