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1777 lines (1249 loc) · 92.6 KB

File metadata and controls

1777 lines (1249 loc) · 92.6 KB


Represents auxiliary raster properties.


Property Type Description
bandIndexes [long] A long array of the band indexes.
extent Envelope The extent.
height long The height.
width long The width.

Enumeration: ColorBalanceMethod

A list of color balance methods.

Property Value Description
Dodging 0 Dodging.
Histogram 1 Histogram.
StdDev 2 Standard deviation.
None 3 None.

Enumeration: ColorCorrectionStretchType

A list of color correction stretch types.

Property Value Description
None 0 None.
Adaptive 1 Adaptive.
MinMax 2 Minimum and maximum.
StdDev 3 Standard deviation.

Enumeration: ColorMatchingMethod

A list of color matching methods.

Property Value Description
Statistics 0 Statistics.
Histogram 1 Histogram.
LinearCorrelation 2 Linear correlation.
None 3 None.


Represents mosaic feature sub layer.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
URI string The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier.
sourceURI string The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.
sourceModifiedTime TimeInstant The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed.
metadataURI string The metadata URI.
useSourceMetadata boolean A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project.
sourcePortalUrl string The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.


Property Type Description
attribution string The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer.
description string The description.
layerElevation CIMLayerElevationSurface The layer elevation.
expanded boolean A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane.
layer3DProperties CIM3DLayerProperties The 3D layer properties.
layerMasks [string] The layer masks.
layerType enumeration MapLayerType The map layer type.
maxScale double The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
minScale double The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
showLegends boolean A value indicating whether or not to show legends.
transparency double The transparency of the layer.
visibility boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible.
displayCacheType enumeration DisplayCacheType The display cache type.
maxDisplayCacheAge double The maximum display cache age.
layerTemplate CIMLayerTemplate The layer template.
popupInfo CIMPopupInfo The pop-up info.
showPopups boolean A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups.
serviceLayerID long Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server.
charts [CIMChart] Identifier the layer's charts.
searchable boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search.
refreshRate double The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
refreshRateUnit enumeration esriTimeUnits The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
showMapTips boolean A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content.
webMapLayerID string An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map.
blendingMode enumeration BlendingMode The blending mode for the layer.
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh boolean A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh.


Property Type Description
autoGenerateFeatureTemplates boolean A value indicating whether to automatically generate feature templates from the renderer.
extrusion CIMFeatureExtrusion The feature extrusion.
featureElevationExpression string The feature elevation expression.
featureHyperlinks [CIMFeatureHyperlink] The feature hyperlinks.
featureTable CIMFeatureTable The feature table.
featureTemplates [CIMEditingTemplate] The feature templates.
hotlinkField string The field containing hotlink URLs.
htmlPopupEnabled boolean A value indicating whether HTML pop-ups are enabled.
htmlPopupFormat CIMHtmlPopupFormat The HTML pop-ups format.
isFlattened boolean A value indicating whether the layer is flattened.
selectable boolean A value indicating whether the layer is selectable.
selectionColor Color The selection color. For polygons, this is used as the outline color.
polygonSelectionFillColor Color The selection fill color. Only used for polygons.
selectionSymbol CIMSymbolReference The selection symbol.
useSelectionSymbol boolean A value indicating whether to use the selection symbol.
pageDefinition CIMPageDefinition The page definition which allows for using current map series page to filter features.
featureCacheType enumeration FeatureCacheType The feature cache type.
enableDisplayFilters boolean A value indicating whether the current set of display filters are honored during drawing.
displayFilters [CIMDisplayFilter] The current set of scale based display filters.
displayFiltersType enumeration DisplayFilterType DisplayFiltersType value.
displayFilterName string The active display filter.
displayFilterChoices [CIMDisplayFilter] The current set of display filters.
featureElevationExpressionInfo CIMExpressionInfo The expression for setting the feature elevation.
featureBlendingMode enumeration BlendingMode The per-feature blending mode which allows features in a layer to blend against other features in the same layer that have already drawn.


Property Type Description
actions [CIMLayerAction] The layer actions.
exclusionSet [long long] The set of excluded features.
featureMasks [CIMDataConnection] The data connection of the masking data.
labelClasses [CIMLabelClass] The collection of label class definitions.
labelVisibility boolean A value indicating whether to display labels for this layer's label classes.
maskedSymbolLayers [CIMSymbolLayerMasking] The masked symbol layers. Each SymbolLayerMasking gives the symbol layers that are masked by that masking layer.
mostCurrentRenderer Renderer The renderer used for the most current features when displaying tracks. Deprecated at 2.2, ignored in previous versions.
renderer Renderer The primary symbol renderer.
scaleSymbols boolean A value indicating whether to scale the symbols in this layer based on the map's reference scale.
snappable boolean A value indicating whether this layer participates in snapping in the editor.
symbolLayerDrawing CIMSymbolLayerDrawing The symbol layer drawing properties.
trackLinesRenderer Renderer The track renderer when displaying tracks.
previousObservationsRenderer Renderer The previous observations renderer.
previousObservationsCount long The previous observation count.
useRealWorldSymbolSizes boolean A value indicating whether to use real world symbols sizes (meters) vs. points.
showPreviousObservations boolean A value indicating whether previous observations are being drawn.
featureReduction CIMFeatureReduction The feature reduction technique in use by this layer.
showTracks boolean A value indicating whether track lines are being drawn.


Property Type Description
mosaicSubLayerType enumeration MosaicSubLayerType The mosaic sublayer type.

Enumeration: FlowRepresentationType

A list of flow representation types.

Property Value Description
From 0 Flow from.
To 1 Flow to.


Represents an image mosaic sublayer.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
URI string The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier.
sourceURI string The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.
sourceModifiedTime TimeInstant The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed.
metadataURI string The metadata URI.
useSourceMetadata boolean A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project.
sourcePortalUrl string The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.


