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Documentation for Manual Testing by Product Owner

Ruth edited this page Jun 25, 2024 · 20 revisions

This documentation page is intended for anyone conducting manual testing of the Catalog. It includes expectations, example catkeys and searches, and explanations of the reasoning behind certain decisions. This page should primarily function as a reference for tests vs. an in-depth description of any function. More in-depth documentation may be found within the Wiki. Examples should be updates as the catalog changes over time. As much as possible, prefer examples from records that are unlikely to change.

Non-Latin Scripts

For materials in languages which use non-Latin scripts, catalogers may enter the title and other basic descriptive info (e.g. publisher / author names) in that script. This should be indexed and displayed properly and searchable. The following tests are for elements which required interventions for proper behavior.

Traditional and Simplified Chinese

These should be interchangeably searchable. Titles to test, from when we were having issues, can be found in:

(note, as long as at least 75% of these work, this should be considered satisfactory and any outliers added to a ticket for later review, without the initial implementation it was working for 0%)

Arabic and Hebrew Primary Fields Should Right-Align

Test by searching for materials by language. One should be fine. You may find dual English/[language] materials and have to check other pages.

Publication Facet

Try using publication facets.

Search Weight Testing


Title search for doomsday machine -

  • Top result should be: The doomsday machine : confessions of a nuclear war planner / Daniel Ellsberg because it's in the first part of the title and elsewhere in the record
  • Then: The doomsday machine : the high price of nuclear energy, the world's most dangerous fuel / Martin Cohen and Andrew McKillop because it's in the first part of the title and not elsewhere in the record
  • Then: The big short : inside the doomsday machine / Michael Lewis because it's in the second part of the title.

Combo fields

Advanced search:

author: Clemson AND publisher: Weinstein

should find: 'The Collegian incident' at the Pennsylvania State University, 1970-1971 catkey: 44284320

Symphony vs. ILL Request Functions

The "I Want It" button should appear if the overall resource is holdable: true (at least one item in a holdable location).

If all copies are:

  • Checked out
  • In a location that's not holdable
  • In a library that's closed

then the I Want It button should send people to ILL. Testing this one will depend on what's currently checked out or closed. Using your own checkouts can speed up the process.

Try finding:

  • Multiple copies, all checked out: EXPECT ILL
  • Multiple copies, one checked out and others in non-holdable locations (either closed library or unholdable single location): EXPECT ILL
  • One copy, checked out: EXPECT ILL
  • Multiple copies, one checked out and one in holdable location: EXPECT SYMPHONY
  • One copy, on shelf and holdable: EXPECT SYMPHONY

Multi-Volume Requests

Works with more than one volume should display a volumetric in My Account.

  • 72376
  • 15513

It is difficult to test this for ILL as it ONLY kicks in when all copies are unavailable. So if people need to get a volume that's checked out, best they can do is a non-recalling hold.

HathiTrust Links

HathiTrust links should only be included when the materials are out of copyright and usable. HathiTrust's "search inside" does not include the same snippet option as Google Books and only tells you which pages contain a word. This is not useful to the vast majority of patrons seeking to learn more about the materials.

NOTE: this is based on data that was last matched in July 2021. A place for future work is replacing this with an API call. I'd been hoping we could get an overlap spreadsheet again so that we could keep this in the index for fewer calls, but that's not seeming feasible. The API call should follow the same principles as above.

sample record: 871019

Google Books API

Google Books API is used for covers and preview links. See non-public documentation for the actual API call, since it includes a key.

Book Covers

The current API call matches on identifiers from the record and works as reliably as any identifier-based search. Identifiers used are, in order: OCLC #, ISBN, LCCN. Book covers should be visible and correct for most searches and there is no particular recommended search.

Book cover issues may result from improper identifier grouping or from inaccurate covers at Google Books. Google Books should be notified of these issues using the Report an issue link on the page for the problem record. A separate document exists with further instruction on testing and the sample URL to use. In some cases, Google Books is either unable to fix the issue (publisher ISBN reuse) or unwilling (identifier conflation in an OCLC record, which they used as a source).

