Property | Type | Description |
bandIndexes | [long] | A long array of the band indexes. |
extent | Envelope | The extent. |
height | long | The height. |
width | long | The width. |
Property | Value | Description |
Dodging | 0 | Dodging. |
Histogram | 1 | Histogram. |
StdDev | 2 | Standard deviation. |
None | 3 | None. |
Property | Value | Description |
None | 0 | None. |
Adaptive | 1 | Adaptive. |
MinMax | 2 | Minimum and maximum. |
StdDev | 3 | Standard deviation. |
Property | Value | Description |
Statistics | 0 | Statistics. |
Histogram | 1 | Histogram. |
LinearCorrelation | 2 | Linear correlation. |
None | 3 | None. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name. |
URI | string | The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier. |
sourceURI | string | The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
sourceModifiedTime | TimeInstant | The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed. |
metadataURI | string | The metadata URI. |
useSourceMetadata | boolean | A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project. |
sourcePortalUrl | string | The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
Property | Type | Description |
attribution | string | The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer. |
description | string | The description. |
layerElevation | CIMLayerElevationSurface | The layer elevation. |
expanded | boolean | A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane. |
layer3DProperties | CIM3DLayerProperties | The 3D layer properties. |
layerMasks | [string] | The layer masks. |
layerType | enumeration MapLayerType | The map layer type. |
maxScale | double | The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
minScale | double | The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
showLegends | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show legends. |
transparency | double | The transparency of the layer. |
visibility | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible. |
displayCacheType | enumeration DisplayCacheType | The display cache type. |
maxDisplayCacheAge | double | The maximum display cache age. |
layerTemplate | CIMLayerTemplate | The layer template. |
popupInfo | CIMPopupInfo | The pop-up info. |
showPopups | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups. |
serviceLayerID | long | Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server. |
charts | [CIMChart] | Identifier the layer's charts. |
searchable | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search. |
refreshRate | double | The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
refreshRateUnit | enumeration esriTimeUnits | The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
showMapTips | boolean | A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view. |
customProperties | [CIMStringMap] | The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content. |
webMapLayerID | string | An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map. |
blendingMode | enumeration BlendingMode | The blending mode for the layer. |
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh | boolean | A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh. |
Property | Type | Description |
autoGenerateFeatureTemplates | boolean | A value indicating whether to automatically generate feature templates from the renderer. |
extrusion | CIMFeatureExtrusion | The feature extrusion. |
featureElevationExpression | string | The feature elevation expression. |
featureHyperlinks | [CIMFeatureHyperlink] | The feature hyperlinks. |
featureTable | CIMFeatureTable | The feature table. |
featureTemplates | [CIMEditingTemplate] | The feature templates. |
hotlinkField | string | The field containing hotlink URLs. |
htmlPopupEnabled | boolean | A value indicating whether HTML pop-ups are enabled. |
htmlPopupFormat | CIMHtmlPopupFormat | The HTML pop-ups format. |
isFlattened | boolean | A value indicating whether the layer is flattened. |
selectable | boolean | A value indicating whether the layer is selectable. |
selectionColor | Color | The selection color. For polygons, this is used as the outline color. |
polygonSelectionFillColor | Color | The selection fill color. Only used for polygons. |
selectionSymbol | CIMSymbolReference | The selection symbol. |
useSelectionSymbol | boolean | A value indicating whether to use the selection symbol. |
pageDefinition | CIMPageDefinition | The page definition which allows for using current map series page to filter features. |
featureCacheType | enumeration FeatureCacheType | The feature cache type. |
enableDisplayFilters | boolean | A value indicating whether the current set of display filters are honored during drawing. |
displayFilters | [CIMDisplayFilter] | The current set of scale based display filters. |
displayFiltersType | enumeration DisplayFilterType | DisplayFiltersType value. |
displayFilterName | string | The active display filter. |
displayFilterChoices | [CIMDisplayFilter] | The current set of display filters. |
featureElevationExpressionInfo | CIMExpressionInfo | The expression for setting the feature elevation. |
featureBlendingMode | enumeration BlendingMode | The per-feature blending mode which allows features in a layer to blend against other features in the same layer that have already drawn. |
Property | Type | Description |
actions | [CIMLayerAction] | The layer actions. |
exclusionSet | [long long] | The set of excluded features. |
featureMasks | [CIMDataConnection] | The data connection of the masking data. |
labelClasses | [CIMLabelClass] | The collection of label class definitions. |
labelVisibility | boolean | A value indicating whether to display labels for this layer's label classes. |
maskedSymbolLayers | [CIMSymbolLayerMasking] | The masked symbol layers. Each SymbolLayerMasking gives the symbol layers that are masked by that masking layer. |
mostCurrentRenderer | Renderer | The renderer used for the most current features when displaying tracks. Deprecated at 2.2, ignored in previous versions. |
renderer | Renderer | The primary symbol renderer. |
scaleSymbols | boolean | A value indicating whether to scale the symbols in this layer based on the map's reference scale. |
snappable | boolean | A value indicating whether this layer participates in snapping in the editor. |
symbolLayerDrawing | CIMSymbolLayerDrawing | The symbol layer drawing properties. |
trackLinesRenderer | Renderer | The track renderer when displaying tracks. |
previousObservationsRenderer | Renderer | The previous observations renderer. |
previousObservationsCount | long | The previous observation count. |
useRealWorldSymbolSizes | boolean | A value indicating whether to use real world symbols sizes (meters) vs. points. |
showPreviousObservations | boolean | A value indicating whether previous observations are being drawn. |
featureReduction | CIMFeatureReduction | The feature reduction technique in use by this layer. |
showTracks | boolean | A value indicating whether track lines are being drawn. |
Property | Type | Description |
mosaicSubLayerType | enumeration MosaicSubLayerType | The mosaic sublayer type. |
Property | Value | Description |
From | 0 | Flow from. |
To | 1 | Flow to. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name. |
URI | string | The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier. |
sourceURI | string | The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
sourceModifiedTime | TimeInstant | The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed. |
metadataURI | string | The metadata URI. |
useSourceMetadata | boolean | A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project. |
sourcePortalUrl | string | The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
Property | Type | Description |
attribution | string | The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer. |
description | string | The description. |
layerElevation | CIMLayerElevationSurface | The layer elevation. |