Property Type Description
attribution string The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer.
description string The description.
layerElevation CIMLayerElevationSurface The layer elevation.
expanded boolean A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane.
layer3DProperties CIM3DLayerProperties The 3D layer properties.
layerMasks [string] The layer masks.
layerType enumeration MapLayerType The map layer type.
maxScale double The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
minScale double The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
showLegends boolean A value indicating whether or not to show legends.
transparency double The transparency of the layer.
visibility boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible.
displayCacheType enumeration DisplayCacheType The display cache type.
maxDisplayCacheAge double The maximum display cache age.
layerTemplate CIMLayerTemplate The layer template.
popupInfo CIMPopupInfo The pop-up info.
showPopups boolean A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups.
serviceLayerID long Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server.
charts [CIMChart] Identifier the layer's charts.
searchable boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search.
refreshRate double The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
refreshRateUnit enumeration esriTimeUnits The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
showMapTips boolean A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content.
webMapLayerID string An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map.
blendingMode enumeration BlendingMode The blending mode for the layer.
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh boolean A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh.


Property Type Description
dataConnection DataConnection The data connection for the raster this layer is based on.
colorizer CIMRasterColorizer The raster colorizer.
attributeTable CIMRasterTable The raster table definition.
timeDisplayDefinition CIMTimeDisplayDefinition The time display definition.
timeDimensionFields CIMTimeDimensionDefinition The time dimension fields.
timeDefinition CIMTimeDataDefinition The time definition.
auxiliaryRasterProperties CIMAuxiliaryRasterProperties The auxiliary raster properties.
autoComputeStatsHistogram boolean A value indicating whether or not to automatically compute the statistics histogram.
rangeDefinitions [CIMRangeDefinition] The range definitions.
activeRangeName string The name of the active range.
activeVariables [string] The active variables.
multidimensionalExtent CIMRasterMultidimensionalExtentDefinition A multidimensional extent definition describing the data cube(s) used for analysis.
activeSlice CIMRasterMultidimensionalDisplayDefinition A multidimensional display definition describing the current display slice.
renderingRule CIMRenderingRule The rendering rule.


Property Type Description
compression string The compression as a string.
compressionQuality long The compression quality.
drawFootprints boolean A value indicating whether or not to draw footprints.
featureTable CIMFeatureTable The feature table.
footprintDrawMode enumeration RasterFootprintDrawMode The footprint draw mode.
footprintSymbol CIMSymbolReference The footprint symbol.
mosaicRule CIMMosaicRule The mosaic rule.
selectable boolean A value indicating whether or not the layer is selectable.
selectionColor Color The selection color.
selectionSymbol CIMSymbolReference The selection symbol.
useSelectionSymbol boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the selection symbol.
ignoreRenderingRuleOnIdentify boolean A value indicating whether or not to ignore the rendering rule on identify.
useServiceCache boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the service cache.


Property Type Description
mosaicSubLayerType enumeration MosaicSubLayerType The mosaic sublayer type.


Represents an image service layer corresponding to an ArcGIS Server image service.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
URI string The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier.
sourceURI string The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.
sourceModifiedTime TimeInstant The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed.
metadataURI string The metadata URI.
useSourceMetadata boolean A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project.
sourcePortalUrl string The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.


Property Type Description
attribution string The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer.
description string The description.
layerElevation CIMLayerElevationSurface The layer elevation.
expanded boolean A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane.
layer3DProperties CIM3DLayerProperties The 3D layer properties.
layerMasks [string] The layer masks.
layerType enumeration MapLayerType The map layer type.
maxScale double The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
minScale double The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
showLegends boolean A value indicating whether or not to show legends.
transparency double The transparency of the layer.
visibility boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible.
displayCacheType enumeration DisplayCacheType The display cache type.
maxDisplayCacheAge double The maximum display cache age.
layerTemplate CIMLayerTemplate The layer template.
popupInfo CIMPopupInfo The pop-up info.
showPopups boolean A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups.
serviceLayerID long Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server.
charts [CIMChart] Identifier the layer's charts.
searchable boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search.
refreshRate double The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
refreshRateUnit enumeration esriTimeUnits The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
showMapTips boolean A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content.
webMapLayerID string An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map.
blendingMode enumeration BlendingMode The blending mode for the layer.
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh boolean A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh.


Property Type Description
dataConnection DataConnection The data connection for the raster this layer is based on.
colorizer CIMRasterColorizer The raster colorizer.
attributeTable CIMRasterTable The raster table definition.
timeDisplayDefinition CIMTimeDisplayDefinition The time display definition.
timeDimensionFields CIMTimeDimensionDefinition The time dimension fields.
timeDefinition CIMTimeDataDefinition The time definition.
auxiliaryRasterProperties CIMAuxiliaryRasterProperties The auxiliary raster properties.
autoComputeStatsHistogram boolean A value indicating whether or not to automatically compute the statistics histogram.
rangeDefinitions [CIMRangeDefinition] The range definitions.
activeRangeName string The name of the active range.
activeVariables [string] The active variables.
multidimensionalExtent CIMRasterMultidimensionalExtentDefinition A multidimensional extent definition describing the data cube(s) used for analysis.
activeSlice CIMRasterMultidimensionalDisplayDefinition A multidimensional display definition describing the current display slice.
renderingRule CIMRenderingRule The rendering rule.


Property Type Description
compression string The compression as a string.
compressionQuality long The compression quality.
drawFootprints boolean A value indicating whether or not to draw footprints.
featureTable CIMFeatureTable The feature table.
footprintDrawMode enumeration RasterFootprintDrawMode The footprint draw mode.
footprintSymbol CIMSymbolReference The footprint symbol.
mosaicRule CIMMosaicRule The mosaic rule.
selectable boolean A value indicating whether or not the layer is selectable.
selectionColor Color The selection color.
selectionSymbol CIMSymbolReference The selection symbol.
useSelectionSymbol boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the selection symbol.
ignoreRenderingRuleOnIdentify boolean A value indicating whether or not to ignore the rendering rule on identify.
useServiceCache boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the service cache.


