Property | Type | Description |
Property | Type | Description |
dataConnections | [CIMDataConnection] | A collection of data connections. |
spatialReference | SpatialReference | The spatial reference. |
metaData | string | The data connection metadata. |
Property | Type | Description |
Property | Type | Description |
backgroundSymbol | CIMSymbolReference | The background symbol used for graduated symbols. |
barrierWeight | enumeration BarrierWeight | The barrier weight used for graduate symbols to avoid labels. |
breaks | [CIMClassBreak] | The class breaks. |
classBreakType | enumeration ClassBreakType | The class break type. |
classificationMethod | enumeration ClassificationMethod | The classification method. |
colorRamp | ColorRamp | The color ramp. |
field | string | The field for rendering. |
minimumBreak | double | The minimum break for the renderer. |
numberFormat | NumberFormat | The number format. |
showClassGaps | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show class gaps. |
showInAscendingOrder | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show classes in ascending order. |
heading | string | The heading. |
sampleSize | long | The sample size used for creating the classification. |
useDefaultSymbol | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use the default symbol. |
defaultSymbolPatch | enumeration PatchShape | The patch shape for the default symbol. |
defaultSymbol | CIMSymbolReference | The default symbol. |
minimumLabel | string | The minimum label. |
defaultLabel | string | The default label. |
defaultDescription | string | The default description. |
valueExpressionInfo | CIMExpressionInfo | ExpressionInfo that contains the Arcade expression that returns value as a number. When both Fields and ValueExpressionInfo are present ValueExpressionInfo is used. |
polygonSymbolColorTarget | enumeration PolygonSymbolColorTarget | The property that controls how the color ramp is applied to polygon symbols. |
Property | Type | Description |
isoQuality | long | The iso quality. |
isoType | string | The iso type. |
noResultSymbol | CIMSymbolReference | The no result symbol. |
refineOnZoom | boolean | A value indicating whether to refine on zoom. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name. |
URI | string | The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier. |
sourceURI | string | The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
sourceModifiedTime | TimeInstant | The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed. |
metadataURI | string | The metadata URI. |
useSourceMetadata | boolean | A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project. |
sourcePortalUrl | string | The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
Property | Type | Description |
attribution | string | The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer. |
description | string | The description. |
layerElevation | CIMLayerElevationSurface | The layer elevation. |
expanded | boolean | A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane. |
layer3DProperties | CIM3DLayerProperties | The 3D layer properties. |
layerMasks | [string] | The layer masks. |
layerType | enumeration MapLayerType | The map layer type. |
maxScale | double | The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
minScale | double | The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
showLegends | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show legends. |
transparency | double | The transparency of the layer. |
visibility | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible. |
displayCacheType | enumeration DisplayCacheType | The display cache type. |
maxDisplayCacheAge | double | The maximum display cache age. |
layerTemplate | CIMLayerTemplate | The layer template. |
popupInfo | CIMPopupInfo | The pop-up info. |
showPopups | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups. |
serviceLayerID | long | Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server. |
charts | [CIMChart] | Identifier the layer's charts. |
searchable | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search. |
refreshRate | double | The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
refreshRateUnit | enumeration esriTimeUnits | The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
showMapTips | boolean | A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view. |
customProperties | [CIMStringMap] | The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content. |
webMapLayerID | string | An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map. |
blendingMode | enumeration BlendingMode | The blending mode for the layer. |
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh | boolean | A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh. |
Property | Type | Description |
AOI | Envelope | The area of interest. |
method | CIMGAMethod | The GA method. |
renderers | [CIMRenderer] | The renderers. |
rangeDefinitions | [CIMRangeDefinition] | The range definitions. |
activeRangeName | string | The name of the active range. |
isFlattened | boolean | A value indicating whether the layer is flattened. |
Property | Type | Description |
model | string | The model. |
dataConnection | DataConnection | The data connection. |