expanded | boolean | A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane. |
layer3DProperties | CIM3DLayerProperties | The 3D layer properties. |
layerMasks | [string] | The layer masks. |
layerType | enumeration MapLayerType | The map layer type. |
maxScale | double | The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
minScale | double | The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
showLegends | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show legends. |
transparency | double | The transparency of the layer. |
visibility | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible. |
displayCacheType | enumeration DisplayCacheType | The display cache type. |
maxDisplayCacheAge | double | The maximum display cache age. |
layerTemplate | CIMLayerTemplate | The layer template. |
popupInfo | CIMPopupInfo | The pop-up info. |
showPopups | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups. |
serviceLayerID | long | Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server. |
charts | [CIMChart] | Identifier the layer's charts. |
searchable | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search. |
refreshRate | double | The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
refreshRateUnit | enumeration esriTimeUnits | The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
showMapTips | boolean | A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view. |
customProperties | [CIMStringMap] | The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content. |
webMapLayerID | string | An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map. |
blendingMode | enumeration BlendingMode | The blending mode for the layer. |
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh | boolean | A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh. |
Property | Type | Description |
dataConnection | DataConnection | The data connection for the raster this layer is based on. |
colorizer | CIMRasterColorizer | The raster colorizer. |
attributeTable | CIMRasterTable | The raster table definition. |
timeDisplayDefinition | CIMTimeDisplayDefinition | The time display definition. |
timeDimensionFields | CIMTimeDimensionDefinition | The time dimension fields. |
timeDefinition | CIMTimeDataDefinition | The time definition. |
auxiliaryRasterProperties | CIMAuxiliaryRasterProperties | The auxiliary raster properties. |
autoComputeStatsHistogram | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to automatically compute the statistics histogram. |
rangeDefinitions | [CIMRangeDefinition] | The range definitions. |
activeRangeName | string | The name of the active range. |
activeVariables | [string] | The active variables. |
multidimensionalExtent | CIMRasterMultidimensionalExtentDefinition | A multidimensional extent definition describing the data cube(s) used for analysis. |
activeSlice | CIMRasterMultidimensionalDisplayDefinition | A multidimensional display definition describing the current display slice. |
renderingRule | CIMRenderingRule | The rendering rule. |
Property | Type | Description |
compression | string | The compression as a string. |
compressionQuality | long | The compression quality. |
drawFootprints | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to draw footprints. |
featureTable | CIMFeatureTable | The feature table. |
footprintDrawMode | enumeration RasterFootprintDrawMode | The footprint draw mode. |
footprintSymbol | CIMSymbolReference | The footprint symbol. |
mosaicRule | CIMMosaicRule | The mosaic rule. |
selectable | boolean | A value indicating whether or not the layer is selectable. |
selectionColor | Color | The selection color. |
selectionSymbol | CIMSymbolReference | The selection symbol. |
useSelectionSymbol | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use the selection symbol. |
ignoreRenderingRuleOnIdentify | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to ignore the rendering rule on identify. |
useServiceCache | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use the service cache. |
Property | Type | Description |
mosaicSubLayerType | enumeration MosaicSubLayerType | The mosaic sublayer type. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name. |
URI | string | The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier. |
sourceURI | string | The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
sourceModifiedTime | TimeInstant | The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed. |
metadataURI | string | The metadata URI. |
useSourceMetadata | boolean | A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project. |
sourcePortalUrl | string | The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
Property | Type | Description |
attribution | string | The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer. |
description | string | The description. |
layerElevation | CIMLayerElevationSurface | The layer elevation. |
expanded | boolean | A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane. |
layer3DProperties | CIM3DLayerProperties | The 3D layer properties. |
layerMasks | [string] | The layer masks. |
layerType | enumeration MapLayerType | The map layer type. |
maxScale | double | The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
minScale | double | The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
showLegends | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show legends. |
transparency | double | The transparency of the layer. |
visibility | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible. |
displayCacheType | enumeration DisplayCacheType | The display cache type. |
maxDisplayCacheAge | double | The maximum display cache age. |
layerTemplate | CIMLayerTemplate | The layer template. |
popupInfo | CIMPopupInfo | The pop-up info. |
showPopups | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups. |
serviceLayerID | long | Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server. |
charts | [CIMChart] | Identifier the layer's charts. |
searchable | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search. |
refreshRate | double | The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
refreshRateUnit | enumeration esriTimeUnits | The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
showMapTips | boolean | A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view. |
customProperties | [CIMStringMap] | The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content. |
webMapLayerID | string | An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map. |
blendingMode | enumeration BlendingMode | The blending mode for the layer. |
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh | boolean | A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh. |
Property | Type | Description |
dataConnection | DataConnection | The data connection for the raster this layer is based on. |
colorizer | CIMRasterColorizer | The raster colorizer. |
attributeTable | CIMRasterTable | The raster table definition. |
timeDisplayDefinition | CIMTimeDisplayDefinition | The time display definition. |
timeDimensionFields | CIMTimeDimensionDefinition | The time dimension fields. |
timeDefinition | CIMTimeDataDefinition | The time definition. |
auxiliaryRasterProperties | CIMAuxiliaryRasterProperties | The auxiliary raster properties. |
autoComputeStatsHistogram | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to automatically compute the statistics histogram. |
rangeDefinitions | [CIMRangeDefinition] | The range definitions. |
activeRangeName | string | The name of the active range. |
activeVariables | [string] | The active variables. |
multidimensionalExtent | CIMRasterMultidimensionalExtentDefinition | A multidimensional extent definition describing the data cube(s) used for analysis. |
activeSlice | CIMRasterMultidimensionalDisplayDefinition | A multidimensional display definition describing the current display slice. |
renderingRule | CIMRenderingRule | The rendering rule. |
Property | Type | Description |