Represents a mosaic layer corresponding to a mosaic dataset.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
URI string The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier.
sourceURI string The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.
sourceModifiedTime TimeInstant The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed.
metadataURI string The metadata URI.
useSourceMetadata boolean A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project.
sourcePortalUrl string The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.


Property Type Description
attribution string The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer.
description string The description.
layerElevation CIMLayerElevationSurface The layer elevation.
expanded boolean A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane.
layer3DProperties CIM3DLayerProperties The 3D layer properties.
layerMasks [string] The layer masks.
layerType enumeration MapLayerType The map layer type.
maxScale double The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
minScale double The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
showLegends boolean A value indicating whether or not to show legends.
transparency double The transparency of the layer.
visibility boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible.
displayCacheType enumeration DisplayCacheType The display cache type.
maxDisplayCacheAge double The maximum display cache age.
layerTemplate CIMLayerTemplate The layer template.
popupInfo CIMPopupInfo The pop-up info.
showPopups boolean A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups.
serviceLayerID long Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server.
charts [CIMChart] Identifier the layer's charts.
searchable boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search.
refreshRate double The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
refreshRateUnit enumeration esriTimeUnits The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
showMapTips boolean A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content.
webMapLayerID string An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map.
blendingMode enumeration BlendingMode The blending mode for the layer.
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh boolean A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh.


Property Type Description
boundaryLayer string The boundary layer.
footprintLayer string The footprint layer.
imageLayer string The image layer.
seamlineLayer string The seamline layer.
mosaicDatasetConnection DataConnection The data connection of the mosaic dataset.
timeDefinition CIMTimeDataDefinition The time definition.
timeDisplayDefinition CIMTimeDisplayDefinition The time display definition.
timeFields CIMTimeTableDefinition The time fields.
definitionExpression string The definition expression.
definitionExpressionName string The Name of definition expression.
definitionFilterChoices [CIMDefinitionFilter] The definition filter choices.
rangeDefinitions [CIMRangeDefinition] The range definitions of the mosaic dataset.
activeRangeName string The name of the active range.
activeVariables [string] An array of the active variables.


Represents a mosaic rule.


Property Type Description
ascending boolean A value indicating whether the mosaic rule uses ascending order.
FIDs [long long] An array of IDs.
lockRasterID string The ID of the lock raster.
mosaicMethod enumeration RasterMosaicMethod The mosaic method.
mosaicOperatorType enumeration RasterMosaicOperatorType The mosaic operator type.
orderByBaseValue any The order by base value.
orderByFieldName string The order by field name.
timeValue TimeValue The time value.
viewpoint Point The viewpoint as a point.
whereClause string The where clause as a string.

Enumeration: MosaicSubLayerType

Types of mosaic sublayers.

Property Value Description
Boundary 0 Boundary
Footprint 1 Footprint
Image 2 Image
Seamline 3 Seamline


Represents a NITF data connection.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
URI string The URI of the NITF files.


Represents NITF feature sub layer.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
URI string The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier.
sourceURI string The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.
sourceModifiedTime TimeInstant The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed.
metadataURI string The metadata URI.
useSourceMetadata boolean A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project.
sourcePortalUrl string The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.


Property Type Description
attribution string The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer.
description string The description.
layerElevation CIMLayerElevationSurface The layer elevation.
expanded boolean A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane.
layer3DProperties CIM3DLayerProperties The 3D layer properties.
layerMasks [string] The layer masks.
layerType enumeration MapLayerType The map layer type.
maxScale double The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
minScale double The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
showLegends boolean A value indicating whether or not to show legends.
transparency double The transparency of the layer.
visibility boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible.
displayCacheType enumeration DisplayCacheType The display cache type.
maxDisplayCacheAge double The maximum display cache age.
layerTemplate CIMLayerTemplate The layer template.
popupInfo CIMPopupInfo The pop-up info.
showPopups boolean A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups.
serviceLayerID long Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server.
charts [CIMChart] Identifier the layer's charts.
searchable boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search.
refreshRate double The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
refreshRateUnit enumeration esriTimeUnits The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
showMapTips boolean A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content.
webMapLayerID string An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map.
blendingMode enumeration BlendingMode The blending mode for the layer.
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh boolean A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh.


Property Type Description
autoGenerateFeatureTemplates boolean A value indicating whether to automatically generate feature templates from the renderer.
extrusion CIMFeatureExtrusion The feature extrusion.
featureElevationExpression string The feature elevation expression.
featureHyperlinks [CIMFeatureHyperlink] The feature hyperlinks.
featureTable CIMFeatureTable The feature table.
featureTemplates [CIMEditingTemplate] The feature templates.
hotlinkField string The field containing hotlink URLs.
htmlPopupEnabled boolean A value indicating whether HTML pop-ups are enabled.
htmlPopupFormat CIMHtmlPopupFormat The HTML pop-ups format.
isFlattened boolean A value indicating whether the layer is flattened.
selectable boolean A value indicating whether the layer is selectable.
selectionColor Color The selection color. For polygons, this is used as the outline color.
polygonSelectionFillColor Color The selection fill color. Only used for polygons.
selectionSymbol CIMSymbolReference The selection symbol.
useSelectionSymbol boolean A value indicating whether to use the selection symbol.
pageDefinition CIMPageDefinition The page definition which allows for using current map series page to filter features.
featureCacheType enumeration FeatureCacheType The feature cache type.
enableDisplayFilters boolean A value indicating whether the current set of display filters are honored during drawing.
displayFilters [CIMDisplayFilter] The current set of scale based display filters.
displayFiltersType enumeration DisplayFilterType DisplayFiltersType value.
displayFilterName string The active display filter.
displayFilterChoices [CIMDisplayFilter] The current set of display filters.
featureElevationExpressionInfo CIMExpressionInfo The expression for setting the feature elevation.
featureBlendingMode enumeration BlendingMode The per-feature blending mode which allows features in a layer to blend against other features in the same layer that have already drawn.


