Pipelines for Riboseq and RNA-seq profiling in prokaryotic systems.
To install, please download all scripts in this repository, e.g., with git clone. These scripts provided will also require Python (as 'python', rather than 'python3'), Perl, and Bash interpreters.
Otherwise this script will also use common linux utilities, such as echo, awk, cat, gzip, and sed.
Please also install the following software package and configure your PATH variable to include them.
bowtie2 (and bowtie2-build)
samtools (v 1.x)
wigToBigWig and bedGraphToBigWig from UCSC (browse to your Linux or Mac distribution to download these binaries).
NOTE: for all tools, run with no arguments to see usage information.
This tool runs demuliplexing and data processing steps for ribosomal profiling of individual samples. It creates four outputs:
- Tar archive of primary outputs (summary stats, gene counts, and bigWig profiles)
- Manifest of files and formats in the tar archive
- Tar archive of intermediate outputs, which are generally not needed in downstream analysis steps
- Manifest of files and formats in the intermediate tar archive
Manifests list all of the files in each tar archive, along with which sample it's associated with and the file format. For example:
Mankin-01.results.tar.gz All tar.gz
Mankin-01sample1.stats.txt sample1 Stats
Mankin-01sample1.genes.txt sample1 Gene_counts
Mankin-01sample1.posRPM.txt sample1 Gene_posRPM
Mankin-01sample1.negRPM.txt sample1 Gene_negRPM
Mankin-01sample1.posRPM.bw sample1 pos_bw
Mankin-01sample1.negRPM.bw sample1 neg_bw
The first column are file names (e.g., Mankin-01ATCGT.stats.txt), the second column the sample name, and the third column the format/file type. The first row is the tar archive associated with this manifest (Mankin-01.results.tar.gz), all other rows are files within the tar archive.
Raw fastq data (-f) Raw data (fastq or fastq.gz) for multiple samples from one sequencing run. This data will be demultiplexed based on the provided barcodes.
Barcode list (-b) List of sample barcodes and the corresponding names. Barcode sequences will be matched against the 3' end of the read.
The first column of this file should be the barcode sequences themselves, and the second column the name you want given to the file. If the second column is omitted, then the barcode sequence itself will be used as the name. Example:
ATCGT Sample1
AGCTA Sample2
CGTAA Sample3
CTAGA Sample4
Please use only alphanumeric characters, plus '-', '.', or '_' in the sample names (no spaces, slashes, or other special characters).
Reference genome fasta file (-G) Reference genome in fasta format.
Reference annotation file (-A) Gene annotations for your genome. This is a 5-column, tab-delimited file, formatted as:
[ID] [start] [end] [strand] [name/description]
For example:
ACT41903.1;thrL 190 255 + thr operon leader peptide
ACT41904.1;thrA 336 2798 + Bifunctional aspartokinase/homoserine dehydrogenase 1
ACT41905.1;thrB 2800 3732 + homoserine kinase
ACT41906.1;thrC 3733 5019 + L-threonine synthase
ACT41907.1;yaaX 5232 5528 + DUF2502 family putative periplasmic protein
ACT41908.1;yaaA 5681 6457 - peroxide resistance protein%2C lowers intracellular iron
Note that multi-chromosome genomes are not supported by this pipeline, as chromosome names are not included in this annotation file.
Output prefix (-o). Specific names for the four output files can also be given explicitly using flags -otar, -oman, -otmptar, and -tmpman (respectively, primary output tarball, primary output manifest, intermediate output tarball, intermedia output manifest)
Filter sequences fasta file (-F) Reference sequences you want to exclude from downstream analysis, e.g., rRNAs, tRNAs, etc. Any reads mapping to these sequences will be excluded from downstream processing. This step can be omitted by not specifying a fasta file.
Minimum number of reads per barcode (-min) This parameter prevents any barcodes with very low coverage from being analyzed downstream, as any barcodes with fewer than this many reads will be ignored in downstream processing. Otherwise this tool will attempt to recover ALL of the samples in your barcode list, but if a sample fails or you include too many barcodes, you may still have a small number of reads for that sample, but not enough to consider analyzing.
Run demultiplexing flexibly? (-flex) If set to "Yes", will search for barcodes in the entire read, rather than just at the end; whichever barcode match is closest to the 3' of the read will be used. May be useful if reads are short and not enough adapter is included to be trimmed automatically. NOTE: use of this option will increase the compute time, as the barcode search will take longer.
Raw demultiplexed reads will appear in the secondary output, marked as "fastq" in the manifest.
Bases to trim from 5' end of read (-hard5) After demultiplexing, how many bases should be trimmed from the 5' end.
Bases to trim from 3' end of read (-hard3) After demultiplexing, how many bases should be trimmed from the 3' end.
Trimmed reads will appear in the secondary output, marked as "fastq-trimmed in the manifest.
Bowtie2 seed length for filter sequences alignment (-Fseed) Seed length to use in Bowtie2 alignment against the filter sequences (if provided).
Reads that pass this filtering step will appear in the secondary output, marked as "fastq-filtered" in the manifest.
Bowtie2 seed length for genome sequences alignment (-Gseed) Seed length to use in Bowtie2 alignment against the reference genome.
Mapped reads will appear in the secondary output, marked as "BAM" in the manifest.