compression | string | The compression as a string. |
compressionQuality | long | The compression quality. |
drawFootprints | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to draw footprints. |
featureTable | CIMFeatureTable | The feature table. |
footprintDrawMode | enumeration RasterFootprintDrawMode | The footprint draw mode. |
footprintSymbol | CIMSymbolReference | The footprint symbol. |
mosaicRule | CIMMosaicRule | The mosaic rule. |
selectable | boolean | A value indicating whether or not the layer is selectable. |
selectionColor | Color | The selection color. |
selectionSymbol | CIMSymbolReference | The selection symbol. |
useSelectionSymbol | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use the selection symbol. |
ignoreRenderingRuleOnIdentify | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to ignore the rendering rule on identify. |
useServiceCache | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use the service cache. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name. |
URI | string | The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier. |
sourceURI | string | The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
sourceModifiedTime | TimeInstant | The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed. |
metadataURI | string | The metadata URI. |
useSourceMetadata | boolean | A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project. |
sourcePortalUrl | string | The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
Property | Type | Description |
attribution | string | The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer. |
description | string | The description. |
layerElevation | CIMLayerElevationSurface | The layer elevation. |
expanded | boolean | A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane. |
layer3DProperties | CIM3DLayerProperties | The 3D layer properties. |
layerMasks | [string] | The layer masks. |
layerType | enumeration MapLayerType | The map layer type. |
maxScale | double | The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
minScale | double | The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
showLegends | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show legends. |
transparency | double | The transparency of the layer. |
visibility | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible. |
displayCacheType | enumeration DisplayCacheType | The display cache type. |
maxDisplayCacheAge | double | The maximum display cache age. |
layerTemplate | CIMLayerTemplate | The layer template. |
popupInfo | CIMPopupInfo | The pop-up info. |
showPopups | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups. |
serviceLayerID | long | Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server. |
charts | [CIMChart] | Identifier the layer's charts. |
searchable | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search. |
refreshRate | double | The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
refreshRateUnit | enumeration esriTimeUnits | The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
showMapTips | boolean | A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view. |
customProperties | [CIMStringMap] | The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content. |
webMapLayerID | string | An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map. |
blendingMode | enumeration BlendingMode | The blending mode for the layer. |
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh | boolean | A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh. |
Property | Type | Description |
boundaryLayer | string | The boundary layer. |
footprintLayer | string | The footprint layer. |
imageLayer | string | The image layer. |
seamlineLayer | string | The seamline layer. |
mosaicDatasetConnection | DataConnection | The data connection of the mosaic dataset. |
timeDefinition | CIMTimeDataDefinition | The time definition. |
timeDisplayDefinition | CIMTimeDisplayDefinition | The time display definition. |
timeFields | CIMTimeTableDefinition | The time fields. |
definitionExpression | string | The definition expression. |
definitionExpressionName | string | The Name of definition expression. |
definitionFilterChoices | [CIMDefinitionFilter] | The definition filter choices. |
rangeDefinitions | [CIMRangeDefinition] | The range definitions of the mosaic dataset. |
activeRangeName | string | The name of the active range. |
activeVariables | [string] | An array of the active variables. |
Property | Type | Description |
ascending | boolean | A value indicating whether the mosaic rule uses ascending order. |
FIDs | [long long] | An array of IDs. |
lockRasterID | string | The ID of the lock raster. |
mosaicMethod | enumeration RasterMosaicMethod | The mosaic method. |
mosaicOperatorType | enumeration RasterMosaicOperatorType | The mosaic operator type. |
orderByBaseValue | any | The order by base value. |
orderByFieldName | string | The order by field name. |
timeValue | TimeValue | The time value. |
viewpoint | Point | The viewpoint as a point. |
whereClause | string | The where clause as a string. |
Property | Value | Description |
Boundary | 0 | Boundary |
Footprint | 1 | Footprint |
Image | 2 | Image |
Seamline | 3 | Seamline |
Property | Type | Description |
Property | Type | Description |
URI | string | The URI of the NITF files. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name. |
URI | string | The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier. |
sourceURI | string | The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
sourceModifiedTime | TimeInstant | The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed. |
metadataURI | string | The metadata URI. |
useSourceMetadata | boolean | A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project. |
sourcePortalUrl | string | The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
Property | Type | Description |
attribution | string | The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer. |
description | string | The description. |
layerElevation | CIMLayerElevationSurface | The layer elevation. |
expanded | boolean | A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane. |
layer3DProperties | CIM3DLayerProperties | The 3D layer properties. |
layerMasks | [string] | The layer masks. |
layerType | enumeration MapLayerType | The map layer type. |
maxScale | double | The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
minScale | double | The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
showLegends | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show legends. |
transparency | double | The transparency of the layer. |
visibility | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible. |
displayCacheType | enumeration DisplayCacheType | The display cache type. |
maxDisplayCacheAge | double | The maximum display cache age. |
layerTemplate | CIMLayerTemplate | The layer template. |
popupInfo | CIMPopupInfo | The pop-up info. |
showPopups | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups. |
serviceLayerID | long | Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server. |
charts | [CIMChart] | Identifier the layer's charts. |
searchable | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search. |
refreshRate | double | The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
refreshRateUnit | enumeration esriTimeUnits | The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
showMapTips | boolean | A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view. |
customProperties | [CIMStringMap] | The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content. |
webMapLayerID | string | An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map. |
blendingMode | enumeration BlendingMode | The blending mode for the layer. |
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh | boolean | A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh. |
Property | Type | Description |
autoGenerateFeatureTemplates | boolean | A value indicating whether to automatically generate feature templates from the renderer. |
