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shanapu edited this page Jan 29, 2020 · 1 revision

Toplists misc module

Toplists module provides fancy toplists in a menu. The lists show the Top players in database ordered by amount of Credits, amount of items, worth of items and worth total of items and credits.


Console Commands

sm_toplists - Show toplists menu
sm_topcredits - Show toplist of credit amount
sm_topitems - Show toplist of items amount
sm_topworth - Show toplist of item worth
sm_toptotal - Show toplist of total worth

Console Variables (.csgo/cfg/sourcemod/mystore/settings.cfg)

// Max entrys to show in Toplist
// -
// Default: "10"
// Minimum: "1.000000"
mystore_toplist_max "10"

// If toplist is older thank x seconds query to database
// -
// Default: "300.0"
// Minimum: "5.000000"
mystore_toplist_update_interval "300.0"

How it works

On map start the plugin query the top users of the lists and store them in a array. When a player open a toplist and the time from last query is smaller then the ConVar mystore_toplist_update_interval the plugin will use the stored values from array otherwise it make a new query to database to update toplists.

Some shit for nerds

SQL: SELECT name, credits FROM mystore_players ORDER BY credits DESC LIMIT 10;

SELECT, COUNT(player_id) AS amount FROM mystore_players AS player INNER JOIN mystore_items AS item ON = item.player_id GROUP BY ORDER BY amount DESC LIMIT 10;

SELECT, SUM(item.price_of_purchase) AS worth, COUNT(item.price_of_purchase) AS amount FROM mystore_players AS player INNER JOIN mystore_items AS item ON = item.player_id GROUP BY ORDER BY worth DESC LIMIT 10;

SELECT, (player.credits + SUM(item.price_of_purchase)) AS worth, COUNT(item.price_of_purchase) AS amount FROM mystore_players AS player INNER JOIN mystore_items AS item ON = item.player_id GROUP BY ORDER BY worth DESC LIMIT 10;

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