Property Type Description
actions [CIMLayerAction] The layer actions.
exclusionSet [long long] The set of excluded features.
featureMasks [CIMDataConnection] The data connection of the masking data.
labelClasses [CIMLabelClass] The collection of label class definitions.
labelVisibility boolean A value indicating whether to display labels for this layer's label classes.
maskedSymbolLayers [CIMSymbolLayerMasking] The masked symbol layers. Each SymbolLayerMasking gives the symbol layers that are masked by that masking layer.
mostCurrentRenderer Renderer The renderer used for the most current features when displaying tracks. Deprecated at 2.2, ignored in previous versions.
renderer Renderer The primary symbol renderer.
scaleSymbols boolean A value indicating whether to scale the symbols in this layer based on the map's reference scale.
snappable boolean A value indicating whether this layer participates in snapping in the editor.
symbolLayerDrawing CIMSymbolLayerDrawing The symbol layer drawing properties.
trackLinesRenderer Renderer The track renderer when displaying tracks.
previousObservationsRenderer Renderer The previous observations renderer.
previousObservationsCount long The previous observation count.
useRealWorldSymbolSizes boolean A value indicating whether to use real world symbols sizes (meters) vs. points.
showPreviousObservations boolean A value indicating whether previous observations are being drawn.
featureReduction CIMFeatureReduction The feature reduction technique in use by this layer.
showTracks boolean A value indicating whether track lines are being drawn.


Property Type Description


Represents NITF image sub layer.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
URI string The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier.
sourceURI string The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.
sourceModifiedTime TimeInstant The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed.
metadataURI string The metadata URI.
useSourceMetadata boolean A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project.
sourcePortalUrl string The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.


Property Type Description
attribution string The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer.
description string The description.
layerElevation CIMLayerElevationSurface The layer elevation.
expanded boolean A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane.
layer3DProperties CIM3DLayerProperties The 3D layer properties.
layerMasks [string] The layer masks.
layerType enumeration MapLayerType The map layer type.
maxScale double The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
minScale double The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
showLegends boolean A value indicating whether or not to show legends.
transparency double The transparency of the layer.
visibility boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible.
displayCacheType enumeration DisplayCacheType The display cache type.
maxDisplayCacheAge double The maximum display cache age.
layerTemplate CIMLayerTemplate The layer template.
popupInfo CIMPopupInfo The pop-up info.
showPopups boolean A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups.
serviceLayerID long Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server.
charts [CIMChart] Identifier the layer's charts.
searchable boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search.
refreshRate double The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
refreshRateUnit enumeration esriTimeUnits The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
showMapTips boolean A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content.
webMapLayerID string An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map.
blendingMode enumeration BlendingMode The blending mode for the layer.
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh boolean A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh.


Property Type Description
dataConnection DataConnection The data connection for the raster this layer is based on.
colorizer CIMRasterColorizer The raster colorizer.
attributeTable CIMRasterTable The raster table definition.
timeDisplayDefinition CIMTimeDisplayDefinition The time display definition.
timeDimensionFields CIMTimeDimensionDefinition The time dimension fields.
timeDefinition CIMTimeDataDefinition The time definition.
auxiliaryRasterProperties CIMAuxiliaryRasterProperties The auxiliary raster properties.
autoComputeStatsHistogram boolean A value indicating whether or not to automatically compute the statistics histogram.
rangeDefinitions [CIMRangeDefinition] The range definitions.
activeRangeName string The name of the active range.
activeVariables [string] The active variables.
multidimensionalExtent CIMRasterMultidimensionalExtentDefinition A multidimensional extent definition describing the data cube(s) used for analysis.
activeSlice CIMRasterMultidimensionalDisplayDefinition A multidimensional display definition describing the current display slice.
renderingRule CIMRenderingRule The rendering rule.


Property Type Description


Represents a NITF composite layer.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
URI string The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier.
sourceURI string The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.
sourceModifiedTime TimeInstant The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed.
metadataURI string The metadata URI.
useSourceMetadata boolean A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project.
sourcePortalUrl string The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.


Property Type Description
attribution string The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer.
description string The description.
layerElevation CIMLayerElevationSurface The layer elevation.
expanded boolean A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane.
layer3DProperties CIM3DLayerProperties The 3D layer properties.
layerMasks [string] The layer masks.
layerType enumeration MapLayerType The map layer type.
maxScale double The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
minScale double The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
showLegends boolean A value indicating whether or not to show legends.
transparency double The transparency of the layer.
visibility boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible.
displayCacheType enumeration DisplayCacheType The display cache type.
maxDisplayCacheAge double The maximum display cache age.
layerTemplate CIMLayerTemplate The layer template.
popupInfo CIMPopupInfo The pop-up info.
showPopups boolean A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups.
serviceLayerID long Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server.
charts [CIMChart] Identifier the layer's charts.
searchable boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search.
refreshRate double The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
refreshRateUnit enumeration esriTimeUnits The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
showMapTips boolean A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content.
webMapLayerID string An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map.
blendingMode enumeration BlendingMode The blending mode for the layer.
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh boolean A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh.


Property Type Description
dataConnection DataConnection The data connection for the raster this layer is based on.
layers [string] The layer URIs of the layers in the NITF layer.


Represents a pansharpening filter.


Property Type Description
panImage DataConnection The data connection of the optional panchromatic image.
pansharpeningType enumeration PansharpeningType The data connection of the current pansharpening type.
infraredImage DataConnection The data connection of the optional infrared image.
RWeight double The red weight.
GWeight double The green weight.
BWeight double The blue weight.
IWeight double The infrared weight.