extrusion | CIMFeatureExtrusion | The feature extrusion. |
featureElevationExpression | string | The feature elevation expression. |
featureHyperlinks | [CIMFeatureHyperlink] | The feature hyperlinks. |
featureTable | CIMFeatureTable | The feature table. |
featureTemplates | [CIMEditingTemplate] | The feature templates. |
hotlinkField | string | The field containing hotlink URLs. |
htmlPopupEnabled | boolean | A value indicating whether HTML pop-ups are enabled. |
htmlPopupFormat | CIMHtmlPopupFormat | The HTML pop-ups format. |
isFlattened | boolean | A value indicating whether the layer is flattened. |
selectable | boolean | A value indicating whether the layer is selectable. |
selectionColor | Color | The selection color. For polygons, this is used as the outline color. |
polygonSelectionFillColor | Color | The selection fill color. Only used for polygons. |
selectionSymbol | CIMSymbolReference | The selection symbol. |
useSelectionSymbol | boolean | A value indicating whether to use the selection symbol. |
pageDefinition | CIMPageDefinition | The page definition which allows for using current map series page to filter features. |
featureCacheType | enumeration FeatureCacheType | The feature cache type. |
enableDisplayFilters | boolean | A value indicating whether the current set of display filters are honored during drawing. |
displayFilters | [CIMDisplayFilter] | The current set of scale based display filters. |
displayFiltersType | enumeration DisplayFilterType | DisplayFiltersType value. |
displayFilterName | string | The active display filter. |
displayFilterChoices | [CIMDisplayFilter] | The current set of display filters. |
featureElevationExpressionInfo | CIMExpressionInfo | The expression for setting the feature elevation. |
featureBlendingMode | enumeration BlendingMode | The per-feature blending mode which allows features in a layer to blend against other features in the same layer that have already drawn. |
Property | Type | Description |
actions | [CIMLayerAction] | The layer actions. |
exclusionSet | [long long] | The set of excluded features. |
featureMasks | [CIMDataConnection] | The data connection of the masking data. |
labelClasses | [CIMLabelClass] | The collection of label class definitions. |
labelVisibility | boolean | A value indicating whether to display labels for this layer's label classes. |
maskedSymbolLayers | [CIMSymbolLayerMasking] | The masked symbol layers. Each SymbolLayerMasking gives the symbol layers that are masked by that masking layer. |
mostCurrentRenderer | Renderer | The renderer used for the most current features when displaying tracks. Deprecated at 2.2, ignored in previous versions. |
renderer | Renderer | The primary symbol renderer. |
scaleSymbols | boolean | A value indicating whether to scale the symbols in this layer based on the map's reference scale. |
snappable | boolean | A value indicating whether this layer participates in snapping in the editor. |
symbolLayerDrawing | CIMSymbolLayerDrawing | The symbol layer drawing properties. |
trackLinesRenderer | Renderer | The track renderer when displaying tracks. |
previousObservationsRenderer | Renderer | The previous observations renderer. |
previousObservationsCount | long | The previous observation count. |
useRealWorldSymbolSizes | boolean | A value indicating whether to use real world symbols sizes (meters) vs. points. |
showPreviousObservations | boolean | A value indicating whether previous observations are being drawn. |
featureReduction | CIMFeatureReduction | The feature reduction technique in use by this layer. |
showTracks | boolean | A value indicating whether track lines are being drawn. |
Property | Type | Description |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name. |
URI | string | The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier. |
sourceURI | string | The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
sourceModifiedTime | TimeInstant | The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed. |
metadataURI | string | The metadata URI. |
useSourceMetadata | boolean | A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project. |
sourcePortalUrl | string | The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
Property | Type | Description |
attribution | string | The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer. |
description | string | The description. |
layerElevation | CIMLayerElevationSurface | The layer elevation. |
expanded | boolean | A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane. |
layer3DProperties | CIM3DLayerProperties | The 3D layer properties. |
layerMasks | [string] | The layer masks. |
layerType | enumeration MapLayerType | The map layer type. |
maxScale | double | The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
minScale | double | The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
showLegends | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show legends. |
transparency | double | The transparency of the layer. |
visibility | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible. |
displayCacheType | enumeration DisplayCacheType | The display cache type. |
maxDisplayCacheAge | double | The maximum display cache age. |
layerTemplate | CIMLayerTemplate | The layer template. |
popupInfo | CIMPopupInfo | The pop-up info. |
showPopups | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups. |
serviceLayerID | long | Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server. |
charts | [CIMChart] | Identifier the layer's charts. |
searchable | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search. |
refreshRate | double | The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
refreshRateUnit | enumeration esriTimeUnits | The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
showMapTips | boolean | A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view. |
customProperties | [CIMStringMap] | The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content. |
webMapLayerID | string | An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map. |
blendingMode | enumeration BlendingMode | The blending mode for the layer. |
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh | boolean | A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh. |
Property | Type | Description |
dataConnection | DataConnection | The data connection for the raster this layer is based on. |
colorizer | CIMRasterColorizer | The raster colorizer. |
attributeTable | CIMRasterTable | The raster table definition. |
timeDisplayDefinition | CIMTimeDisplayDefinition | The time display definition. |
timeDimensionFields | CIMTimeDimensionDefinition | The time dimension fields. |
timeDefinition | CIMTimeDataDefinition | The time definition. |
auxiliaryRasterProperties | CIMAuxiliaryRasterProperties | The auxiliary raster properties. |
autoComputeStatsHistogram | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to automatically compute the statistics histogram. |
rangeDefinitions | [CIMRangeDefinition] | The range definitions. |
activeRangeName | string | The name of the active range. |
activeVariables | [string] | The active variables. |
multidimensionalExtent | CIMRasterMultidimensionalExtentDefinition | A multidimensional extent definition describing the data cube(s) used for analysis. |
activeSlice | CIMRasterMultidimensionalDisplayDefinition | A multidimensional display definition describing the current display slice. |
renderingRule | CIMRenderingRule | The rendering rule. |
Property | Type | Description |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name. |
URI | string | The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier. |
sourceURI | string | The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
sourceModifiedTime | TimeInstant | The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed. |
metadataURI | string | The metadata URI. |
