This treebank contains data of Southern Hausa, for the Zaria dialect of Nigeria (Southern Hausa).
The Zaria (Southern) Hausa, is a "modern" version of the language where the 3-way opposition (masculine / feminine / plural) has been abandoned in the noun system, and only the plurality feature is maintained, while the feminine gender is kept in the pronominal and TAM system.
The treebank contains 1,918 sentences and 14,585 tokens.
It is maintained in the SUD framework: SUD_Hausa-SouthernAutogramm and converted automatically in UD.
Caron, Bernard. 2015. Hausa Grammatical Sketch. In Amina Mettouchi, Martine Vanhove & Dominique Caubet (eds.), Corpus-based Studies of Lesser-described Languages. The CorpAfroAs corpus of spoken AfroAsiatic languages. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- 2024-05-15 v2.14
- Initial release in Universal Dependencies.
=== Machine-readable metadata (DO NOT REMOVE!) ================================ Data available since: UD v2.14 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Includes text: yes Genre: spoken Lemmas: manual native UPOS: manual native XPOS: not available Features: manual native Relations: manual native Contributors: Caron, Bernard Contributing: elsewhere Contact: [email protected] ===============================================================================