Enumeration: PansharpeningType

Types of pansharpening.

Property Value Description
Brovey 1 Brovey.
ESRI 2 Esri.
Mean 3 Mean.


Represents a raster band data connection.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
workspaceConnectionString string The workspace connection string.
workspaceFactory enumeration WorkspaceFactory The workspace factory.
customWorkspaceFactoryCLSID string The classID of the custom workspace factory.
dataset string The dataset name.
datasetType enumeration esriDatasetType The dataset type.


Property Type Description
rasterBandName string The raster band name.


Represents a raster CMYK colorizer.


Property Type Description
constantZ double The constant Z value in meters.
ZFactor double The conversion factor from DEM Z unit to meters.
ZOffset double The Z offset in meters applied to DEM.
geoid boolean A value indicating whether Geoid correction is needed.
DEM DataConnection The data connection of the DEM used for orthorectification.


Property Type Description
resamplingType enumeration RasterResamplingType The raster resampling type.
contrast long The contrast value.
brightness long The brightness value.
noDataColor Color The no data color.


Property Type Description
backgroundColor Color The background color.
backgroundValueBlack double The background value for black.
backgroundValueCyan double The background value for cyan.
backgroundValueMagenta double The background value for magenta.
backgroundValueYellow double The background value for yellow.
blackBandIndex long The band index for black.
cyanBandIndex long The band index for cyan.
displayBackgroundValue boolean A value indicating whether or not to display the background value.
invert boolean A value indicating whether or not the stretch is inverted.
magentaBandIndex long The band index for magenta.
specificationHistogramBlack StatsHistogram The specification histogram for black.
specificationHistogramCyan StatsHistogram The specification histogram for cyan.
specificationHistogramMagenta StatsHistogram The specification histogram for magenta.
specificationHistogramYellow StatsHistogram The specification histogram for yellow.
standardDeviationParam double The standard deviation parameter for the stretch renderer.
stretchStatsBlack StatsHistogram The stretch histogram for black.
stretchStatsCyan StatsHistogram The stretch histogram for cyan.
stretchStatsMagenta StatsHistogram The stretch histogram for magenta.
stretchStatsType enumeration RasterStretchStatsType The stretch statistics type.
stretchStatsYellow StatsHistogram The stretch histogram for yellow.
stretchType enumeration RasterStretchType The stretch type.
useBlackMapping boolean A value indicating whether or not to use black mapping.
useCyanMapping boolean A value indicating whether or not to use cyan mapping.
useDefaultMapping boolean A value indicating whether or not to use default mapping.
useMagentaMapping boolean A value indicating whether or not to use magenta mapping.
useYellowMapping boolean A value indicating whether or not to use yellow mapping.
yellowBandIndex long The band index for yellow.


Represents a raster class break.


Property Type Description
upperBound double The upper bound for the raster class break.
label string The label for the raster class break.
description string The description for the raster class break.
color Color The color for the raster class break.


Represents a raster classify colorizer.


Property Type Description
constantZ double The constant Z value in meters.
ZFactor double The conversion factor from DEM Z unit to meters.
ZOffset double The Z offset in meters applied to DEM.
geoid boolean A value indicating whether Geoid correction is needed.
DEM DataConnection The data connection of the DEM used for orthorectification.


Property Type Description
resamplingType enumeration RasterResamplingType The raster resampling type.
contrast long The contrast value.
brightness long The brightness value.
noDataColor Color The no data color.


Property Type Description
normalizationField string The normalization field.
normalizationTotal double The normalization total.
normalizationType enumeration DataNormalizationMethod The normalization type.


Property Type Description
classBreaks [CIMRasterClassBreak] The class breaks of the renderer.
classificationMethod enumeration ClassificationMethod The classification method.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp.
exclusionColor Color The exclusion color.
exclusionDescription string The exclusion description.
exclusionLabel string The exclusion label.
exclusionRanges [double] The exclusion ranges as an array of doubles.
exclusionValues [double] The exclusion values as an array of doubles.
field string The renderer field.
hillshadeZFactor double The Z factor of the hillshade.
minimumBreak double The minimum break of the classification.
showClassGaps boolean A value indicating whether or not to show class gaps.
showInAscendingOrder boolean A value indicating whether or not to show classes in ascending order.
useExclusionColor boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the exclusion color.
useHillshade boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the hillshade.
numberFormat NumberFormat The number format applied to values.
heading string The legend heading.


Represents a raster color correction configuration.


Property Type Description
preStretchType enumeration ColorCorrectionStretchType The pre-stretch type of color correction.
colorBalanceMethod enumeration ColorBalanceMethod The color balance method.
colorMatchingMethod enumeration ColorMatchingMethod The color matching method.
needContrastAdjustment boolean A value indicating whether or not contrast adjustment is needed.
targetColorSurfaceType enumeration TargetColorSurfaceType The target color surface type.
targetColorRaster DataConnection The target color raster.
userDefinedReference boolean A value indicating whether or not this is a user defined reference.
referenceOID long The reference OID.


Represents a raster color map colorizer.


Property Type Description
constantZ double The constant Z value in meters.
ZFactor double The conversion factor from DEM Z unit to meters.
ZOffset double The Z offset in meters applied to DEM.
geoid boolean A value indicating whether Geoid correction is needed.
DEM DataConnection The data connection of the DEM used for orthorectification.


Property Type Description
resamplingType enumeration RasterResamplingType The raster resampling type.
contrast long The contrast value.
brightness long The brightness value.
noDataColor Color The no data color.


Property Type Description
colors [CIMColor] Array of colors.
bandID long The band ID.
labels [string] The color labels as a string array.
min long Minimum value.
max long Maximum value.
numberFormat NumberFormat The number format.
values [long] The array of values.


Represents a raster colorizer mapping.


Property Type Description
rasterOID long The Object ID of the raster in the raster catalog.
colorizerIndex long The index of the colorizer.