useSourceMetadata | boolean | A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project. |
sourcePortalUrl | string | The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
Property | Type | Description |
attribution | string | The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer. |
description | string | The description. |
layerElevation | CIMLayerElevationSurface | The layer elevation. |
expanded | boolean | A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane. |
layer3DProperties | CIM3DLayerProperties | The 3D layer properties. |
layerMasks | [string] | The layer masks. |
layerType | enumeration MapLayerType | The map layer type. |
maxScale | double | The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
minScale | double | The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
showLegends | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show legends. |
transparency | double | The transparency of the layer. |
visibility | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible. |
displayCacheType | enumeration DisplayCacheType | The display cache type. |
maxDisplayCacheAge | double | The maximum display cache age. |
layerTemplate | CIMLayerTemplate | The layer template. |
popupInfo | CIMPopupInfo | The pop-up info. |
showPopups | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups. |
serviceLayerID | long | Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server. |
charts | [CIMChart] | Identifier the layer's charts. |
searchable | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search. |
refreshRate | double | The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
refreshRateUnit | enumeration esriTimeUnits | The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
showMapTips | boolean | A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view. |
customProperties | [CIMStringMap] | The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content. |
webMapLayerID | string | An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map. |
blendingMode | enumeration BlendingMode | The blending mode for the layer. |
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh | boolean | A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh. |
Property | Type | Description |
dataConnection | DataConnection | The data connection for the raster this layer is based on. |
layers | [string] | The layer URIs of the layers in the NITF layer. |
Property | Type | Description |
panImage | DataConnection | The data connection of the optional panchromatic image. |
pansharpeningType | enumeration PansharpeningType | The data connection of the current pansharpening type. |
infraredImage | DataConnection | The data connection of the optional infrared image. |
RWeight | double | The red weight. |
GWeight | double | The green weight. |
BWeight | double | The blue weight. |
IWeight | double | The infrared weight. |
Property | Value | Description |
IHS | 0 | IHS. |
Brovey | 1 | Brovey. |
ESRI | 2 | Esri. |
Mean | 3 | Mean. |
Property | Type | Description |
Property | Type | Description |
workspaceConnectionString | string | The workspace connection string. |
workspaceFactory | enumeration WorkspaceFactory | The workspace factory. |
customWorkspaceFactoryCLSID | string | The classID of the custom workspace factory. |
dataset | string | The dataset name. |
datasetType | enumeration esriDatasetType | The dataset type. |
Property | Type | Description |
rasterBandName | string | The raster band name. |
Property | Type | Description |
constantZ | double | The constant Z value in meters. |
ZFactor | double | The conversion factor from DEM Z unit to meters. |
ZOffset | double | The Z offset in meters applied to DEM. |
geoid | boolean | A value indicating whether Geoid correction is needed. |
DEM | DataConnection | The data connection of the DEM used for orthorectification. |
Property | Type | Description |
resamplingType | enumeration RasterResamplingType | The raster resampling type. |
contrast | long | The contrast value. |
brightness | long | The brightness value. |
noDataColor | Color | The no data color. |
Property | Type | Description |
backgroundColor | Color | The background color. |
backgroundValueBlack | double | The background value for black. |
backgroundValueCyan | double | The background value for cyan. |
backgroundValueMagenta | double | The background value for magenta. |
backgroundValueYellow | double | The background value for yellow. |
blackBandIndex | long | The band index for black. |
cyanBandIndex | long | The band index for cyan. |
displayBackgroundValue | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to display the background value. |
invert | boolean | A value indicating whether or not the stretch is inverted. |
magentaBandIndex | long | The band index for magenta. |
specificationHistogramBlack | StatsHistogram | The specification histogram for black. |
specificationHistogramCyan | StatsHistogram | The specification histogram for cyan. |
specificationHistogramMagenta | StatsHistogram | The specification histogram for magenta. |
specificationHistogramYellow | StatsHistogram | The specification histogram for yellow. |
standardDeviationParam | double | The standard deviation parameter for the stretch renderer. |
stretchStatsBlack | StatsHistogram | The stretch histogram for black. |
stretchStatsCyan | StatsHistogram | The stretch histogram for cyan. |
stretchStatsMagenta | StatsHistogram | The stretch histogram for magenta. |
stretchStatsType | enumeration RasterStretchStatsType | The stretch statistics type. |
stretchStatsYellow | StatsHistogram | The stretch histogram for yellow. |
stretchType | enumeration RasterStretchType | The stretch type. |
useBlackMapping | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use black mapping. |
useCyanMapping | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use cyan mapping. |
useDefaultMapping | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use default mapping. |
useMagentaMapping | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use magenta mapping. |
useYellowMapping | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use yellow mapping. |
yellowBandIndex | long | The band index for yellow. |
Property | Type | Description |
upperBound | double | The upper bound for the raster class break. |
label | string | The label for the raster class break. |
description | string | The description for the raster class break. |
color | Color | The color for the raster class break. |
Property | Type | Description |
constantZ | double | The constant Z value in meters. |
ZFactor | double | The conversion factor from DEM Z unit to meters. |
ZOffset | double | The Z offset in meters applied to DEM. |
geoid | boolean | A value indicating whether Geoid correction is needed. |
DEM | DataConnection | The data connection of the DEM used for orthorectification. |
Property | Type | Description |
resamplingType | enumeration RasterResamplingType | The raster resampling type. |
contrast | long | The contrast value. |
brightness | long | The brightness value. |
noDataColor | Color | The no data color. |
Property | Type | Description |
normalizationField | string | The normalization field. |
normalizationTotal | double | The normalization total. |
normalizationType | enumeration DataNormalizationMethod | The normalization type. |
Property | Type | Description |
classBreaks | [CIMRasterClassBreak] | The class breaks of the renderer. |
classificationMethod | enumeration ClassificationMethod | The classification method. |
colorRamp | ColorRamp | The color ramp. |
exclusionColor | Color | The exclusion color. |
exclusionDescription | string | The exclusion description. |
exclusionLabel | string | The exclusion label. |
exclusionRanges | [double] | The exclusion ranges as an array of doubles. |
exclusionValues | [double] | The exclusion values as an array of doubles. |
field | string | The renderer field. |
hillshadeZFactor | double | The Z factor of the hillshade. |
minimumBreak | double | The minimum break of the classification. |
