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Releases: readymade-ui/readymade

3.1.0 The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Even

17 Nov 18:19
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Readymade 3.1.0 The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Even breaks the glass, adding new features that allow UI controls to communicate over WebSocket, WebRTC Data Channel, and Touch OSC. This release also records a "Hello World" example at ~1Kb when built with Vite and esbuild.


  • new: RdDial has similar interface to RdSlider but action is limited to a rotary dial
  • new: documentation available at
  • feat: RdControl can now be set via attribute or via setControl method on all inputs in @readymade/ui
  • feat: provide CSS styles for RdButton via setControl. Any provided styles are bound to the internal HTMLButtonElement


  • feat: Transmitter is a new class for handling WebRTC DataChannel, WebSocket and Touch OSC communication.

Transmitter is a Swiss-army knife for communicating over WebRTC DataChannel, WebSocket or Touch OSC.

Getting Started

npm install @readymade/transmit
yarn add @readymade/transmit

Import Transmitter and instantiate with a configuration Object.

import { Transmitter, TransmitterConfig } from '@readymade/transmit';

const config: TransmitterConfig = {
  sharedKey: 'lobby',
  rtc: {
  serverConfig: {
    http: {
      protocol: 'http',
      hostname: 'localhost',
      port: 4449,
    ws: {
      osc: {
        protocol: 'ws',
        hostname: 'localhost',
        port: 4445,
      signal: {
        protocol: 'ws',
        hostname: 'localhost',
        port: 4446,
      announce: {
        protocol: 'ws',
        hostname: 'localhost',
        port: 4447,
      message: {
        protocol: 'ws',
        hostname: 'localhost',
        port: 4448,

const transmitter = new Transmitter(config);


When signal and announce servers are configured, the instance of Transmitter will automatically attempt a handshake with a remote peer. If a peer is found, a WebRTC DataChannel peer to peer connection will open. To send a message over the data channel use the send method.

transmitter.send({ message: 'ping' });

If you want to send messages over WebSocket, use sendSocketMessage.

transmitter.sendSocketMessage({ message: 'ping' });

To send a message over TouchOSC, use sendTouchOSCMessage, ensuring the data your are sending follows the OSC protocol. Below is an example of sending a OSC message with type definitions.

transmitter.sendTouchOSCMessage('/OSCQUERY/Left Controls/Flip H', [
    type: 'i',
    value: 1,

To listen for messages, inject a callback into the configuration. In the above example, onMessage would appear like so:

const onMessage = (message) => {
  if (message.payload.event === 'ping') {
    this.transmitter.send({ event: 'pong' });

To react to a peer to peer connection, bind an onConnect callback to the configuration.


RdControl type definition in @readymade/ui has been updated to normalize types for all controls and make type definitions more specific per control. RdLegacyControl is now exported which is the old type definition. The interface of all controls have been normalized, some properties are deprecated, while other shared properties are now moved to attributes that are unique to each control.


interface RdControl {
  type: string;
  name: string;
  orient?: string;
  min?: number | number[];
  max?: number | number[];
  isActive?: boolean;
  placeSelf?: string;
  transform?: string;
  numberType?: 'int' | 'float';


interface RdControl<A> {
  type?: string;
  name: string;
  isActive?: boolean;
  hasUserInput?: boolean;
  hasRemoteInput?: boolean;
  currentValue?: number | string | Array<number> | Array<string> | boolean;
  timeStamp?: Date | number;
  attributes?: A;

For instance, in RdSlider which is a custom element that has several unique attributes, the type definition is now:

interface RdSliderAttributes {
  size?: string;
  height?: number;
  width?: number;
  orient?: string;
  min?: number | number[];
  max?: number | number[];
  position?: string;
  x?: number;
  y?: number;
  snapToCenter?: boolean;
  transform?: string;
  numberType?: 'int' | 'float';


The reason for this change is to support @readymade/transmit. Passing an event from custom element to BroadcastChannel or any of the available channels in Transmitter is much simpler when the API is normalized.

3.0.0 The Large Glass

12 Oct 01:50
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Readymade 3.0.0 Large Glass brings project dependencies up to date, adds new features and introduces several bugfixes and enhancements.


