Image-Scrolling-Animation Public
This is shows Animation of Images when scrolling window
React-News-App Public
This is News app using React Js, in which organizes and highlights what's happening in the world so you can quickly catch up and discover more about the stories that matter to you.
Dice_Game Public
Creating a simple dice game using React.js + vite involves setting up a React project, creating components, and managing state.
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 24, 2024 -
tic-tac-toe Public
This is Tic tac toe game using react. Play, enjoy and memories of game from your childhood.
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 24, 2024 -
mouse-move-animation Public
Create a mouse effect that triggers when the cursor moves from one location to another location on the screen. This effect should use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to provide a visually engaging transi…
JavaScript UpdatedOct 29, 2023 -
image-popup-onhover Public
Create a div, and when the mouse hovers over it, a picture should pop up and then disappear.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 9, 2023 -
Desktop-Assistant Public
It is same as Google Assistant which we use in our phones. It works over user's voice commands. You can control your system with your voice command. It can Open and close application of system, per…
Mousemove-animation Public
Mouse Move Animation is a JavaScript-based interactive feature that enhances user engagement on your website or web application. This animation dynamically responds to the user's mouse movement, cr…
Javascript-project2 Public
Create a rectangle that, when the mouse cursor is at the center, begins moving to the left as the mouse moves left. As the mouse continues to move left, the rectangle should gradually slow down. Th…
Javascript-project1 Public
Create a rectangular shape, and implement a functionality where, as we hover the mouse over the left side of the rectangle, the color gradually transitions to red, and when we move the mouse to the…
community_issues Public
Forked from raman1200/community_issuesHacktoberfest 2023
React-next-project Public
This is a React Next.js project for managing todos with the ability to save and delete them.
LinkFree Public
Forked from EddieHubCommunity/BioDropConnect to your audience with a single link. Showcase the content you create and your projects in one place. Make it easier for people to find, follow and subscribe.
Code-Canvas Public
Forked from ssitvit/Code-CanvasA hub for innovation through web development projects
React-text-analyzer Public
This Text Analyzer helps you count words, convert to upper case , convert to lower case just by clicking on button using React.
Button-Animation Public
Buttom Animation When Hover And Click Using HTML And CSS
Heart-Animation Public
Heart Animation with panwar using HTML, CSS and Javascript
Image-Slider-Animation Public
This is Image Slider with Animation using Javascript
Custom_video_player Public
You have even more control over the viewing experience for your audience. With custom video player features, you can personalize the look of the player and modify the controls to increase the impac…
Interactive_card Public
Its interactive card using html and css, in which change view on hover.
MouseMove_cursor_effect Public
On the mouse move event, the cursor animation element will follow the cursor pointer everywhere it moves on the page. On the mouse out event, when the mouse pointer is out from the page the cursor …
User_Login_Page Public
The login page allows a user to signup to an application by entering their name, mobile number ,Email Address or any other information.
Jewelry_Responsive_website Public
This is a responsive HTML website which is looking good in every devices like mobile phone, laptop, tablets etc.
CWP_MagicNotes Public
This Magic note is a simple project developed using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. This project is an interesting project. Here, the user can add the number of notes(to-do work details) and you can see…
This is Text Analyzer Website using Bootstrap with Pratigya