showClassGaps | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show class gaps. |
showInAscendingOrder | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show classes in ascending order. |
useExclusionColor | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use the exclusion color. |
useHillshade | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use the hillshade. |
numberFormat | NumberFormat | The number format applied to values. |
heading | string | The legend heading. |
Property | Type | Description |
preStretchType | enumeration ColorCorrectionStretchType | The pre-stretch type of color correction. |
colorBalanceMethod | enumeration ColorBalanceMethod | The color balance method. |
colorMatchingMethod | enumeration ColorMatchingMethod | The color matching method. |
needContrastAdjustment | boolean | A value indicating whether or not contrast adjustment is needed. |
targetColorSurfaceType | enumeration TargetColorSurfaceType | The target color surface type. |
targetColorRaster | DataConnection | The target color raster. |
userDefinedReference | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this is a user defined reference. |
referenceOID | long | The reference OID. |
Property | Type | Description |
constantZ | double | The constant Z value in meters. |
ZFactor | double | The conversion factor from DEM Z unit to meters. |
ZOffset | double | The Z offset in meters applied to DEM. |
geoid | boolean | A value indicating whether Geoid correction is needed. |
DEM | DataConnection | The data connection of the DEM used for orthorectification. |
Property | Type | Description |
resamplingType | enumeration RasterResamplingType | The raster resampling type. |
contrast | long | The contrast value. |
brightness | long | The brightness value. |
noDataColor | Color | The no data color. |
Property | Type | Description |
colors | [CIMColor] | Array of colors. |
bandID | long | The band ID. |
labels | [string] | The color labels as a string array. |
min | long | Minimum value. |
max | long | Maximum value. |
numberFormat | NumberFormat | The number format. |
values | [long] | The array of values. |
Property | Type | Description |
rasterOID | long | The Object ID of the raster in the raster catalog. |
colorizerIndex | long | The index of the colorizer. |
Property | Type | Description |
variableName | string | The name of the variable. |
dimensionName | string | The name of the dimension. |
minimumValues | [double] | The minimum dimension values. |
maximumValues | [double] | The maximum dimension values. |
Property | Type | Description |
constantZ | double | The constant Z value in meters. |
ZFactor | double | The conversion factor from DEM Z unit to meters. |
ZOffset | double | The Z offset in meters applied to DEM. |
geoid | boolean | A value indicating whether Geoid correction is needed. |
DEM | DataConnection | The data connection of the DEM used for orthorectification. |
Property | Type | Description |
resamplingType | enumeration RasterResamplingType | The raster resampling type. |
contrast | long | The contrast value. |
brightness | long | The brightness value. |
noDataColor | Color | The no data color. |
Property | Type | Description |
numColors | long | The number of colors. |
colormap | RasterColormap | The colormap. |
colorRamp | ColorRamp | The color ramp. |
Property | Value | Description |
All | 0 | Draw all footprints. |
OnlyPrimary | 1 | Draw only primary footprints. |
Property | Type | Description |
breakPointsX | [long] | The X coordinate or input value at each breakpoint. |
breakPointsY | [long] | The Y coordinate or input value at each breakpoint. |
editType | enumeration RasterHistogramEditType | The histogram edit type. |
Property | Value | Description |
Lines | 0 | The breakpoints represent lines defining a piecewise linear stretch. |
Splines | 1 | The breakpoints represent splines defining a piecewise non-linear stretch. |
Points | 2 | The breakpoints represent specific pixels to stretch. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name. |
URI | string | The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier. |
sourceURI | string | The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
sourceModifiedTime | TimeInstant | The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed. |
metadataURI | string | The metadata URI. |
useSourceMetadata | boolean | A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project. |
sourcePortalUrl | string | The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
Property | Type | Description |
attribution | string | The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer. |
description | string | The description. |
layerElevation | CIMLayerElevationSurface | The layer elevation. |
expanded | boolean | A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane. |
layer3DProperties | CIM3DLayerProperties | The 3D layer properties. |
layerMasks | [string] | The layer masks. |
layerType | enumeration MapLayerType | The map layer type. |
maxScale | double | The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
minScale | double | The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). |
showLegends | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show legends. |
transparency | double | The transparency of the layer. |
visibility | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible. |
displayCacheType | enumeration DisplayCacheType | The display cache type. |
maxDisplayCacheAge | double | The maximum display cache age. |
layerTemplate | CIMLayerTemplate | The layer template. |
popupInfo | CIMPopupInfo | The pop-up info. |
showPopups | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups. |
serviceLayerID | long | Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server. |
charts | [CIMChart] | Identifier the layer's charts. |
searchable | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search. |
refreshRate | double | The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
refreshRateUnit | enumeration esriTimeUnits | The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer. |
showMapTips | boolean | A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view. |
customProperties | [CIMStringMap] | The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content. |
webMapLayerID | string | An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map. |
blendingMode | enumeration BlendingMode | The blending mode for the layer. |
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh | boolean | A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh. |
Property | Type | Description |
dataConnection | DataConnection | The data connection for the raster this layer is based on. |
colorizer | CIMRasterColorizer | The raster colorizer. |
attributeTable | CIMRasterTable | The raster table definition. |
timeDisplayDefinition | CIMTimeDisplayDefinition | The time display definition. |
timeDimensionFields | CIMTimeDimensionDefinition | The time dimension fields. |
timeDefinition | CIMTimeDataDefinition | The time definition. |
auxiliaryRasterProperties | CIMAuxiliaryRasterProperties | The auxiliary raster properties. |
autoComputeStatsHistogram | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to automatically compute the statistics histogram. |
rangeDefinitions | [CIMRangeDefinition] | The range definitions. |
activeRangeName | string | The name of the active range. |
activeVariables | [string] | The active variables. |
multidimensionalExtent | CIMRasterMultidimensionalExtentDefinition | A multidimensional extent definition describing the data cube(s) used for analysis. |
activeSlice | CIMRasterMultidimensionalDisplayDefinition | A multidimensional display definition describing the current display slice. |
renderingRule | CIMRenderingRule | The rendering rule. |
Property | Value | Description |
None | 0 | None. |
Center | 1 | Center. |
Nadir | 2 | Nadir. |
Viewpoint | 3 | Viewpoint. |
Attribute | 4 | Attribute. |
LockRaster | 5 | Lock raster. |