  • new: class methods get$ and getAll$ shorthand for querySelector and querySelectorAll
  • new: class methods wait$ and waitAll$ wait for elements that match the selector to attach to DOM until match is made with Promise like behavior.
  • new: basic Declarative Shadow DOM compatibility
  • fix: possible issues with setting template and state


  • fix: add force attribute to TemplateRepeater to fix an issue where the repeated template would not append inside ShadowDOM
  • fix: repeatr could error when used in ShadowDOM


  • feat: support for hash routing (experimental)


  • new: configure joystick for int or float
  • new: simulate a click on RdButton, making it controllable by another component
  • new: RdButtonPad displays a grid of buttons, delegates button events
  • new: add channel attribute set to the name of the BroadcastChannel to pipe form control values to a BroadcastChannel for dispatching to WebSocket, WebRTC, OSC
  • new: provide readymade-ui.css so users can get CSS Variables for styling components
  • new: RdRadioGroup has vertical attribute which displays the group vertically instead of horizontally
  • fix: RdButton could display empty area where icon would be
  • fix: RdButton label was user-selectable, making touch devices hard to use
  • fix: RdButton was not dispatching submit event when type set to submit
  • fix: RdSlider positioning in iOS
  • fix: height scaled correctly for joystick


  • new: support SSR with vite
  • new: upgrade cypress
  • new: use yarn 4



TemplateRepeater became unstable over time and no longer supports nested template bindings.

Where you had an example like this before:

<template id="object-repeater" items="item of items">
  <ul class="is--large">
    <li repeat="item" foo="{{item.index}}">{{item.title}}</li>

the HTML should be updated so the HTML Template immediately wraps the content that is being looped over.

  <ul class="is--large">
    <template id="object-repeater" items="item of items">
         <li repeat="item" foo="{{item.index}}">{{item.title}}</li>


primr now scaffolds new projects with Vite 5 instead of parcel. Run npx primr my-app to start a new Readymade project in a directory named my-app.

Readymade UI

All CSS variables used to style Readymade UI Elements are now scoped. The stylesheet is now available in the root of the package.

Readymade is now built with a version of TypeScript that supports the proposed Decorator spec in ECMAScript. This project is still built with experimentalDecorators so you shouldn't see any breaking changes until Readymade migrates to the new spec. The project is now built with typescript@~5.5.0.

Readymade should support older versions of node>15. The project is now built with node@20 and only actively tested with this version.


This version of Readymade is named ofter the work of Marcel Duchamp, an installation named "The Bridge Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Even", often referred to as "The Large Glass". Considered by many one of Duchamp's finest works, art handlers dropped the installation, cracking the glass. When questioned about it, Marcel Duchamp said he liked the work even more now that it was cracked. The installation hangs in the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Large Glass by Marcel Duchamp

2.0.0 Bicycle Wheel

02 Feb 03:16
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  • NEW @readymade/dom package includes a collection of readymade components that extend from native HTML elements
  • NEW @readymade/router package features a client-side router for navigating between custom element based views
  • NEW Repeater and TemplateRepeater iterates over a data model and appends custom template to DOM
  • NEW ability to set Shadow DOM mode to 'open' or 'closed' in Component Decorator
  • NEW $state property exposes component state, use getState() (or whatever method is bound to State) as a best practice
  • NEW development and testing environment
  • FIX performance related issues with using state
  • FIX issues with state when custom elements are dynamically added to DOM
  • FIX issue when using Readymade components with hot module reloading with Parcel
  • FIX issues with server side rendering


Several components that were previously exported from @readymade/core have been moved to the new @readymade/dom package. CustomElement, PseudoElement, and StructuralElement remain in @readymade/core, while every other class is now exported from @readymade/dom. This change was made to cut down on library size when bundlers can't treeshake @readymade/core, as is the case with Parcel. Rollup and Webpack can treeshake @readymade/core. Another reason for this change is @skatejs/ssr, the only known package that can server-side Readymade components, can't interpret customized built-in elements and only supports components that extend from HTMLElement.

State will no longer automatically update after changing properties directly on the Component class. While this approach was convenient, it is much more performant not to track instances of the class but rather instances of state. State is now exposed as this.$state or by the getter used when declaring the @State decorator.

Several internal APIs were shifted around. Private APIs are prefixed with ɵ. Public APIs are exposed with $.

