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Sungho Lee edited this page Nov 14, 2023 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the LAGHOST (sounding 'la-ghost', meaning LAGrangian High-Order Solver for Tectonics) wiki!

LAGHOST is a derivation from Laghos. For versatility and capability to solve geodynamic problems quasistatically, we have added solid constitutive models based on (compressible) linear elasticity, dynamic relaxation and mass scaling.

This wiki will be updated as progress is made.

More information on the on-going and completed tasks can be found in the following pages:

  1. Linear elasticity implementation
  2. Body force
  3. Dynamic Relaxation
  4. Mass scaling
  5. Adaptive time stepping
  6. Rate-independent Plasticity (Mohr-Coulomb)
  7. Rate-dependent Plasticity (Mohr-Coulomb and Duvaut-Lions viscoplasticity)
  8. Remeshing (Target-matrix Optimization Paradigm, TMOP)
  9. Remapping of H1 (GSLIB)
  10. Remmaping of L2 (REMHOS)
  11. Surface diffusion (subdomain approach)
  12. Input file system (Boost library)
  13. Some benchmarks