Northwest | 6 | Northwest. |
Seamline | 7 | Seamline. |
Property | Value | Description |
First | 0 | First. |
Last | 1 | Last. |
Min | 2 | Minimum. |
Max | 3 | Maximum. |
Mean | 4 | Mean. |
Blend | 5 | Blend. |
Sum | 6 | Sum. |
Property | Type | Description |
variableName | string | The name of the variable. |
timeValue | TimeExtent | The time value for the current display slice. |
hasRangeDimension | boolean | A value indicating whether the active variable has a range dimension. |
rangeDimensionName | string | The name of the range dimension. |
rangeDimensionValue | CIMRange | The range dimension value for the current display slice. |
Property | Type | Description |
subsetDefinitions | [CIMRasterDimensionalDefinition] | The dimensional definitions that define a multidimensional subset. |
areaOfInterest | Geometry | The area of interest for the multidimensional extent. |
Property | Type | Description |
constantZ | double | The constant Z value in meters. |
ZFactor | double | The conversion factor from DEM Z unit to meters. |
ZOffset | double | The Z offset in meters applied to DEM. |
geoid | boolean | A value indicating whether Geoid correction is needed. |
DEM | DataConnection | The data connection of the DEM used for orthorectification. |
Property | Type | Description |
resamplingType | enumeration RasterResamplingType | The raster resampling type. |
contrast | long | The contrast value. |
brightness | long | The brightness value. |
noDataColor | Color | The no data color. |
Property | Type | Description |
alphaBandIndex | long | The band to be represented in alpha. |
backgroundColor | Color | The background display color. |
backgroundValueBlue | double | The background blue value. |
backgroundValueGreen | double | The background green value. |
backgroundValueRed | double | The background red value. |
blueBandIndex | long | The band to be represented in blue. |
blueLookup | [long] | The blue lookup values. |
displayBackgroundValue | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to display the background value. |
ESRIStretchContrastB | double | The Esri stretch contrast value for blue. |
ESRIStretchContrastG | double | The Esri stretch contrast value for green. |
ESRIStretchContrastR | double | The Esri stretch contrast value for red. |
ESRIStretchMeanB | double | The Esri stretch mean value for blue. |
ESRIStretchMeanG | double | The Esri stretch mean value for green. |
ESRIStretchMeanR | double | The Esri stretch mean value for red. |
gammaB | double | The gamma value for blue. |
gammaG | double | The gamma value for green. |
gammaR | double | The gamma value for red. |
greenBandIndex | long | The band to be represented in green. |
greenLookup | [long] | The green lookup values. |
invert | boolean | A value indicating whether or not the stretch is inverted. |
lumLookup | [long] | The lum lookup values. |
maxPercent | double | The maximum percent. |
minPercent | double | The minimum percent. |
pansharpeningFilter | CIMPansharpeningFilter | The pansharpening filter. |
redBandIndex | long | The band to be represented in red. |
redLookup | [long] | The red lookup values. |
specificationHistogramBlue | StatsHistogram | The specification histogram for blue. |
specificationHistogramGreen | StatsHistogram | The specification histogram for green. |
specificationHistogramRed | StatsHistogram | The specification histogram for red. |
standardDeviationsParam | double | The standard deviations parameter. |
stretchStatsBlue | StatsHistogram | The stretch statistics for blue. |
stretchStatsGreen | StatsHistogram | The stretch statistics for green. |
stretchStatsRed | StatsHistogram | The stretch statistics for red. |
stretchStatsType | enumeration RasterStretchStatsType | The stretch statistics type. |
stretchType | enumeration RasterStretchType | The stretch type. |
useAlphaBand | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use the alpha band. |
useBlueBand | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use the blue band. |
useDefaultMapping | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use default mapping. |
useGammaStretch | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use gamma stretch. |
useGreenBand | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use the green band. |
useRedBand | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use the red band. |
heading | string | The legend heading. |
useCustomStretchMinMax | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use custom stretch minimum and maximum. |
customStretchMinRed | double | The color stretch custom minimum value for red. |
customStretchMinGreen | double | The color stretch custom minimum value for green. |
customStretchMinBlue | double | The color stretch custom minimum value for blue. |
customStretchMaxRed | double | The color stretch custom maximum value for red. |
customStretchMaxGreen | double | The color stretch custom maximum value for green. |
customStretchMaxBlue | double | The color stretch custom maximum value for blue. |
histogramEditInfoRed | CIMRasterHistogramEditInfo | The edit info defining the histogram customization for red. |
histogramEditInfoGreen | CIMRasterHistogramEditInfo | The edit info defining the histogram customization for green. |
histogramEditInfoBlue | CIMRasterHistogramEditInfo | The edit info defining the histogram customization for blue. |
Property | Type | Description |
label | string | The raster stretch class label. |
value | double | The raster stretch class value. |
Property | Type | Description |
constantZ | double | The constant Z value in meters. |
ZFactor | double | The conversion factor from DEM Z unit to meters. |
ZOffset | double | The Z offset in meters applied to DEM. |
geoid | boolean | A value indicating whether Geoid correction is needed. |
DEM | DataConnection | The data connection of the DEM used for orthorectification. |
Property | Type | Description |
resamplingType | enumeration RasterResamplingType | The raster resampling type. |
contrast | long | The contrast value. |
brightness | long | The brightness value. |
noDataColor | Color | The no data color. |
Property | Type | Description |
backgroundColor | Color | The background color. |
backgroundValue | double | The background value. |
bandIndex | long | The band index of the band being stretched. |
colorRamp | ColorRamp | The color ramp. |
colorScheme | string | The color ramp scheme name. |
customStretchMax | double | The color stretch custom max. |
customStretchMin | double | The color stretch custom min. |
displayBackgroundValue | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to display the background. |
ESRIStretchContrast | double | The Esri stretch contrast parameter. |
ESRIStretchMean | double | The Esri stretch mean parameter. |
gammaValue | double | The gamma value. |
hillshadeZFactor | double | The hillshade Z factor. |
invert | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to invert the stretch. |
lookup | [long] | A long array of lookup values. |
maxPercent | double | The maximum percent. |
minPercent | double | The minimum percent. |
standardDeviationParam | double | The standard deviation parameter value. |
statsHistogram | StatsHistogram | The statistics histogram. |
statsType | enumeration RasterStretchStatsType | The type of raster stretch statistics. |
stretchClasses | [CIMRasterStretchClass] | The raster stretch classes. |
stretchStats | StatsHistogram | The raster stretch statistics. |
stretchType | enumeration RasterStretchType | The raster stretch type. |
useCustomMinMax | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use custom minimum and maximum. |
useCustomStretchMinMax | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use custom stretch minimum and maximum. |
useGammaStretch | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use gamma stretch. |
useHillshade | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to hillshade. |
numberFormat | NumberFormat | The number format applied to the display of values. |
