311 commits
to master
since this release
- Trait to decrease the cost casting force/tech powers.
- Support for Supreme Accuracy / Aptitude / Durability traits.
- Trait the multiplies the character's carrying capacity.
- Compendium Browser.
- The starship actions, armor, equipment, features, and weapons compendiums have been updated to match the website. (Credits to GreyCouncil#8804).
- Backdrop Icons were moved to packs/Icons/ItemBackdrop.
- Some items that were previously loot (rations, spikes) have been made consumables.
- Some items that were previously equipment (life support except suits, respirators and rations) have been made loot.
- Innate powers no longer count towards your known powers.
- When opening the powerbooks tab, the selected subtab will be one you have levels or powers known.
- Project Restructure. The entire sw5e project has undergone an internal restructuring, more closely matching the dnd5e system. As part of this, the system is now provided as a single, rolled-up file to end users. This means that if your module was previously importing individual files or classes from the sw5e system directory, those imports will no longer work. All of the public classes are available on the sw5e object, however, and this object should be available to your module code immediately, without any need for hooks.
- All weapon icons have been updated to work with the item rarities backdrop.
- Duplicated icons have been removed, and unused icons have been moved to a 'deprecated' folder and will be removed on a further update.
- Items now show a foreground symbol over their icon when they are made a chassis.
- The popup when deleting items from a PC sheet no longer refers to the item as 'undefined'.
- The popup when deleting crew from a Starship sheet no longer refers to the actor as 'undefined'.
- Old archetypes should no longer have model validation issues.
- Deployment description is once again visible and editable.
- Character description is once again editable.
- Starships can once again be created on fresh worlds.
- Starship repair should once again work.
- The character sheet can once again be opened if you have a mismatched archetype.
- Feats can once again be created on fresh worlds.
- The website character importer now properly triggers all advancements.
- Modifications can once again modify boolean properties.
- Deprecated item types no longer show up to be created.
- Huge and Gargantuan ships should now have the proper ammount of hull and shield dice at higher levels.
- Deployments can once again be ranked up.
- Shield Damage Resistances/Immunities/Vulnerabilities should once again be editable.