Google Books Search Inside Link

Links to copies on Google Books should only be shown if:

  • the book can be searched inside (NOT "preview":"noview") and
  • the book is not in Library: ONLINE.

Sample record: 510015

The guiding principle is that the link should be shown if and only if it is of use to the patron in either determining whether they want to check out the book or finding information from the book without needing to check it out. If the book cannot be searched inside, there is no point in sending them there. If the book is ONLINE, there is no advantage in sending them to Google Books (except in cases where it's a one-user book, but we can't programmatically identify these).

Browse Search

Browse search basic assumptions:

  • Browse button appears on any record with an LC or Dewey Call #
  • Browse search list is one continuous list (e.g. if you start at two points 10 call #s apart, you should see the same 10 calls between them in both lists)
  • Paging between them should result in the next call #s in order without overlap. One exception: Because of how we treat "You're Looking For" as a list item when there is no exact match to a search term, there is an overlap if you page backward and then forward again. That's known and acceptable.
  • When there are multiple volumes or call #s on a record, any volume info should not display. Multiple call #s should generate a dropdown. However, volume info should still be sorted properly in list (see example below where v.25 and v.26 are on the same record).

Number of Results Expands and Contracts Smoothly

Default # of results is 20. The results list should smoothly expand to 50 results (same as paging forward) and contract down to 10.

LC Browse Is A Continuous List

Search for these in separate tabs:

  • HD31.J5974 2017 (we should have quite a few editions of this by year)
  • HD31.J815 1995

These should return different segments of one continuous list. It should be easy to visually compare the two. This pairing is based on the previous sharding issue. If we are getting issues, that's the most likely culprit.

Volume Ordering in Browse

Are the volumes of a multi-record series such as "Methods in molecular biology" showing up correctly? This particular series was a problem before we solved the issue of browsing sharding.

  • Call #: QH506.M45
  • Starting volume catkey: 1903866

Multiple Volumes or Call Numbers on One Record

Using search above, on the second page of results (by 20s), we should see:

  • Computer analysis of sequence data (1597589) - which does not display a call # because volumes 25 & 26 are on the same record.
  • Chromosome analysis protocol (1723935) - which has two different call #s and should display appropriately in the listing (as the correct call # with a dropdown) and in the record.

Dewey Browse

Suggested search: 745.1. A lot of our Dewey call numbers are not the kind you might see in the public library and may not have any periods in them. Example: 747G41a - which is not an error on our part.

Access Link Display

[various params -- ]

Sample finding aid link: 7281948

Public Item Notes

A public note in an item record should generate an (i) next to the call # in availability. Mouseover shows the note content.

Sample catkey:

  • 1627247

Archival Materials Request Links

Archival collections (item type ARCHIVES? Other elements?) should generate item-by-item request links in the Availability area. These links should use OpenURL syntax to pass various fields to the Aeon request system. If there is a sublocation, it should be passed as a parameter to Aeon but won't be visible on the form. It will be visible in the URL.

Sample catkeys:

  • 7281948
  • 107 (check the URL ITSELF for this one, it should include sublocation data for Christmas & Nathaniel Hawthorne, the two sublocations where material is located)

Scan Links

Item type 'MAP' or 'MAPSPEC' in Library UP-MAPS or UP-EMS should generate a link below the item to the request scan page. It doesn't pass any parameters and, unlike other links, opens in a new window so the person can easily use the record for reference if they decide to request a scan.

Sample catkeys:

  • 8047747
  • 24519 (only the MAPS copy should have link)

IIIF Viewer

Sample catkeys:

  • 8047747


Persist, email, export.

This document is up-to-date as of 2024-04. It attempts to make use of things which won't be reloaded/removed, but the organic nature of our catalog means that it may have to be updated.

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