In general, shorter seeds will provide more sensitive alignments, and will work better for short reads or short reference sequences, with some increase in execution time. The default setting has a shorter seed for the filter sequences in anticipation that many of those may be very short (e.g., tRNAs).
Maximum mismathces allowed in alignment (-mis) Any alignments with more than this many mismatches are discarded. They will be included in the .bam file, but not in the .assignCount.txt intermediate file (type "AssignCount" in the secondard output manifest).
P-site offset (-Poff) Offset to use from 3' end of read to find P-site.
Minimum read length for P-site offset (-Pmin) Reads shorter than this will be excluded from the analysis.
Maximum read length for P-site offset (-Pmax) Reads longer than this will be excluded from the analysis.
Specify alternate path to look for dependencies in (-path)
This tool generates a master file based on specific treatment vs control contrasts, using results from riboseq processing with the 'Riboseq Sample Processing' tool.
Master file format:
GeneID_Treated Position codon_relative_rpm codon_rpm codon_count codon_raw_density GeneID_WT Position[] codon_relative_rpm codon_rpm codon_count codon_raw_density fd_codon_relative_rpm fd_codon_rpm fd_codon_count fd_codon_raw_density start_AA_cordinate end_AA_cordinate seq rev_comp AA gene_start gene_end
ACT43504.1;lpp 1702921 0.874999999997478 4337.49870908 42 42 ACT43504.1;lpp 1702921 0.666666666664663 1108.92065057 18 18 1.31250000000016 3.91145994697679 2.33333333333333 2.33333333333333 1702894 1702926 CTGGACAACATGGCTACTAAATACCGCAAGAAG LDNMATKYRKK 1702690 1702926
ACT43504.1;lpp 1702744 0.0721153846151965 1549.10668182 15 15 ACT43504.1;lpp 1702744 0.0199999999998701 616.06702809 10 10 3.60576923078324 2.51450996594107 1.5 1.5 1702717 1702749 GCGGTAATCCTGGGTTCTACTCTGCTGGCAGGT AVILGSTLLAG 1702690 1702926
ACT43504.1;lpp 1702843 0.0240384615383988 516.36889394 5 5 ACT43504.1;lpp 1702843 0.031999999999987 985.70724495 16 16 0.751201923075268 0.5238562429012 0.3125 0.3125 1702816 1702848 CAGCTGAGCAACGACGTGAACGCAATGCGTTCC QLSNDVNAMRS 1702690 1702926
Control and Treatment sample manifests (-m1 and -m2) These are the manifest output files for the primary outputs of the 'Riboseq Sample Processing' tool. They should have the follow file types in them (third column):
Control and Treatment sample names (-i1 and -i2) The name of the control and treatment samples. These should match the sample names in the second column of the manifests.
The output master file will calculate fold-changes as treatment/control.
Reference genome fasta file (-G) Reference genome in fasta format.
Reference annotation file (-A) Gene annotations for your genome.
Cutoff threshold for common genes (-c) Minimum coverage threshold to include a gene in the master file, across both samples.
Cutoff threshold for master file, control or treatment sample (-c1 and -c2) Minimum codon coverage threshold (counts per codon) to include a codon in the master file, controlled separately for control or treatment samples.
Inputs and outputs for this tool are identical to ribo-seq_sample_processing.sh, with the exception of flags -Poff, -Pmin, and -Pmax, which do not exist for this tool.
Extract specific files from a tar manifest. Basically a simple wrapper for tar -xf.
The following scripts are called internally by the pipeline scripts noted above. They are expected to be in the same execution directory as the main pipeline script.
These have been provided by collaborators, adapted from this reference:
Oh, E., Becker, A.H., Sandikci, A., Huber, D., Chaba, R., Gloge, F., Nichols, R.J., Typas, A., Gross, C.A., Kramer, G., et al. (2011). Selective ribosome profiling reveals the cotranslational chaperone action of trigger factor in vivo. Cell 147, 1295-1308.
Some have been minimally edited, but otherwise used as-is in the above pipelines (i.e. I didn't write or design them).
These scripts I have written, and are used internally in the pipelines. Some details:
Very simple script to hard trim a given number of bases from the beginning or end of reads in fastq file.
Demultiplexes a fastq file based on barcode sequences that are expected to be in the 3' position of each read. Can demultiplex a paired-end library, but demultiplexing is based on parsing R1.
Run without arguments to see usage.
Sample inputs and outputs are provided in the 'practice_data' folder. Command used to generate the outputs were executed within the 'practice_data' folder, so we give -path ../
to indicate that the script should look in the parent folder for the various perl and python helper scripts. It will also look in your PATH.
- Run riboseq pipeline. Note that the input.fastq.gz file has 2 samples multiplexed in it, named Sample1 and Sample2, so the output of this command includes data for both.
../ribo-seq_sample_processing.sh -path ../ -f input.fastq.gz -b barcodes.txt -G reference.fasta -A annotation.txt -o output -F filter.fasta > output.log
- Generate master file comparing Sample1 to Sample2. We give the same manifest twice because both samples are from the same run, but if you had samples from different runs, you would give different manifests.
../generate_master.sh -path ../ -i1 Sample1 -i2 Sample2 -m1 output.manifest.txt -m2 output.manifest.txt -G reference.fasta -A annotation.txt -o masterfile.txt