Readymade now requires node > 15.0.0 for server-side rendering due to EventTarget being shipped with the library.

Can works be made which are not 'of art'?

18 Nov 07:56
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2.0.0-beta.0 contains several major improvements and changes from 1.2.0.

  • NEW @readymade/dom package includes a collection of readymade components that extend from native HTML elements
  • NEW @readymade/router package features a client-side router for navigating between custom element based views
  • NEW Repeater and TemplateRepeater iterates over a data model and appends custom template to DOM
  • NEW ability to set Shadow DOM mode to 'open' or 'closed' in Component Decorator
  • NEW $state property exposes component state, use getState() (or whatever method is bound to State) as a best practice
  • NEW development and testing environment
  • FIX performance issues
  • FIX issues with state when custom elements are dynamically added to DOM


Several components that were previously exported from @readymade/core have been moved to the new @readymade/dom package. CustomElement, PseudoElement, and StructuralElement remain in @readymade/core, while every other class is now exported from @readymade/dom. This is to cut down on library size when bundlers can't treeshake @readymade/core, as is the case with Parcel. Rollup and Webpack should treeshake @readymade/core fine. Another reason for this change is @skatejs/ssr, the only known package that can server-side Readymade components, can't interpret anything but classes that extend from HTMLElement.

State will no longer automatically update after changing properties on the Component class. While this approach was convenient, it is much more performant not to track instances of the class but rather instances of state. State is now exposed as this.$state or by the getter used when declaring the @State decorator.

Several internal APIs were shifted around. Private APIs are prefixed with ɵ. Public APIs are exposed with $.

Releases from now on will include quotes from Marcel Duchamp.


09 Oct 15:53
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  • FIX performance improvements
  • FIX automatic call to customElements.define should be opt out
  • POSSIBLE BREAKING CHANGE removed support for no-attr attribute


01 Jun 05:28
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  • FIX issue that caused array values to not correctly update in some use cases
  • ADD check for no-attr attribute on Elements to forego expensive change detection on attributes where not applicable


01 Jun 00:24
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This release introduces improvements to the Component interface and internal state. These changes may effect your usage of Readymade. Please read the following to understand how to update components built with Readymade.

  • ADD automatic call to customElements.define in Component decorator
  • ADD setState now accepts string using dot, braket syntax to update deep values
  • FIX issues when updating state that is an Object
  • FIX issues with updating state

Manual calls to customElements.define are no longer required. Readymade will automatically call customElements.define using the selector property in the @Component decorator.

To update to 1.1.0:

npm install @readymade/core@^1.1.0
yarn upgrade @readymade/core@^1.1.0

For autonomous custom elements:

  1. Ensure the element has a selector defined in the @Component decorator.
  2. Remove any call to customElements.define in your code.
  selector: 'x-atom',
  style: css`
      :host {
        display: flex;
  template: html`
class AtomComponent extends CustomElement {

For customized built-in elements:

  1. Ensure the element has a selector defined in the @Component decorator.
  2. Ensure the element has a custom property defined in the @Component decorator.
  3. Remove any call to customElements.define in your code.
  selector: 'my-button',
  custom: { extends: 'button'},
  style: css`
		:host {
			cursor: pointer;
  template: html`
class MyButtonComponent extends ButtonComponent {


This release also fixes several issues when working with internal state.

Now its possible to define properties on state as Objects and Arrays.

export class TreeState {
  public arrayModel = ['Node 1', 'Node 2', 'Node 3', 'Node 4', 'Node 5', 'Node 6', 'Node 7'];
  public objectModel = {
    foo: {
      bar: {
        baz: 'bbb',

After binding to state with the @State decorator...

public getState() {
  return new TreeState();

reference objects and arrays in the component's template

<x-node model="{{}}"></x-node>
<x-node model="{{arrayModel[0]}}"></x-node>

and update deeply nested objects with setState.

 this.setState('', { baz: 'foo' } );

This represents a substantial improvement over the state mechanisms introduced in 1.0.0.


01 Jun 00:24
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  • FIX issues with server-side rendering components


01 Jun 00:23
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  • FIX issue that caused styles to display null in Dev Tools when style wasn't specified


11 Jul 23:46
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Initial production release 🎉