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shanapu edited this page Jan 29, 2020 · 2 revisions

Earnings config file - .csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs/MyStore/earnings.txt

This page deals only with the config file of the earnings module.
More general information about the plugin can be found in the earnings module wiki page.

Key Tree

"Earnings"									// Root name of the Keyvalue tree - no influence, not used
	"default"								// Name of the earning group - no influence, not used
		"flags"				""					// Flag to recieve this earnings, no flag = everyone
		"player"			"0"					// Minimal player on server before recieve earnings
		"bots"				"0"					// Do Bot kills count? 0 = no / 1 = yes
		"msg"				"1"					// Notification for earning credits. 0 = disabled / 1 = single notification on every earning / 2 = Sum credits on death or end of round / 3 = shown detailed stats on death or end of round
		"nick"				"mywebsite.tld"		// String in nickname for getting multiplier on credits
		"nick_multi"		"1.2"				// Multiplier for nickname string - multiply with all multiplier and earnings, except dailys
		"groupid"			"123456"			// Steam groupid for getting multiplier on credits
		"groupid_multi"		"1.2"				// Multiplier for groupid - multiply with all multiplier and earnings, except dailys
		"clantag"			"[MyClanTag]"		// String in clantag for getting multiplier on credits
		"clantag_multi"		"1.2"				// Multiplier matching clan tag - multiply with all multiplier and earnings, except dailys
		"timer"				"120"				// Timer time to get earnings for playtime (active/inactive)
		"active"			"1"					// Credits you earn for playing in a team ("timer")
		"inactive"			"0"					// Credits you earn for beeing spectator ("timer")
		"kill"				"10"				// Credits you earn for make a kill
		"tk"				"-100"				// Credits you earn/loose for make a teamkill
		"suicide"			"0"					// Credits you earn/lose for killing yourself/suicide
		"assist"			"5"					// Credits you earn for assisting a kill
		"headshot"			"20"				// Credits you earn for a headshot, additional to kill credits
		"noscope"			"40"				// Credits you earn for a no scope kill with a scoped rifle
		"backstab"			"45"				// Credits you earn for backstabing a player
		"knife"				"20"				// Credits you earn for knife kill
		"taser"				"45"				// Credits you earn for a taser kill
		"he"				"25"				// Credits you earn for he grenade kill
		"flash"				"100"				// Credits you earn for flashbang kill
		"smoke"				"100"				// Credits you earn for smoke grenade kill
		"molotov"			"25"				// Credits you earn for molotov / inc grande kill
		"decoy"				"100"				// Credits you earn for a decoy kill
		"win"				"10"				// Credits you earn for survive and win the round
		"mvp"				"20"				// Credits you earn for beeing the round MVP
		"plant"				"10"				// Credits you earn for planting the bomb
		"defuse"			"10"				// Credits you earn for defuse the bomb
		"explode"			"10"				// Credits you earn for when your planted bomb explode
		"rescued"			"10"				// Credits you earn for you rescued a hostage
		"vip_kill"			"50"				// Credits you earn for killing the VIP, additional to kill credits
		"vip_escape"		"50"				// Credits you earn for beeing the VIP and escape
			"1"				"1000"				// Credits you earn on first day (start challange) - !daily
			"2"				"1500"				// Credits you earn on second day in row - !daily
			"3"				"2000"				// Credits you earn on third day in row - !daily
			"4"				"2500"				// Credits you earn on fourth day in row - !daily
			"5"				"3000"				// Credits you earn on fifth day in row - !daily
			"6"				"3500"				// Credits you earn on sixth day in row - !daily
			"7"				"5000"				// Credits you earn on seventh/last day (end challange) - !daily

Keys and values


Flag to recieve this earnings, no flag = everyone. Also combinations of flags could be used.
Optional attribute - Default value "".


"flags" "" - When a player has no flag this groups will be used.
"flags" "a" - Player need flag "a" to get these earnings.
"flags" "abc" - Player need the flags "a" "b" and "c" to get these earnings.


If no player flag matches the flags of the earning groups and there is no "flag" "" in any group, the first earning group is used.
If a player has more flags and would fit different earning groups, the last earning group is used.


Minimal player on server before recieve earnings. Bots do not count.
Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Do Bot kills count for all following earnings.
Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Define how the players in this group will be notificated about their earnings.

0 = disabled - no notification
1 = single notification on every earning
2 = sum credits on death or end of round
3 = shown detailed stats on death or end of round

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


The string a player needs in nickname for getting "nick_multi" multiplier on credits.
No string "" - disabled
Optional attribute - Default value "".


Multiplier for nickname string "nick" - multiply with all other multiplier and earnings, except dailys.
Optional attribute - Default value 1.0.


You can also use this feature the opposite way. Set a multiplyer smaller than 1.0 and a string you don't like and the players get less credits.


The groupit a player need to be a member to get "groupid_multi" multiplier on credits.
No string "" - disabled
Optional attribute - Default value "".


Multiplier for member of steam group - multiply with all other multiplier and earnings, except dailys.
Optional attribute - Default value 1.0.


You can also use this feature the opposite way. Set a multiplyer smaller than 1.0 and a groupid you don't like and the players get less credits.


The clantag has to use to get "clantag_multi" multiplier on credits.
No string "" - disabled
Optional attribute - Default value "".


Multiplier for player using your clantag - multiply with all other multiplier and earnings, except dailys.
Optional attribute - Default value 1.0.


You can also use this feature the opposite way. Set a multiplyer smaller than 1.0 and a clantag you don't like and the players get less credits.


Amount of seconds playtime ("active"/"inactive") to get earnings.
The timer count the time of active and inactiveness.

Optional attribute - Default value 10.0.


Amount of credits a player set for active playtime.
Active means in a team - T or CT dead or alive.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for idle on server.
Inactive means in spectator.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for killing an enemy.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for killing an teammate.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for suicide.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for assist kill.
Need csgo cvar "mp_display_kill_assists" at "1".

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for a headshot.
Will be added to the kill earning.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for noscope kill.
Of cause only awp, ssg08 (scout), g3sg1 & scar20 (autosnipers). no aug or sg553.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for backstab kill.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for taser kill.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for HE grenade kill.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for knife kill.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for flashbang kill.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for smoke grenade kill.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for molotov or inc grenade kill.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for decoy grenade kill.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for survive and win the round.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for beeing the round MVP.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for planting the bomb.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for defuse the bomb.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove when players planted bomb explode.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for rescued a hostage.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Amount of credits give/remove for killing the VIP, additional to kill credits.
Will be added to the kill earning.

Optional attribute - Default value 0.


Graduation of daily rewards.
Keep the keys "1" - "7" for the seven weekdays. More or less is not possible.
To disable daily rewards for a group set key "1" value to "-1".

	"1"				"1000"				// Credits you earn on first day (start challange) - !daily
	"2"				"1500"				// Credits you earn on second day in row - !daily
	"3"				"2000"				// Credits you earn on third day in row - !daily
	"4"				"2500"				// Credits you earn on fourth day in row - !daily
	"5"				"3000"				// Credits you earn on fifth day in row - !daily
	"6"				"3500"				// Credits you earn on sixth day in row - !daily
	"7"				"5000"				// Credits you earn on seventh/last day (end challange) - !daily


Add a minus - infront to make a negative value will remove the credits from player. This works for all earnings.

Check the confile file for more examples.