heading | string | The legend heading. |
specificationHistogram | StatsHistogram | The statistics for histogram specification stretch. |
histogramEditInfo | CIMRasterHistogramEditInfo | The edit info defining the raster histogram customization. |
useAdvancedLabeling | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use advanced labeling. |
Property | Type | Description |
values | [string] | The class values as a string array. |
label | string | The class label. |
description | string | The class description. |
color | Color | The class color. |
editable | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this class is editable. |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether or not this class is visible. |
Property | Type | Description |
constantZ | double | The constant Z value in meters. |
ZFactor | double | The conversion factor from DEM Z unit to meters. |
ZOffset | double | The Z offset in meters applied to DEM. |
geoid | boolean | A value indicating whether Geoid correction is needed. |
DEM | DataConnection | The data connection of the DEM used for orthorectification. |
Property | Type | Description |
resamplingType | enumeration RasterResamplingType | The raster resampling type. |
contrast | long | The contrast value. |
brightness | long | The brightness value. |
noDataColor | Color | The no data color. |
Property | Type | Description |
defaultColor | Color | The default color. |
useDefaultColor | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to use the default color. |
fieldName | string | The field name to render. |
groups | [CIMRasterUniqueValueGroup] | The unique value groups. |
colorRamp | ColorRamp | The color ramp. |
defaultLabel | string | The default label. |
defaultDescription | string | The default description. |
numberFormat | NumberFormat | The number format applied to values for display. |
Property | Type | Description |
classes | [CIMRasterUniqueValueClass] | An array of classes making up the group. |
heading | string | The group heading. |
Property | Type | Description |
constantZ | double | The constant Z value in meters. |
ZFactor | double | The conversion factor from DEM Z unit to meters. |
ZOffset | double | The Z offset in meters applied to DEM. |
geoid | boolean | A value indicating whether Geoid correction is needed. |
DEM | DataConnection | The data connection of the DEM used for orthorectification. |
Property | Type | Description |
resamplingType | enumeration RasterResamplingType | The raster resampling type. |
contrast | long | The contrast value. |
brightness | long | The brightness value. |
noDataColor | Color | The no data color. |
Property | Type | Description |
magnitudeBandIndex | long | The magnitude band index. |
directionBandIndex | long | The direction band index. |
isUVComponents | boolean | A value indicating whether flow is composed from U and V components. |
referenceSystem | enumeration SymbolRotationType | The reference system for symbol rotation. |
flowRepresentation | enumeration FlowRepresentationType | The flow representation type. |
symbolTileSize | double | The symbol tile size. |
symbolTileSizeUnits | enumeration SymbolTileUnitType | The symbol tile size units. |
symbolizationType | enumeration SymbolizationType | The symbolization type. |
symbol | CIMSymbolReference | Symbol. |
classBreaks | [CIMClassBreak] | The class breaks. |
minimumClassBreak | double | The minimum class break. |
minimumMagnitude | double | The minimum magnitude. |
maximumMagnitude | double | The maximum magnitude. |
minimumSymbolSize | double | The minimum symbol size. |
maximumSymbolSize | double | The maximum symbol size. |
fromUnit | enumeration SpeedUnitType | The from unit. |
toUnit | enumeration SpeedUnitType | The to unit. |
numberFormat | NumberFormat | The number format used for format values for display. |
Property | Type | Description |
description | string | The rendering rule description. |
name | string | The rendering rule name. |
variableName | string | The rendering rule variable name. |
arguments | {JSON_object} | The rendering rule arguments as a property set. |
definition | string | The rendering rule definition. |
Property | Value | Description |
Unknown | 0 | Unknown speed. |
MetersPerSecond | 1 | Meters per second. |
KilometersPerHour | 2 | Kilometers per hour. |
Knots | 3 | Knots. |
FeetPerSecond | 4 | Feed per second. |
MilesPerHour | 5 | Miles per hour. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name. |
URI | string | The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier. |
sourceURI | string | The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
sourceModifiedTime | TimeInstant | The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed. |
metadataURI | string | The metadata URI. |
useSourceMetadata | boolean | A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project. |
sourcePortalUrl | string | The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
Property | Type | Description |
dataConnection | CIMVideoDataConnection | The data connection for the video. |
footprintColor | Color | The footprint color. |
elapsedTime | double | The elapsed time in seconds. |
visibility | boolean | A value indicating whether the standalone video graphics is visible. |
bookmarkIndicators | [CIMVideoTimelineEventIndicator] | The collection of event indicators for Bookmark. |
exportFrameIndicators | [CIMVideoTimelineEventIndicator] | The collection of event indicators for ExportFrame. |
exportToPPTIndicators | [CIMVideoTimelineEventIndicator] | The collection of event indicators for ExportToPPT. |
exportFramesIndicators | [CIMVideoTimelineRangeIndicator] | The collection of range indicators for ExportFrames. |
metadataToCSVIndicators | [CIMVideoTimelineRangeIndicator] | The collection of range indicators for MetadataToCSV. |
recordVideoIndicators | [CIMVideoTimelineRangeIndicator] | The collection of range indicators for RecordVideo. |
exportSegmentIndicators | [CIMVideoTimelineRangeIndicator] | The collection of range indicators for ExportSegment. |
recordSegmentsIndicators | [CIMVideoTimelineRangeIndicator] | The collection of range indicators for RecordSegments. |
Property | Value | Description |
Gamma | 0 | Gamma stretch. |
MinMax | 1 | Minimum maximum stretch. |
StdDev | 2 | Standard deviation stretch. |
None | 3 | No stretch. |
Property | Value | Description |
Unknown | 0 | Unknown. |
Feet | 1 | Feet. |
Miles | 2 | Miles. |
NauticalMiles | 3 | Nautical miles. |
Meters | 4 | Meters. |
Kilometers | 5 | Kilometers. |
DecimalDegrees | 6 | Decimal degrees. |
Pixels | 100 | Pixels. |
Property | Value | Description |
Scalar | 0 | Scalar. |
SingleArrow | 1 | Single Arrow. |
WindBarbs | 2 | Wind barbs. |
BeaufortWindKnots | 3 | Beaufort wind knots. |
BeaufortWindMetersPerSecond | 4 | Beaufort wind meters per second. |
OceanCurrentKnots | 5 | Ocean current knots. |
OceanCurrentMetersPerSecond | 6 | Ocean current meters per second. |
BeaufortWindMilesPerHour | 7 | Beaufort wind miles per hour. |
BeaufortWindKilometersPerHour | 8 | Beaufort wind kilometers per hour. |
Custom | 100 | Custom. |
Property | Value | Description |
SingleColorPoint | 0 | Single color point. |
ColorGrid | 1 | Color grid. |
FirstOrderSurface | 2 | First order surface. |
SecondOrderSurface | 3 | Second order surface. |
ThirdOrderSurface | 4 | Third order surface. |
Property | Type | Description |
Property | Type | Description |
URI | string | The URI of the video files. |
Property | Type | Description |
label | string | The indicator label. |
Property | Type | Description |
time | long long | The elapsed time from the beginning of the video in ticks for the event. |
Property | Type | Description |
label | string | The indicator label. |
Property | Type | Description |
minimum | long long | The elapsed time from the beginning of the video in ticks for the minimum time in the range. |
maximum | long long | The elapsed time from the beginning of the video in ticks for the maximum time in the range. |