Represents a set of criteria used to define the multidimensional extent of a raster layer.


Property Type Description
variableName string The name of the variable.
dimensionName string The name of the dimension.
minimumValues [double] The minimum dimension values.
maximumValues [double] The maximum dimension values.


Represents a raster discrete color colorizer.


Property Type Description
constantZ double The constant Z value in meters.
ZFactor double The conversion factor from DEM Z unit to meters.
ZOffset double The Z offset in meters applied to DEM.
geoid boolean A value indicating whether Geoid correction is needed.
DEM DataConnection The data connection of the DEM used for orthorectification.


Property Type Description
resamplingType enumeration RasterResamplingType The raster resampling type.
contrast long The contrast value.
brightness long The brightness value.
noDataColor Color The no data color.


Property Type Description
numColors long The number of colors.
colormap RasterColormap The colormap.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp.

Enumeration: RasterFootprintDrawMode

Raster footprint draw modes.

Property Value Description
All 0 Draw all footprints.
OnlyPrimary 1 Draw only primary footprints.


Represents raster histogram custom stretch edit info.


Property Type Description
breakPointsX [long] The X coordinate or input value at each breakpoint.
breakPointsY [long] The Y coordinate or input value at each breakpoint.
editType enumeration RasterHistogramEditType The histogram edit type.

Enumeration: RasterHistogramEditType

Raster histogram edit types.

Property Value Description
Lines 0 The breakpoints represent lines defining a piecewise linear stretch.
Splines 1 The breakpoints represent splines defining a piecewise non-linear stretch.
Points 2 The breakpoints represent specific pixels to stretch.


Represents a raster layer which displays raster imagery stored in a raster dataset.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
URI string The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier.
sourceURI string The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.
sourceModifiedTime TimeInstant The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed.
metadataURI string The metadata URI.
useSourceMetadata boolean A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project.
sourcePortalUrl string The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.


Property Type Description
attribution string The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer.
description string The description.
layerElevation CIMLayerElevationSurface The layer elevation.
expanded boolean A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane.
layer3DProperties CIM3DLayerProperties The 3D layer properties.
layerMasks [string] The layer masks.
layerType enumeration MapLayerType The map layer type.
maxScale double The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
minScale double The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
showLegends boolean A value indicating whether or not to show legends.
transparency double The transparency of the layer.
visibility boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible.
displayCacheType enumeration DisplayCacheType The display cache type.
maxDisplayCacheAge double The maximum display cache age.
layerTemplate CIMLayerTemplate The layer template.
popupInfo CIMPopupInfo The pop-up info.
showPopups boolean A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups.
serviceLayerID long Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server.
charts [CIMChart] Identifier the layer's charts.
searchable boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search.
refreshRate double The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
refreshRateUnit enumeration esriTimeUnits The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
showMapTips boolean A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content.
webMapLayerID string An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map.
blendingMode enumeration BlendingMode The blending mode for the layer.
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh boolean A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh.


Property Type Description
dataConnection DataConnection The data connection for the raster this layer is based on.
colorizer CIMRasterColorizer The raster colorizer.
attributeTable CIMRasterTable The raster table definition.
timeDisplayDefinition CIMTimeDisplayDefinition The time display definition.
timeDimensionFields CIMTimeDimensionDefinition The time dimension fields.
timeDefinition CIMTimeDataDefinition The time definition.
auxiliaryRasterProperties CIMAuxiliaryRasterProperties The auxiliary raster properties.
autoComputeStatsHistogram boolean A value indicating whether or not to automatically compute the statistics histogram.
rangeDefinitions [CIMRangeDefinition] The range definitions.
activeRangeName string The name of the active range.
activeVariables [string] The active variables.
multidimensionalExtent CIMRasterMultidimensionalExtentDefinition A multidimensional extent definition describing the data cube(s) used for analysis.
activeSlice CIMRasterMultidimensionalDisplayDefinition A multidimensional display definition describing the current display slice.
renderingRule CIMRenderingRule The rendering rule.

Enumeration: RasterMosaicMethod

Raster mosaic methods.

Property Value Description
None 0 None.
Center 1 Center.
Nadir 2 Nadir.
Viewpoint 3 Viewpoint.
Attribute 4 Attribute.
LockRaster 5 Lock raster.
Northwest 6 Northwest.
Seamline 7 Seamline.

Enumeration: RasterMosaicOperatorType

Raster mosaic operator type.

Property Value Description
First 0 First.
Last 1 Last.
Min 2 Minimum.
Max 3 Maximum.
Mean 4 Mean.
Blend 5 Blend.
Sum 6 Sum.


Represents a multidimensional display definition for the current display slice.


Property Type Description
variableName string The name of the variable.
timeValue TimeExtent The time value for the current display slice.
hasRangeDimension boolean A value indicating whether the active variable has a range dimension.
rangeDimensionName string The name of the range dimension.
rangeDimensionValue CIMRange The range dimension value for the current display slice.


Represents a multidimensional extent applicable to a raster layer.


Property Type Description
subsetDefinitions [CIMRasterDimensionalDefinition] The dimensional definitions that define a multidimensional subset.
areaOfInterest Geometry The area of interest for the multidimensional extent.


Represents a raster RGB colorizer.


Property Type Description
constantZ double The constant Z value in meters.
ZFactor double The conversion factor from DEM Z unit to meters.
ZOffset double The Z offset in meters applied to DEM.
geoid boolean A value indicating whether Geoid correction is needed.
DEM DataConnection The data connection of the DEM used for orthorectification.


Property Type Description
resamplingType enumeration RasterResamplingType The raster resampling type.
contrast long The contrast value.
brightness long The brightness value.
noDataColor Color The no data color.


Property Type Description
alphaBandIndex long The band to be represented in alpha.
backgroundColor Color The background display color.
backgroundValueBlue double The background blue value.
backgroundValueGreen double The background green value.
backgroundValueRed double The background red value.
blueBandIndex long The band to be represented in blue.
blueLookup [long] The blue lookup values.
displayBackgroundValue boolean A value indicating whether or not to display the background value.
ESRIStretchContrastB double The Esri stretch contrast value for blue.
ESRIStretchContrastG double The Esri stretch contrast value for green.
ESRIStretchContrastR double The Esri stretch contrast value for red.
ESRIStretchMeanB double The Esri stretch mean value for blue.
ESRIStretchMeanG double The Esri stretch mean value for green.
ESRIStretchMeanR double The Esri stretch mean value for red.
gammaB double The gamma value for blue.
gammaG double The gamma value for green.
gammaR double The gamma value for red.
greenBandIndex long The band to be represented in green.
greenLookup [long] The green lookup values.
invert boolean A value indicating whether or not the stretch is inverted.
lumLookup [long] The lum lookup values.
maxPercent double The maximum percent.
minPercent double The minimum percent.
pansharpeningFilter CIMPansharpeningFilter The pansharpening filter.
redBandIndex long The band to be represented in red.
redLookup [long] The red lookup values.
specificationHistogramBlue StatsHistogram The specification histogram for blue.
specificationHistogramGreen StatsHistogram The specification histogram for green.
specificationHistogramRed StatsHistogram The specification histogram for red.
standardDeviationsParam double The standard deviations parameter.
stretchStatsBlue StatsHistogram The stretch statistics for blue.
stretchStatsGreen StatsHistogram The stretch statistics for green.
stretchStatsRed StatsHistogram The stretch statistics for red.
stretchStatsType enumeration RasterStretchStatsType The stretch statistics type.
stretchType enumeration RasterStretchType The stretch type.
useAlphaBand boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the alpha band.
useBlueBand boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the blue band.
useDefaultMapping boolean A value indicating whether or not to use default mapping.
useGammaStretch boolean A value indicating whether or not to use gamma stretch.
useGreenBand boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the green band.
useRedBand boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the red band.
heading string The legend heading.
useCustomStretchMinMax boolean A value indicating whether or not to use custom stretch minimum and maximum.
customStretchMinRed double The color stretch custom minimum value for red.
customStretchMinGreen double The color stretch custom minimum value for green.
customStretchMinBlue double The color stretch custom minimum value for blue.
customStretchMaxRed double The color stretch custom maximum value for red.
customStretchMaxGreen double The color stretch custom maximum value for green.
customStretchMaxBlue double The color stretch custom maximum value for blue.
histogramEditInfoRed CIMRasterHistogramEditInfo The edit info defining the histogram customization for red.
histogramEditInfoGreen CIMRasterHistogramEditInfo The edit info defining the histogram customization for green.
histogramEditInfoBlue CIMRasterHistogramEditInfo The edit info defining the histogram customization for blue.


Represents a raster stretch class.


Property Type Description
label string The raster stretch class label.
value double The raster stretch class value.


Represents a raster stretch colorizer.


Property Type Description
constantZ double The constant Z value in meters.
ZFactor double The conversion factor from DEM Z unit to meters.
ZOffset double The Z offset in meters applied to DEM.
geoid boolean A value indicating whether Geoid correction is needed.
DEM DataConnection The data connection of the DEM used for orthorectification.


Property Type Description
resamplingType enumeration RasterResamplingType The raster resampling type.
contrast long The contrast value.
brightness long The brightness value.
noDataColor Color The no data color.


Property Type Description
backgroundColor Color The background color.
backgroundValue double The background value.
bandIndex long The band index of the band being stretched.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp.
colorScheme string The color ramp scheme name.
customStretchMax double The color stretch custom max.
customStretchMin double The color stretch custom min.
displayBackgroundValue boolean A value indicating whether or not to display the background.
ESRIStretchContrast double The Esri stretch contrast parameter.
ESRIStretchMean double The Esri stretch mean parameter.
gammaValue double The gamma value.
hillshadeZFactor double The hillshade Z factor.
invert boolean A value indicating whether or not to invert the stretch.
lookup [long] A long array of lookup values.
maxPercent double The maximum percent.
minPercent double The minimum percent.
standardDeviationParam double The standard deviation parameter value.
statsHistogram StatsHistogram The statistics histogram.
statsType enumeration RasterStretchStatsType The type of raster stretch statistics.
stretchClasses [CIMRasterStretchClass] The raster stretch classes.
stretchStats StatsHistogram The raster stretch statistics.
stretchType enumeration RasterStretchType The raster stretch type.
useCustomMinMax boolean A value indicating whether or not to use custom minimum and maximum.
useCustomStretchMinMax boolean A value indicating whether or not to use custom stretch minimum and maximum.
useGammaStretch boolean A value indicating whether or not to use gamma stretch.
useHillshade boolean A value indicating whether or not to hillshade.
numberFormat NumberFormat The number format applied to the display of values.
heading string The legend heading.
specificationHistogram StatsHistogram The statistics for histogram specification stretch.
histogramEditInfo CIMRasterHistogramEditInfo The edit info defining the raster histogram customization.
useAdvancedLabeling boolean A value indicating whether or not to use advanced labeling.


Represents a raster unique value class.


Property Type Description
values [string] The class values as a string array.
label string The class label.
description string The class description.
color Color The class color.
editable boolean A value indicating whether or not this class is editable.
visible boolean A value indicating whether or not this class is visible.


Represents a raster unique value colorizer.


Property Type Description
constantZ double The constant Z value in meters.
ZFactor double The conversion factor from DEM Z unit to meters.
ZOffset double The Z offset in meters applied to DEM.
geoid boolean A value indicating whether Geoid correction is needed.
DEM DataConnection The data connection of the DEM used for orthorectification.


Property Type Description
resamplingType enumeration RasterResamplingType The raster resampling type.
contrast long The contrast value.
brightness long The brightness value.
noDataColor Color The no data color.


Property Type Description
defaultColor Color The default color.
useDefaultColor boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the default color.
fieldName string The field name to render.
groups [CIMRasterUniqueValueGroup] The unique value groups.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp.
defaultLabel string The default label.
defaultDescription string The default description.
numberFormat NumberFormat The number format applied to values for display.


Represents a raster unique value group.


Property Type Description
classes [CIMRasterUniqueValueClass] An array of classes making up the group.
heading string The group heading.


Represents a raster vector field colorizer.


Property Type Description
constantZ double The constant Z value in meters.
ZFactor double The conversion factor from DEM Z unit to meters.
ZOffset double The Z offset in meters applied to DEM.
geoid boolean A value indicating whether Geoid correction is needed.
DEM DataConnection The data connection of the DEM used for orthorectification.


Property Type Description
resamplingType enumeration RasterResamplingType The raster resampling type.
contrast long The contrast value.
brightness long The brightness value.
noDataColor Color The no data color.


Property Type Description
magnitudeBandIndex long The magnitude band index.
directionBandIndex long The direction band index.
isUVComponents boolean A value indicating whether flow is composed from U and V components.
referenceSystem enumeration SymbolRotationType The reference system for symbol rotation.
flowRepresentation enumeration FlowRepresentationType The flow representation type.
symbolTileSize double The symbol tile size.
symbolTileSizeUnits enumeration SymbolTileUnitType The symbol tile size units.
symbolizationType enumeration SymbolizationType The symbolization type.
symbol CIMSymbolReference Symbol.
classBreaks [CIMClassBreak] The class breaks.
minimumClassBreak double The minimum class break.
minimumMagnitude double The minimum magnitude.
maximumMagnitude double The maximum magnitude.
minimumSymbolSize double The minimum symbol size.
maximumSymbolSize double The maximum symbol size.
fromUnit enumeration SpeedUnitType The from unit.
toUnit enumeration SpeedUnitType The to unit.
numberFormat NumberFormat The number format used for format values for display.


Represents a raster rendering rule.


Property Type Description
description string The rendering rule description.
name string The rendering rule name.
variableName string The rendering rule variable name.
arguments {JSON_object} The rendering rule arguments as a property set.
definition string The rendering rule definition.

Enumeration: SpeedUnitType

Speed unit types.

Property Value Description
Unknown 0 Unknown speed.
MetersPerSecond 1 Meters per second.
KilometersPerHour 2 Kilometers per hour.
Knots 3 Knots.
FeetPerSecond 4 Feed per second.
MilesPerHour 5 Miles per hour.


Represents a standalone video.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
URI string The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier.
sourceURI string The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.
sourceModifiedTime TimeInstant The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed.
metadataURI string The metadata URI.
useSourceMetadata boolean A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project.
sourcePortalUrl string The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.


Property Type Description
dataConnection CIMVideoDataConnection The data connection for the video.
footprintColor Color The footprint color.
elapsedTime double The elapsed time in seconds.
visibility boolean A value indicating whether the standalone video graphics is visible.
bookmarkIndicators [CIMVideoTimelineEventIndicator] The collection of event indicators for Bookmark.
exportFrameIndicators [CIMVideoTimelineEventIndicator] The collection of event indicators for ExportFrame.
exportToPPTIndicators [CIMVideoTimelineEventIndicator] The collection of event indicators for ExportToPPT.
exportFramesIndicators [CIMVideoTimelineRangeIndicator] The collection of range indicators for ExportFrames.
metadataToCSVIndicators [CIMVideoTimelineRangeIndicator] The collection of range indicators for MetadataToCSV.
recordVideoIndicators [CIMVideoTimelineRangeIndicator] The collection of range indicators for RecordVideo.
exportSegmentIndicators [CIMVideoTimelineRangeIndicator] The collection of range indicators for ExportSegment.
recordSegmentsIndicators [CIMVideoTimelineRangeIndicator] The collection of range indicators for RecordSegments.

Enumeration: StretchType

Stretch types.

Property Value Description
Gamma 0 Gamma stretch.
MinMax 1 Minimum maximum stretch.
StdDev 2 Standard deviation stretch.
None 3 No stretch.

Enumeration: SymbolTileUnitType

Symbol tile unit type.

Property Value Description
Unknown 0 Unknown.
Feet 1 Feet.
Miles 2 Miles.
NauticalMiles 3 Nautical miles.
Meters 4 Meters.
Kilometers 5 Kilometers.
DecimalDegrees 6 Decimal degrees.
Pixels 100 Pixels.

Enumeration: SymbolizationType

Symbolization type.

Property Value Description
Scalar 0 Scalar.
SingleArrow 1 Single Arrow.
WindBarbs 2 Wind barbs.
BeaufortWindKnots 3 Beaufort wind knots.
BeaufortWindMetersPerSecond 4 Beaufort wind meters per second.
OceanCurrentKnots 5 Ocean current knots.
OceanCurrentMetersPerSecond 6 Ocean current meters per second.
BeaufortWindMilesPerHour 7 Beaufort wind miles per hour.
BeaufortWindKilometersPerHour 8 Beaufort wind kilometers per hour.
Custom 100 Custom.

Enumeration: TargetColorSurfaceType

Target color surface type.

Property Value Description
SingleColorPoint 0 Single color point.
ColorGrid 1 Color grid.
FirstOrderSurface 2 First order surface.
SecondOrderSurface 3 Second order surface.
ThirdOrderSurface 4 Third order surface.


Represents a video data connection.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
URI string The URI of the video files.


Represents an event indicator on a video timeline.


Property Type Description
label string The indicator label.


Property Type Description
time long long The elapsed time from the beginning of the video in ticks for the event.


Represents a range indicator on a video timeline.


Property Type Description
label string The indicator label.


Property Type Description
minimum long long The elapsed time from the beginning of the video in ticks for the minimum time in the range.
maximum long long The elapsed time from the beginning of the video in ticks for the maximum time in the range.